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OMAP4:BLAZE:Android: simultaneously two different audio playback at HDMI and Speaker

Hi ,

I am using Omap4 Blaze board with Android Ice-cream sandwitch codebase where I have an usecase to play two different media audio at two different output ( for example one audio clip to HDMI and another to speaker/Head phone) . Is it supported by the underlying TI Hardware ?

If yes , then how should I check that ? Any testapplication can be ran to verify ? Any configurations need to be changed.

Please help !


  • Hi Danny,

    Yes, it is supported by TI, but having the audio in HDMI when plugged in is like the default configuration in mobiles, so if you want to break with that you have to modify the Android audio HAL that takes care of open the drivers, send the streams, etc.

    Happy hacking :)

  • Hi Israel,

    Thanks for responding . I did changes in Audio Hal,Audio Policy Manager to achieve the same. It worked fine !

    Dhanajit Roy 

  • Hi Danny,

    That's good, thank you for share your achievement. That will help other user.

  • Hello Dhananjit,

        Can the same be done with the panda board also? I am new to Android. kindly can you please share the file names also. It will be of great help.


    Abhishek Saha

  • Hi Dhanajit Roy,

    I use Omap4 Blaze board too, i want to make audio to both hdmi and headset. I think it is same your case.Could you tell me how to do that. you said you changed in Audio Hal,Audio Policy Manager. is that right, you changed in three files:audio_hw.c,hdmi_audio_hw.c, AudioPolicyManagerBase.cpp ?

    Thank in advance!