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Hi All,
I'm using the OMAP4 4460 Pandaboard ES. I would like to know,
1) Is there any chance of TI releasing Android 4.4 Kitkat for Pandaboard in the near future?
2) If yes when can we expect that?
3) If not for Pandaboard, is any other platform in OMAP4 series will be having a Kitkat release soon?
Thanks &Regards,
Hi Geo,
There are teams working on porting all the functionality for omap4 but i cannot shed any more light on that matter.
If you are willing to test there are releases in the open communities which are classified as stable but cannot guarantee the performance that the OMAP platforms allow.
Hi Boyko,
Thanks for your quick reply, It will be a great help to me if you could point out some open community sources with Android 4.4 Kitkat release for OMAP4 platform.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Geo,
If you are eager to try the kitkat you can go to the cyanogenmod site, the guys there did splendid job on porting the functionality on their kernel.
Or you can check this article here for AOSP ( it have really good guide for beginners) :
but be aware that this branch have some graphics glitches which are removed in the other builds.
Hi Geo,
I was able to build kitkat(asop) for Pandaboard ES following the steps given in the file attached below.
I tested it on the board able to get display.
Hope it helps.
1. Follow below steps to download all required sources: a) Create the workspace in home directory: $ mkdir ~/panda_work $ export PANDA_WORK=~/panda_work $ mkdir ~/panda_work/android $ export ANDROID_ROOT=~/panda_work/android b) Download the android4.4, it may take some time: $ cd $ANDROID_ROOT $ export MANIFEST_REPO= $ export MANIFEST_BRANCH=android-4.4.2_r1 $ curl > repo $ chmod a+x repo $ ./repo init -u ${MANIFEST_REPO} -b ${MANIFEST_BRANCH} $ ./repo sync -f -j4 c) Download the Binaries for PandaBoard: $ cd $ANDROID_ROOT $ wget $ tar zxvf imgtec-panda-20130603-539d1ac3.tgz $ ./ d) Add support of PandaBoard in downloaded android 4.4 sources: $ cd $ANDROID_ROOT $ git clone -b kitkat device/ti/panda e) Download the tool-chain for compiling x-loader, u-boot and kernel: $ cd $PANDA_WORK $ git clone $ export ARCH=arm $ export CROSS_COMPILE=$PWD/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- f) Download the X-loader : $ cd $PANDA_WORK $ git clone git:// $ cd x-loader $ git checkout -b omap4_dev origin/omap4_dev g) Download the U-boot: $ cd $PANDA_WORK $ git clone git:// $ cd u-boot $ git checkout -b omap4_dev origin/omap4_dev h) Download the Kernel: $ cd $PANDA_WORK $ git clone kernel $ cd kernel $ git checkout -b android-omap-panda-3.0 origin/android-omap-panda-3.0 2. Apply required patches (attached in mail): a) Apply patch in U-boot $ cd u-boot $ git apply 0001-change-bootarges.patch b) Apply Kernel patch: $ cd $PANDA_WORK $ cd kernel $ git apply 0001-panda-jb4.2_kernel.patch 3. Compile the sources: a) Compile X-loader: $ cd x-loader $ make omap4430panda_config $ make ift $ cp -a MLO $ANDROID_ROOT/device/ti/panda/xloader.bin b) Compile U-boot: $ cd u-boot $ make omap4430panda_config $ make $ cp -a u-boot.bin $ANDROID_ROOT/device/ti/panda/bootloader.bin c) Compile Kernel: $ cd $PANDA_WORK $ cd kernel $ make panda_defconfig $ make $ cp -a arch/arm/boot/zImage $ANDROID_ROOT/device/ti/panda/kernel d) Compile Android: $ cd $ANDROID_ROOT $ source build/ $ lunch aosp_panda-userdebug $ make -j4 4. Now flash the images to Panda-board SD card: A) Flashing with Fastboot PS : If flashing for first time Make a partition fat32 and copy xloader.bin and bootloader.bin/u-boot.bin to it and boot the board. Connect USB to board and follow below given steps after board prompts "Fastboot mode is entered ..." i) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot oem format ii) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot flash xloader ./device/ti/panda/xloader.bin iii) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot flash bootloader ./device/ti/panda/bootloader.bin iv) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot flash boot ./out/target/product/panda/boot.img v) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot flash system ./out/target/product/panda/system.img vi) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot flash cache ./out/target/product/panda/cache.img vii) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot flash userdata ./out/target/product/panda/userdata.img viii) sudo ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot reboot B) Format the SD card with script present in /device/ti/panda sudo ./ /dev/sdX $ANDROID_ROOT
Hi Aashish,
Thanks for the reply.
Have you tested Wifi, BT, 1080p video, ethernet etc...??
Hello Aashish,
Have you been able to run it on Panda ES Rev B3 ?
kind regards,
Hi Geo,
I have tested audio, was able to play audio samples but recording is still giving issue but I think that is because mic input is connected to FM.
I haven't played a video yet.
WiFi was giving some trouble still working on it but BT is up able to pair my phone to the board.
Hi Ashish,
I have followed the steps given by you and I am able to see the android home page.
But everything including the console is getting freezed with in one or two minutes after booting up.I tried with three different panda boards, all are behaving the same way.
Can you suggest something about this??
Thanks and regards,
But everything including the console is getting freezed with in one or two minutes after booting up.I tried with three different panda boards, all are behaving the same way.
That is coz that time there is no wake lock on system.In panda board system suspend will block the console also, so if u need to console should be on u can enable wake_lock to sytem or make change in kernel to stop suspending console.
