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Dear sirs,
I have two problems on the evaluation board and I want to ask you some feedback.
1) The RBL in ethernet boot mode. Did you have tested it? Can you give me feedback on this please?
I did the procedure written in the mcsdk_2_01_01_04 but the DSP don't boot,. The procedure in follow describe the steps:
ROM Ethernet boot example "ti\mcsdk_2_01_01_04\tools\boot_loader\examples\ethernet\docs"
A simple example demonstrating ROM Ethernet boot.
Directory structure:
docs - directory contains the README.txt
simple - directory contains the batch/make file to build the simple example
Utilities - directory contains the utilities to convert the hex6x boot table file
to the Ethernet boot format data file:
bconvert64x.exe - Convert a hex6x boot table file into the format required
by the c6x chip boot loader.
bootpacket.exe - Convert a boot table to Ethernet boot format
Steps to build the example:
1. Run "simple.bat" under "tools\boot_loader\examples\ethernet\simple\". This will build the simple.out and use
hex6x.exe (delivered in CG tools package) to convert the .out to a boot table file, and then use the
bconvert64x.exe/bootpacket.exe to convert the hex6x boot table file to the Ethernet boot format data file,
Steps to send the simple.eth from the Host to the target DSP
1. Boot the target DSP in ROM Ethernet boot mode.
The DIP switch setting for C6657 EVM is:
SW3(pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4, pin5, pin6, pin7, pin8): off, on, off, on, on, on, on, off
SW5(pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4, pin5, pin6, pin7, pin8): on, off, on, off, off, on, on, on
2. Once the DSP boots up, it transmits BOOTP packet at regular interval which will have the MAC ID of the DSP.
3. Add an ARP entry for the DSP MAC address associating with an IP local to the host. For example if the host PC's
IP is, then add an ARP entry with the DSP's MAC address associated with IP address
4. Use the pcsendpkt.exe to send the image to the DSP using the associated IP address. For example
pcsendpkt.exe simple.eth (After this the DSP continue to send Bootp Packet)
5. Use CCS to connect the EVM, and check that A1 register is set to 0x11223344, that confirms the simple program
is received and booted by the ROM boot loader.(The value in A1 reg is not 0x11223344)
1. In order to compile the pcsendpkt.c file please compile with -lwsock32 option for using windows socket. (I tried to recomipile it but I don't note any changes, olso I tried to change the src and dest port but nothing changes)
2. Please refer to the C66x DSP Bootloader User's Guide ( for more details.(I red itfirst)
3. Please refer to C6678L/C6670L/C6657L EVM boot mode dip switch settings:
and User's Guide for more details:
2) The second problem is, always arrowed to the boot but on IBL etherneth Boot.
I did the procedure written at page 81 and page 113 of BIOS MCSDK 2.0 User GUIDE
I have the same problem and the same questions : The DSP don't boot, can you give feedback on it?
hi massimiliano,
Did you get the BOOTP packet as mention in the doc? Also can you get me a screen capture of the ccs debug window?
One more suggestion. Do the program evm opration to bring back the device into factory default and try out.
Hi Arun,
Thank you for attention, there is, in follows, the packet transmitted from my PC towards the EVM. I don't see any mismatch except for the UDP port, but i'll tried to change them (recompiling send pcsendpkt.exe) with no effects.
The DSP, for my sorrow, continues to send the bootp packet and by the CCS5 in A1 register , like the example, the value is 0x00000001. I'll send you the imago of ccs5 if you want.
Could you try on yours EVM ?
Let me know Arun
thank you
I can try but
I had evaluate the procedure on 3 EVM with the same results so...
I'll try!
i did the ethernet boot using evm6670, the readme.txt tell me that i will receive the bootp packet from dsp,but i did not know which software should i use for receive the packet ,could you tell me!
you can use wire shark.
(use direct ethernet connection PC -->board)
Hi Massimiliano,
I might not be able to get to it this week. So let us do few more test. Can you check if you have code transfered into the DSP and the boot magic address is set correctly. Checking the simple map file, i see the code is loaded to 0x810000. Can you see if you have correct values in that location. Also boot magic address is populated with correct branch address.
I'm following (problem 2) the read me file
and something is changed:
- the IBL configured directly run, I dont know why writing the the boot table in eeprom I have problems.