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CCS 5.5 linux bios-mcsdk install fails


ccs5.5 fails to install bios components on Ubuntu 13.04



When ccs finds the new products the following error is emitted when accepted:

Operation details
Your original request has been modified.
"SYS/BIOS (IDE Client)" will be ignored because a newer version is already installed.
"Third-Party Components for GMF Runtime " will be ignored because a newer version is already installed.
"RTSC/XDCtools (IDE Client)" will be ignored because a newer version is already installed.
Cannot complete the install because some dependencies are not satisfiable [] cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable.

It would seem this error has been around for a while - I note forum posts for ccs5.4 in May this year:

It was promised in that post that it would be fixed with an upcoming BIOS-MCSDK release scheduled for Aug-Sep 2013. I note there has been no release. Can you please advise?


  • Hi Ian,

    we have looked at this and there are fixes already implemented in the next MCSDK release scheduled for later this quarter so it should be resolved in a short while...

    I talked to a team member and we believe it may be as simple as removing the ws="win32" line from the following files:

    I am currently recreating your installation environment  within a VM with CCS5.5 and the Linux version of the MCSDK. I have not yethad time to confirm this fix. Can you perhaps remove this one line from these files (be sure to leave the closing bracket '>') and attempts to import to CCS again on your install?

    NB: There may be a couple more components that we missed but the same principle applies to these files also.


  • Please also remove the same flag: ws="win32" from the same locations in each of your PDK folders as well.

    For example for the 6678 PDK folder:





    Let us know if this helps,

    Jason Reeder

  • Hi Jason,

    having tested this on CCS5.5.0.0077 and Ubuntu 12.04 I still get 3 component failures even after the .xml files have been modified above:

    1. mcsdk_2_01_02_06
    2. ndk_2_21_01_38 (this is another issue I think)
    3. pdk_C6678_1_1_2_6 ( I only installed this and deselected the PDKs for 6670 and 6657)

    There must be some other references to these filters or perhaps they are cached somehow.



  • Were you able to get past the filter error that occurred before (below)? Or did you remove the flags before trying the first time? Can you post a picture or a description of the errors that you are now receiving? [] cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable.

  • Sure.

    After the initial install which showed the issue described by Ian I de-selected these 3 components then let the wizard run which imported the new components and restarted CCS.  Still detected 3 components and import failed.

    I then edited the components .xml files as described to remove the win32 references and unfortunately it made no difference.

    These components remain unable to import:

     A grep for text in files from the TI install tree does not show any likely omitted entries:

    grep -r "win32" .


  • Hi Jason,

    incidentally I just re-installed CCS 5 and the MCSDK on Win7 64 and the ndk_2_21_01_38 (only) fails to import on CCS restart with the error below:

    An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
      session context was:(profile=epp.package.cpp, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
      Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.ti.rtsc.NDK.product_2.21.1.38,
        File has invalid content:C:\Users\a0xxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\signatureFile6905160517476548289.jar
          Invalid content:plugin.xml
          The file "plugin.xml" in the jar "C:\Users\a0xxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\signatureFile6905160517476548289.jar" has been tampered!

    Maybe there is a correlation with some damaged files in the MCSDK install tree?


  • It's now July 2014 and I'm having the exact same problem regarding the PDKs "cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable". I've removed the win32 attributes in the XML files mentioned, but to no avail.

    Is there a fix for this yet? I'm using CCS 5.5.

  • 1 more year passed. No new MCSDK. No fix for this bug...
  • Hi,
    Yes, as of now, don't have a plan for MCSDK release on Keystone1 devices.

    We have workaround for that, like after import, you need to set path of every package that you use (IPC,NDK,DSPLIB etc.,) for every project that you import.