I'm having an issue with getting the SBL to work from TCM.
I started from the original sbl_ospi_multicore_elf example. The original code is not modified apart from the loop_forever function added at the top of the main().
I'd like to use TCM memory as much as possible to minimize SBL OCM usage to leave the most space to the application.
Therefore I modified TCMA region size to 64K and and TCMB region size to 192K.
MPU config is the following :
For now, I'm trying to put the stack segment in TCMA see below.
Plan will be to move .bss to TCMB.
When executing the code, the execution proceeds until this where the code calls for bootloader_InitCpu
Which in turn calls Bootloader_socMemInitCpu
Then get stuck in a while loop waiting for TCMA initialisation or triggers a reset.
Can you please advise on what causes the behaviour ?
My understanding if the TCMA & TCMB are already enabled for the Core0 ?
How would you recommend using TCMs for SBL ?