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Hi TI experts,
I have completed my custom board schematics based on AM64x SOC. Could you guide me on reviewing the schematics.
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Hi Board designers
We currently do not support schematics review over E2E.
You could do a self-review following the below steps that includes detailed custom board schematic design guidelines and schematics review checklist.
In case if you have additional queries, start an E2E thread for experts to support.
Below are the recommended steps to be followed for performing a self-review:
Step-1: Design Guidelines to be followed during custom board design
Review the below collaterals and verify the custom board design follow these requirements/recommendations
Schematic Design Guidelines for AM64x and AM243x processor family
FAQ for pin attributes in excel
Design notes D-Note and Review notes R-Notes
During custom board design, customers tend to reuse the SK design files and make edits to the design file. Alternatively customers reuse some of the common implementations including the SOC, memory and communication interfaces. Since the SK is expected to have additional functionalities, customers optimize the SK implementation to suit their board design requirements. While optimizing the SK schematics, errors get introduced into the custom design that could cause functional, performance or reliability issues. When optimizing customers have queries regarding the SK implementation resulting in design errors. Many of the optimization and design errors are common across designs. Based on the learnings and data sheet pin connectivity recommendations, comprehensive Design Notes (D-Note:), Review Notes (R-Note:) and Cad Notes (Cad Note:) have been added near each section of the SK schematic that customers could review and follow to minimize errors. Additional files as part of the design downloads have been included to support customer evaluation.
Step-2: Frequently Asked Questions FAQs - review relevant FAQs from the master list before completing the design
Step-3: Self-Review - Refer to the below documents and FAQs to perform a self-review
Once the custom board schematics design is complete following the design guidelines provided in the above application note and referring to the SK schematics (including the design notes and review notes) and other available collaterals, customer can do a self-review using the checklist provided at the end of each design guidelines section.
Example: Processor Core and Peripheral Core Power Supply Checklist, General Board Bring-up and Debug Checklist
Note on the checklist:
We now have an excel checklist that references the sections of the design guide and provides comprehensive list that can be used to review the custom board schematic design.
There is a Checklist_Summary tab that could be filled after reviewing each section to ensure review completeness as well as asking queries over E2E or referring to available collaterals for clarifications.
Refer Schematic Review Checklist for AM64x and AM243x processor family section
Fill the Checklist_Summary Tab and share with the review request as required. The key to the Review Comments column headings is: NA, Not Applicable; NC, Not Checked; OK, Checked, Updated, need clarifications.
Add additional details when required.
FAQs for common errors observed during schematic review
Notes on the Processor Family Specific Application Note
Processor Family Specific Application Note
This application note is for the AM64x and AM243x family of processors covering AM6442, AM6441, AM6422,
AM6421, AM6412, AM6411, AM2434, AM2432, AM2431 - ALV package.
The application notes covers the design guidelines and review checklist for specific family of processors.
Processor family specific application note makes it easy to use for the chosen family of processors.
Schematics Design Guidelines
The application note provides guidelines for all the peripherals supported by AM64x and AM243x processor
families. Users can follow schematic design guidelines during the custom board schematic design. Along with the guidelines, links to FAQs are provided for use during custom board schematic design. Schematics design guidelines helps board designers reduce the design efforts and minimize design errors that can affect functionality and performance.
Schematic Review Checklist
Schematic review checklist at the end of each section has been newly added to the application note. All
the relevant peripheral or power sections in the application note includes checklist categorized as General,
Schematic Review, and Additional. Board designers can use the checklist to do a self-review of the custom
board schematics to minimize possible errors that may cause functional or performance issues resulting in
increased board bring-up and testing time.
Step-5: Submit Schematic review request
This is optional.
Work with TI local TI support you are working to submit schematics review request after doing a self-review and making the required updates
In case you do not have access to the TI sales, fill the Checklist_Summary tab of the schematic review excel checklist and share the schematics on E2E for a quick check. The timeline for the review is expected to be 2..3 weeks minimum and could be more based on the number of requests submitted.
We need the following inputs:
Additional collaterals for reference
Hardware Design Considerations:
DDR Board Design and Layout Guidelines: