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nand-flash-writer problem

We are developing DM8168 custom board. We have attached 8-bit NAND flash (K9F2G08U0B) to DM8168.

When fusing u-boot using nand-flash-writer.out, the following error occurs. Maybe nand-flash-writer.out is the problem.

How to modify nand-flash-writer source files to support 8-bit NAND flash (K9F2G08U0B)?

Starting NETRA NAND writer

 Device ID : 0xda
 Manufacture ID : 0xec
 Page Size : 2048 Bytes
 Spare Size : 64 Bytes
 Pages_Per_Block : 64
 Number_of_Blocks : 2048
 Device_width : 1 Byte
 DeviceSize : 256 MB

 Setting the ECC scheme
  Set the BCH 8 bit ECC scheme  .... done
Preparing to Flash image ....
Opening image ... done.
Erasing Required Blocks [start = 0, count = 2]...Done
Flashing image ...
Number of blocks needed for header and data: 0x2
Attempting to start write in block number 0x0.
Writing image data to Block 0 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
Attempting to start write in block number 0x1.
Writing image data to Block 1 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
Attempting to start write in block number 0x2.
Writing image data to Block 2 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
Attempting to start write in block number 0x3.
Writing image data to Block 3 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page


  • Hi, Seung Youl Lee88055!

    look at file NETRA_device.c It have struct GPMC_ConfigNANDDefault with default parameters. You need change fields of this struct for your device. And look at the function to configure GPMC: NETRA_DEVICE_setGPMC().

    GPMC_Config_t GPMC_ConfigNANDDefault = {
            // Rom Code Defaults.
    May be it is wrong.
  • Hi idle...

    we have investigated and modified the "Rom Code Default". But, currently we have no good result.


  • In our custom board I have 8-bit NAND. And programmed it in two steps:

    1) Run nand-flash-writer.out and erase all NAND. Exit from application. Disconnect target from CCS. Turn off/on power on the board.

    2) Run nand-flash-writer.out again connect target and program image. 

    That is all.

    P.S. If I tried to program image in one step, I has the same error as you.

  • Hi Vladimir, how to run nand-flash-writer.out. I created one project by importing file from given directory. compiled successfully. now 1. loaded gel file successful. 2. load nand flash writer out file, it runs and nothing is coming to debug or to the serial terminal. what should I do next. Regards Vivek
  • Hi, Vivek!

    Sorry, but I don't remember in detailes all steps.

    1) If remember in CCS project I hardcoded my location of burning image file, rebuild, and then run program. CCS outpu was in the CCS console. Not in terminal.

    2) I compile u-boot with ti8168_evm_min_ocmc configuartion but enable only NAND and/or SPI support:

    in file include/configs/ti8168_evm.h

    # undef CONFIG_MMC
    //# undef CONFIG_NAND - enable
    //# undef CONFIG_SPI - enable
    # undef CONFIG_I2C
    # define CONFIG_NO_ETH

    Load u-boot ocmc image in CPU via JTAG and program NAND or SPI from u-boot command line.  Output and u-boot command line was in serial console.