Thanks Vikram ,
Anyway that is not case, because wake_lock is already enabled and i am able to navigate the mouse also
Hi ,
Sorry I forgot to attach the patches mentioned in the document I uploaded earlier.
Here are the patches.
Hi Aashish,
I managed to get those patches from blog.sola, still the android is very unstable.
Bluetooth is working fine. But the android and console is getting freezed randomly.
Have you faced this issue??
Hi Geo,
No we are not facing any unstablity issue as of yet and we have recompiled this source and flashed it many times.
Can you send log file?
Also which manifest branch have you cloned ? We are using android-4.4.2_r1 ?
Hi Aashish,
i was using android-4.4_r1.1, i will try the other and will update soon
Thanks and regards,
Geo Joseph
Can you please provide the two patch files in your supplied document for U-boot and the Kernel?
uboot: "0001-change-bootarges.patch" and kernel: "0001-panda-jb4.2_kernel.patch"
Thank you!
Hi All,
I have uploaded the updated kitkat_porting_step_pandaboard.txt document in the same reply I posted earlier.
Manifest Branch for repo sync in new doc is android-4.4.2_r1 and also corrected few typos ( Sorry for those )
thomas mccabe said:Aashish,
Can you please provide the two patch files in your supplied document for U-boot and the Kernel?
uboot: "0001-change-bootarges.patch" and kernel: "0001-panda-jb4.2_kernel.patch"
Thank you!
Hi Thomas,
I have uploaded the zip containing this patches in earlier reply in the same post. Do check them and let me know if you have any other issue.
Hi Aashish,
I tried with android-4.4.2_r1, still its having the same problems.
Could you please share the working binaries??
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Geo,
are you sure console stops while you can still move the mouse pointer. We had the wake_lock issue but we got rid of it as vikram suggested.
And have u tried prebuilt images from linaro release of kitkat for panda board.
Hi Aashish,
For me everything works fine till i click any app in android and the system goes to freeze, some times its simply freezing. And wake_lock is on also.
The 14.03 linaro prebuilts are working fine for me .
Thanks and Regards
Hi Geo,
I actually played around with some apps myself media player etc didn't get this issue. Can you please upload bootlogs file and logcat output . It will help in debugging whats going on.
Hi Aashish,
Please see the attached log file.
The console got stuck when i clicked on settings of app menu
Hi Aashish,
Thanks for the support, it was a hardware issue.
I tested on a new Panda ES board, its working.
Wifi is showing a crash message but working. Default browser is having issues.
Also for Bluetooth not all profiles are there.
1080p video support is not there, is there any way to bring Ducati support??
I haven't tested Camera also.
Hi Geo,
Even we think its a hardware issue becuase we tested the same images on pandaboard A6 and we are getting similar issues of freezing at random points. We think its the RAM issue but we are still trying to debug the actual cause and get patch to fix it.
We have not explored the bluetooth module in depth. Can you please share which bluetooth profiles are supported. Also have you seen Handsfree mode implementation for HFP anywhere. We trying to implement that functionality on android since by default it has only audio gateway mode implementation. If you have come across some links for implementing the same can you please share them or point us in the right direction.
Thanks in advance
Hi Jeo,
Can u tell me which pandaboard revision u were using in which u are facing android freezing issue.And what's ur new pandaboard revision which is working with same images.
Hi Ashish ,
We haven't tried any thing related to Handsfree mode. Also A2DP was not working with this.
Also freezing issue was cropping up at times , so moved to Linaro port.
I was facing the android freezing issue with PANDA board revisions A ,A3.
But it was fine with PANDABOARD RevB2 ES. But only once or twice this board also got freezing issue.
I believe the freezing is caused by the PVR chip difference in these boards.
HI Geo,
Thanks for your reply.
As we mentioned earlier we switched to Pandaboard A6 and facing the same freezing issue with both linaro(14.05) and asop images and trying to get the root of the issue so that we can make the necessary changes. But everything we tried so far didn't help.
Which Pandaboard revision were you using ?
And did linaro 14.03 images worked for that board ? Or you tried those on Pandaboard ES ?
Were you able to debug the hardware issue with that board ?
Hi Ashish,
As I said in the earlier post sola sources are working on PANDABOARD RevB2 ES .
The linaro port i tried was 13.11 and it was working fine with all these boards means (A1.A3,B2 ES) and its haven't shown any freezing .
I believe there is difference between Rev A and Rev B (ES) is the chip it used means 4430 and 4460 , which basically has different PVR inside the architecture. So PVR modules for 4430 might work on 4460 but vice versa might not work.
Do anyone got successful in bringing up Ducati on Kitkat..?
If so please share me the details
Thanks and Regards
Does this work on Panda A4 board?
I also tried using the pre-built Linaro Kitkat binaries, but the video does not boot up. Only able to access the shell? Is there something I need to do?
Hi Anthony,
So far we have tried it on Pandaboard ES B2 and B3 revision.
On B3 revision with some changes in xloader (RAM related ) since RAM on B3 is different.
Other than that it works fine for us we are getting display on HDMI also tried with external LCD.
We also tried on Panda A6 board but it was highly unstable. We made some RAM related changes then it would boot but then it will freeze if we run any application.
Hi Aashish Patel,
I am building android kitkat 4.4.2 for PandaBoard ES REV B1, with the procedure give by you.
I am unable to build source, it is giving some errors.
I was not able to figure out the error. I am attaching the build log.
Kindly help me,
Thanks in advance,