AM6422: Getting Yocto build on offline host, How to Prepare Downloads Folder

Part Number: AM6422



I am trying to prepare a VM I can get the offline Yocto build. Firstly, I build tisdk-base-image on VM with internet access and transfer this VM to offline host. In this way, I prepared the Downloads folder.

Then, I can get the tisdk-base-image build on the offline host without any problems, but when I add my own layer, Yocto tries to do_fetch from the meta-ti/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/ and oe-core/meta/recipes-core/systemd/ files.

Called addresses:, branch: ti-linux-6.1.y, branch: v250-table


It isn't possible for me to transfer the the yocto layer to online host. Where are these files trying to be downloaded? How can I manually download them and transfer them to an offline host?

Thank you.

  • Then, I can get the tisdk-base-image build on the offline host without any problems, but when I add my own layer, Yocto tries to do_fetch from the meta-ti/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/ and oe-core/meta/recipes-core/systemd/ files.

    You need to do the preparations with your own layer added in, to make sure the right snapshots of the different artifacts will get pulled. You cant make changes to the sources and then expect all the artifacts that are needed to be there already.

    You may also want to consider the explicit and official steps in the Yocto documentation for creating (and using) "source mirror tarballs", see here:

    Regards, Andreas