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I have a fail message during flashing the application to NOR flash
I just flow the instruction of C:\ti\mcsdk_2_01_01_04\tools\boot_loader\ibl\doc\evmc6657-instructions.txt
In this file, I already do the FTFP successfuly.
But, I have problem NOR flash example.
I alreay done below procedure 1. I have not problem. It works. I verify my EVM to testing TFTP boot
1.. Programing "IBL" on the EEPROM at bus address 0x51
(a) Use the I2C EEPROM writer for c6657 EVM from the MCSDK distribution.
(b) Program i2crom_0x51_c6657_le.bin (IBL image) to the EEPROM at I2C BUS address 0x51 following the EEPROM writer's procedure.
But, Below procedure is not done for me.
2. Programming the application on NAND or NOR flash
NOTE: This step is not needed if the application is booted from Ethernet.
(a) Use the NAND or NOR writer c6657 EVM from the tools directory.
(a) Flash the Application to NAND or NOR. For instructions please follow the instructions given along with the NAND/NOR writer.
I follow above instruction, I use the nor writer utility for write appication to NOR flash.
I use the application that C:\ti\mcsdk_2_01_01_04\tools\boot_loader\examples\i2c\nor\evmc6657l\bin\i2cnorboot_evm6657l.out
(I just change the file name from i2cnorboot_evm6657l.out to app.bin based on nor writer utility README.txt)
The CCS console display below message.
[C66xx_0] NOR Writer Utility Version
[C66xx_0] Flashing sector 0 (0 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Flashing sector 1 (65536 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Flashing sector 2 (131072 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Flashing sector 3 (196608 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Flashing sector 4 (262144 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Flashing sector 5 (327680 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Flashing sector 6 (393216 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Reading and verifying sector 0 (0 bytes of 453584)
[C66xx_0] Failure in sector 0, at byte 24, (at byte 0 in the data file) expected 0x00000040, read 0x000000a0
[C66xx_0] NOR read verify failed
How do I fix it?
I have another question.
The README.txt file (location: C:\ti\mcsdk_2_01_01_04\tools\boot_loader\examples\i2c\nor\docs\README.txt)
Steps to program i2cnorboot to NOR:
1. Be sure IBL and boot configuration table are programmed to I2C EEPROM bus address 0x51, if IBL and/or boot configuration table are not programmed, refer to tools\boot_loader\ibl\doc\README.txt on how to program the IBL and boot configuration table to EEPROM.
2. Copy tools\boot_loader\examples\i2c\nor\evmc66xxl\bin\i2cnorboot_evm66xxl.out to tools\writer\nor\evmc66xxl\bin, rename it to app.bin, and refer to tools\writer\nor\docs\README.txt on how to program the app.bin to NOR flash.
3. Once the programming is completed successfully, set the boot dip switches to I2C master mode, bus address 0x51 and boot parameter index to be 0.
4. After POR, IBL will boot the hello world image from NOR.
In above step, step 2 is correct? I think .out CCS's executable file should be covert to banary file (.bin) format in understanding to C6657.
The README.txt just rename the .out file to .bin file. I wonder it.
Please advice me.
Thank you.
Just RESET the EVM and Emulator!!!!!!!!
Have still problem?
OK! RESET again, and again. This is just solution.