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i am facing some problem in creating UBIFS image, please anybody help me.
i am issuing following command to create UBIFS image
mkfs.ubifs -r /srikanta/ezsdk/ti-ezsdk_dm816x-evm_5_05_02_00/filesystem/target_fs_ubifs -m 4096 -e 512KiB -c 2048 -o /tftpbootubifs/ubifs.img
i am getting the following error: output file cannot be in the UBIFS root directory.
i have extracted the "ezsdk-dm816x-evm-rootfs.tar " file in "target_fs_ubifs" folder.
can anybody please help me to solve this issue. Since i am new to linux can you please be some elaborate on explaining.
Can you try the same command using "sudo" in front of it?
Best regards,
hi... i tried yours but then also same error..
now iam getting the new error like "failed to open the file /......../sbin/mount.nfs
Did you get both errors with the sudo command or did you do something different to get the second error?
What command caused the second error?
Best regards,
Hi.. i tried different command and i got that error. Actually i was creating the ubifs.img in the same direcory where i have installed the rootfs. Now i created a new directory and i gave the path to the new directory.
I am able to create the ubifs.img in the destnation, but with the error saying "
"failed to open the file /srikanta/ezsdk/ti-ezsdk_dm816x-evm_5_05_02_00/filesystem/target_fs_ubifs/sbin/mount.nfs"
Please check if this file exists and also check it's permissions and owner.
Best regards,
i checked that file exists, and in the permissions it t is like Owner: root access: read only.
Owner: group access:no access
Owner:others access:no access
you tell me one more thing, what is the volume size i need to give in ubifs.cfg file
-m 4096 -e 512KiB -c 2048 and also
image=ubifs.img <== Source image
vol_id=0 <== Volume ID in UBI image
vol_size=----( <== Volume size????????????????????????????
vol_type=dynamic <== Allow for dynamic resize
vol_name=rootfs <== Volume name
The file should be accessible with the "sudo" command.
Srikanta G C said:you tell me one more thing, what is the volume size i need to give in ubifs.cfg file
Please read this post, where this is explained:
Other useful links:
Best regards,
Hi.. Miroslav
thank you verry much for the reply, i followed that link and i got what to write in the ubifs.cfg.
I need one more clarification from you can you please verify, what i have calculated is right or not???
I am using MT29F16G08ABACAWP NAND flash chip, with the following parameter in the datasheet.
SLC NAND flash
Page size x8: 4320 bytes (4096 + 224 bytes)
– Block size: 128 pages (512K + 28K bytes)
– Plane size: 2 planes x 2048 blocks per plane
– Device size: 16Gb: 4096 blocks;
32Gb: 8192 blocks; 64Gb: 16,384 block
-m 4096
-e 512KiB
-c 4075
i.e.... SP PEB SIZE = 512KiB
SL LEB SIZE = SP- 2*2KiB =512-4= 508kiB
P Total number of PEBs on the MTD device = 2GiB / 512 kiB = 4096
B Number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling 1% of P 41
O The overhead related to storing EC and VID headers in bytes =SP -SL =4KiB
UBI overhead = (B+4)*SP+O*(P-B-4) = (41+4)*512KiB+4kiB(4096-41-4) = 53
this leaves withP-53=4096-53= 4043 PEB's or 2070016KiB
2070016/ SL = 4075 ( -c)
volume size 2070016kiB (2021MiB)
please let me know if i have done any mistake or if i have taken any wrong value from the flash datasheet.
i will be waiting for your reply.
The LEB size (SL) is the PEB size minus 2 min. I/O units for overhead = 512K - 2*4K = 504KB
-e should be the LEB size in bytes, so 504*1024 = 516096
Then the overhead (O = SP-SL) becomes 8KB
And once you have these you can recalculate the UBI overhead.
Best regards,