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EZSDK 8bit NAND support problem



Today, I received EZSDK

The release notes tells 8bit NAND supported.

So, I have tested samsung K9F2G08 (2Mbit) on my DM8168 EVM Rev.C. ( CS0BW is off )

But, uboot tells "No NAND device found".

Following is uboot's messages.


U-Boot 2010.06 (Apr 29 2012 - 20:28:20)

TI8168-GP rev 1.1

ARM clk: 987MHz
DDR clk: 796MHz

I2C:   ready
DRAM:  2 GiB
NAND:  HW ECC BCH8 Selected
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xec, Chip ID: 0xda (Samsung NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-b)
NAND bus width 16 instead 8 bit
No NAND device found!!!
0 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC or NAND, using default environment


How can I use 8bit NAND on my DM8168 EVM?


  • Additional info:

    I found some strange thing.

    Before I use 8bit NAND, the CS0BW is already OFF. When I used Micron 16bit NAND, the CS0BW was OFF.

    Using 16bit NAND, NAND boot always success regardless of CS0BW's state.

    It seems that CS0BW is not related NAND bus width. Is it right?

  • simple solution.

    In drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c, remove checking NAND_BUSWIDTH_16 codes. (line 2706 ~ 2714)