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boot loader does not branch to entry point

Hello, We have developed a Area-velocity sensor which is in production currently (since october 2011) using TMS320C5509a. The DSP boots using the SPI EEPROM boot mode from an external Atmel flash device. For the most part the boot mechanism works fine - After a power on reset, the DSP starts booting and loads the boot table and then jumps to the start location specified in the boot table and executes the project. We used to see occasional failure of the device to boot but it would mostly recover on a second attempt and we would get the boot failure information only after observing the diagnostic log. The problem was hard to re-create and even harder to debug in the field.

We now have 1 sensor which is constantly failing to boot and upon debugging I observed that the boot table is being loaded onto the DSP after the power on reset but after the table is loaded, the DSP doesnot jump to the entry point and start the execution but rather just freezes. To make sure the flash data is not corrupt, I observed the initial contents of the boot table and they are as expected and entry point address is correct. We have made sure the boot table does not contain any destinations lower than word address 0100h and I can provide the map file. Please help us investigate what the problem is and let me know what kind of information you need from our side to get to the root of this problem. As I mentioned, the product is already in field and it will be a big problem if we start seeing more failures of this sort.

Thanks and regards

Swetha Krishnamurthy