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We are developing DM8168 custom board. We have attached 8-bit NAND flash (K9F2G08U0B) to DM8168.
When fusing u-boot using nand-flash-writer.out, the following error occurs. Maybe nand-flash-writer.out is the problem.
How to modify nand-flash-writer source files to support 8-bit NAND flash (K9F2G08U0B)?
Starting NETRA NAND writer
Device ID : 0xda
Manufacture ID : 0xec
Page Size : 2048 Bytes
Spare Size : 64 Bytes
Pages_Per_Block : 64
Number_of_Blocks : 2048
Device_width : 1 Byte
DeviceSize : 256 MB
Setting the ECC scheme
Set the BCH 8 bit ECC scheme .... done
Preparing to Flash image ....
Opening image ... done.
Erasing Required Blocks [start = 0, count = 2]...Done
Flashing image ...
Number of blocks needed for header and data: 0x2
Attempting to start write in block number 0x0.
Writing image data to Block 0 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
Attempting to start write in block number 0x1.
Writing image data to Block 1 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
Attempting to start write in block number 0x2.
Writing image data to Block 2 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
Attempting to start write in block number 0x3.
Writing image data to Block 3 Page0x0
Verify failed. Attempting to clear page
Hi, Seung Youl Lee88055!
look at file NETRA_device.c It have struct GPMC_ConfigNANDDefault with default parameters. You need change fields of this struct for your device. And look at the function to configure GPMC: NETRA_DEVICE_setGPMC().
GPMC_Config_t GPMC_ConfigNANDDefault = {
// Rom Code Defaults.
May be it is wrong.
Hi idle...
we have investigated and modified the "Rom Code Default". But, currently we have no good result.
In our custom board I have 8-bit NAND. And programmed it in two steps:
1) Run nand-flash-writer.out and erase all NAND. Exit from application. Disconnect target from CCS. Turn off/on power on the board.
2) Run nand-flash-writer.out again connect target and program image.
That is all.
P.S. If I tried to program image in one step, I has the same error as you.
Hi, Vivek!
Sorry, but I don't remember in detailes all steps.
1) If remember in CCS project I hardcoded my location of burning image file, rebuild, and then run program. CCS outpu was in the CCS console. Not in terminal.
2) I compile u-boot with ti8168_evm_min_ocmc configuartion but enable only NAND and/or SPI support:
in file include/configs/ti8168_evm.h
# undef CONFIG_MMC
//# undef CONFIG_NAND - enable
//# undef CONFIG_SPI - enable
# undef CONFIG_I2C
# define CONFIG_NO_ETH
Load u-boot ocmc image in CPU via JTAG and program NAND or SPI from u-boot command line. Output and u-boot command line was in serial console.