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Hi ,
I have bought the license for omap4 blaze board.
But prior to porting ducati on kitkat, we are trying to build and compile on jellybean.
But from the release notes, and for compiling ducati tools package, i have downloaded the OPBU_4AJ.2.5P2_ducati_tools
But the question is when we have multiple cores, how does the inter-core communication takes place? Is it through syslink?
If incase, it is through syslink, how to compile the syslink?
From the omappedia, there is a guide on syslink project and it states that syslink should be part of the kernel(kernel/drivers/dsp/syslink). So how we can enable it?
The kernel that I have downloaded is:
git clone git:// kernel/android-3.4 cd kernel/android-3.4 git checkout 7a3725d9ffcf450b12c89e139735284eb3c19e34
From the checkout, kernel version is: 3.4.48
But after checking out that commit id from the release notes:, I still couldnt find the syslink driver.
Could you help me how the ducati cant be ported to kitkat and how intercore communication happens between the dsps and if it is through RPMSGSRC, why it is not part of kernel as the inter-core mechanism/ IPC is generally part of kernel.
Hello Rohit,
You can familiarize with syslink support in OMAP as refer to this link -
Clone linux-syslink repository with the following command: git clone git://
cd kernel-syslink git checkout -b syslink_next --track origin/syslink_next
Configure your board.
make omap_my_board_defconfig
Select any desired kernel options
make menuconfig
Select from menuconfig the option to enable SysLink driver in the Device Drivers section
Best regards,
Hi Rohit
Were you able successfully load Android Kitkat with Ducati binary . Please share the details.
Thanks and regards,