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I have Connected a direct raw data source(720p ARGB) to ISS via CSI2 and I like to use ducati via omx_camera to get the preview and I manage to bypass sensor detection but stuck at fillthis buffer call.
I just wanted to know whatever I'm trying is a feasible solution or NOT. I have attached the Ducati and Logcat logs for the reference.
This option is feasible, but can not be discussed further on a public forum. Ducati software is not open source. Please move this discussion to internal OMAP4 forum.
Hi Mayank,
As you said ISS can take only bayer and yuv formats and ARGB is not supported.
Another suggestion is through DSS writeback pipeline can you please tell us in details abt this..
What details do you need? Please go through DSS chapter of TRM and ask specific questions. Preferably, start a new thread for DSS questions.
Hi Raja,
We made an analysis. As Mayank specified in the first post this scheme is feasible but we can not provide details about the Ducati.
One thing we can advice is that In the dummy driver you have to specify the correct data format, because otherwise the buffers will not have the right size.
Other thing is that we see a crash in the logcat attached on line 1957 which you may investigate.
Hi Tsvetan,
Thank you for the reply...
I have a created a TI internal Forum query
Please check the latest logcat and ducatilogs attached
We can discuss further in the internal forum.
Hi Tsvetan,
Now I'm able to get the frames from CSI2 but with artifacts,I have used ov5640 settings as a dummy sensor.
Can you please tell the settings so that I can get the correct frames width = 1280 height = 720