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DDR Memory Test

I am working on a custom board design based on Spectrum Digital's TI8168EVM.

I would like to define a method to test DDR memory in our production line so that we can detect any soldering problems that might occur during our manufacturing process.

Is there a recommended way to test DDR memory in a fast way either on Linux or in U-Boot?

I have found a command in u-boot named mtest that seems to perform a very basic test, but I am not able to test the complete 1GB memory on my system.

Taking a deeper look into my problem, I have discovered that U-Boot is placing part of its code on 0x40400000 (SRAM) and 0x80700000 (DDR RAM), so I can understand why my system crashes when testing some of the addresses.

Why is it that looking at my code and board/ti/ti8168/ are showing me that U-Boot should be at address 0x80700000, but doing md -s in U-boot I can see that there's actually some sort of information starting at address 0x806F4000 ? What is that information, and why does my system crash when I try to write there?

What can I do to be able to test my whole RAM address range, from 80000000 to C0000000 ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

  • The standard U-Boot memory test is very basic. There's also an advanced version of this under the post/ folder but you'll need to adapt it for DM8168.

    There's also a memtester utility that you can use from the kernel. It does a very comprehensive testing and you'll can try that out.

    Xabier Marquiegui said:
    I can see that there's actually some sort of information starting at address 0x806F4000 ? What is that information, and why does my system crash when I try to write there?

    This would be the runtime environment for U-Boot. Depending on what you overwrite you will get unexpected results.

    Xabier Marquiegui said:
    What can I do to be able to test my whole RAM address range, from 80000000 to C0000000 ?

    Once the standard U-Boot and Linux start executing there will always be some memory location that will be occupied by them. You can either skip the necessary region or you could explore using a U-Boot version running from internal memory and then run a mtest over the full memory space.



  • Hi Xabier,

    I'm just starting to work on the same task and I believe you  have it already done.

    Could you tell me please,  what and where I have to change in order to make U-boot running from internal memory only?

    Thanks a lot !

  • Hi, Yuri!

    You need build u-boot with minimal configuration:

    make ti8168_evm_min_ocmc

  • Thank you for quick response. 

    Now I'm trying to toggle GPIO (pin 26) from u-boot. The code shown below works fine if I compile it  by using

    make ti8168_evm_config  but does not work  with  make ti8168_evm_min_ocmc

    I'll be appreciated for any help

    u32 gpio_reg_val = 0;

    #define TI816X_GPIO0_BASE 0x48032000

    /*pin mux GPIO 26*/
     __raw_writel(0x02, 0x48140B20);

    /* enable GPIO clock*/

    __raw_writel(0x102, 0x4818155c);

    while((__raw_readl(0x4818155c) & 0x3) != 0x2);

    __raw_writel(0x102, 0x48181560);

    while((__raw_readl(0x48181560) & 0x3) != 0x2);

    gpio_reg_val = 0x04000000;

     __raw_writel(gpio_reg_val, TI816X_GPIO0_BASE + 0x194);

     gpio_reg_val = ~(0x04000000);

    __raw_writel(gpio_reg_val, TI816X_GPIO0_BASE + 0x134);

     gpio_reg_val = 0x04000000;

    __raw_writel(gpio_reg_val, TI816X_GPIO0_BASE + 0x190);


  • Hi Yuri!

    In file ti8168_evm.h all subsystems were disabled:

    # undef CONFIG_MMC
    # undef CONFIG_NAND
    # undef CONFIG_SPI
    # undef CONFIG_I2C
    # define CONFIG_NO_ETH

    May be this code simply not compile? Or this configuration settings exclude some additional initialization.

  • Hi,

    We've built u-boot with ti8168_evm_min_ocmc, but unfortunately, don't  get any reply from uart. (BTW with ti8168_config  everything OK).

    Did you have same issue?


  • Hi, Yuri!

    Did you see this wiki page?

    May be this information will be useful for you.

    I don't have any problems with messages from UART2.

  • Hi,

    I have implemented a DDR test  in my uboot ported for my custom platform. But it doesn't seem to catch any address/data line shorts.

    The code for ddr test is as below:

    for ( l1 = ddr_base; l1 < DDR_START + size; )
    printf("W[0x%x] = 0x%x\n", l1, ~l1);
    *( volatile unsigned int* )l1 = ~l1;
    if (shift)
    shift <<= 1;
    shift = 4;
    l1 = ddr_base + shift;

    shift = 0;
    for ( l2 = ddr_base; l2 < DDR_START + size; )
    read = *( volatile unsigned int* )l2;
    printf("R[0x%x] = 0x%x\n", l2, read);
    if ( read/**( volatile unsigned int* )l2*/ != ~l2 )
    printf("Inv addr failed at %x (%x)\n",l2,*( volatile unsigned int* )l2);
    if (shift)
    shift <<= 1;
    shift = 4;
    l2 = ddr_base + shift;

    could somebody point me out if there is any obvious issue with the above code as this is able to read data correctly even address line short.

  • Another possible alternative is the DDR test from Spectrum digital's BSP.  I've run it successfully with CCS 5.2 & the XDS100v2.

  • Hello argeebee,

    Can you provide more details about the DDR test from Spectrum Digital's BSP? Can you share the link? 

    Thanks a lot!


  • You can download it from their website:

    Scroll down to DM816x/C6A816x/AM389x EVM Software Resources, Gel file, Test Code

  • Hi argeebee, 

    I've got the test code archive downloaded and found the DDR test code. Thank you so much!


  • Hi Vaibhav,
    I am working on u-boot. I am new to this environment.
    Here my main task is i have to test ddr memory(full memory ) from u-boot.
    I heard that we can run u-boot from IRAM and can test the compleate ddr.
    Would you please guide me how to do that.
    If you can provide any links will be helpful.
    my id is
  • Hi Jyoshna,

    To test ddr from u-boot, you can use the mtest command. More info in the below links:

  • Thanks for the quick reply.
    Yeah mtest i know. But i dont know how to run u-boot from IRAM.
    I have 256kb of IRAM i am not sure where to make the configurations to run u-boot from IRAM.
  • Jyoshna,

    Are you using DM816x device? What do you mean by "IRAM"? Is this DDR3 RAM? Or OCMC L3 RAM? Or else?

  • Hi Pavel,
    Its Zync-702 board.
    IRAM means Internal RAM its different from DDR . Generally it is used to execute the 1st stage bootloaders.
  • Jyoshna,

    DM814x/TI814x device has OCMC RAM which should be same as the Zync-702 IRAM. The DM814x/TI814x OCMC RAM size is 128KB and is used for the 1st stage bootloaders (u-boot-min) only as it has no place for the 2nd stage bootloader (u-boot.bin) which is transferred and run from DDR3.

    DM816x/TI816x device has OCMC RAM which should be same as the Zync-702 IRAM. The DM816x/TI816x OCMC RAM size is 512KB which is enough for the whole u-boot, thus u-boot.bin is not transferred in DDR3.

    For how to run the 1st stage bootloader (u-boot.min) from the DM814x/TI814x OCMC RAM see the below user guide:

    For Zync-702 board specific questions, you should ask Xilinx support team.
