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Chip Support Library (csl)

I noticed that to build the Chip Support Library I have to have DSP/BIOS installed. Does this mean that I cannot develop against the Chip Support Library unless I am using the DSP/BIOS RTOS? I am to develop without any RTOS or anything else other than the standard libraries and the Chip Support Library (csl).

  • Where have you seen that you need to have DSP/BIOS installed? I use the CSL and I don't have the bios installed, so I suppose you misunderstood something.

  • Hello Michael,

    I am also interested in using the CSL without DSP/BIOS. We are using the 5515 chip. We need the CSL for USB communication, but we do not need the BIOS.

    We also need to support an SD card reading and writing a Windows-XP-compatible FAT file system, but again we don't need DSP/BIOS.

    When I try to build a 5515-version of the CSL version 3.04, it references the DSP/BIOS, and I can't find a way to strip it out.  Can you please help?


     Bob Rowlands 

  • Hi Bob, Orlando,

    The "CCS General" tab in CSL3.04 example projects just indicates that the project has DSP/BIOS support. However, the said projects cannot operate in DSP/BIOS environment until and unless one has a .tcf file included in the project.

    You might notice that there are no .tcf files in the projects and also, there are no DSP/BIOS artifacts generated when you compile the project in the current form now. The artifacts expected to be generated in your "Debug" folder being:  <project_name>cfg_c.c, <project_name>cfg.s55, <project_name>cfg.h55, <project_name>cfg.cmd, <project_name>cfg.h, <project_name>cfg.h55, <project_name>cfg.cmd,<project_name>.cdb.

    For a CCS project to be a DSP/BOS project, it must have a .tcf file and these artifacts 'must' be generated upon compilation.

    These CSLv3.04 example projects do not have their funcationality affected in any adverse way by any DSP/BIOS artifact.

    Best Regards.

  • Hi KRaviS,

    Here is what happens when I build. As you can see in the build log below, it complains that I don't have the proper version of DSP/BIOS.

    Noting that atafs_bios_drv_lib is listed as a dependency for C55XXCSL_LP, I concentrated on trying to build atafs_bios_drv_lib first. Note that I am building with CCS 5, as that is what the installation guide I have indicates. I also have CCS 6, but the interface is slightly different, so I stuck with CCS 5 for these builds to be safe.

    In the General Properties for atafs_bios_drv_lib, I changed Variant to C551x, USBSTK5515. I changed Compiler version to TI v4.4.1 (which is what I have). I left as-is the line which said DSP/BIOS version, as you indicated I could ignore that.

    The build failed. Here is the build log:

    **** Clean-only build of configuration Debug for project atafs_bios_drv_lib ****

    "C:\\ti\\ccsv5\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k clean 

    DEL /F  "C:\Users\x0048282\Clone_CSL3_04\c55_csl\c55xx_csl\ccs_v5.0_examples\drv\lib\Debug\atafs_bios_drv_lib.lib"

    The system cannot find the path specified.

    gmake: [clean] Error 1 (ignored)

    DEL /F "Atadisk.pp" "Atadiskfree.pp" "ata.pp" "ata_.pp" "ata_bytes.pp" "ata_bytes_seek.pp" "ata_bytes_write.pp" "ata_chdir.pp" "ata_fileinit.pp" "ata_flush.pp" "ata_labels.pp" "ata_labels_label.pp" "ata_labels_vol.pp" "ata_names.pp" "ata_readword.pp" "ata_sector.pp" "ata_timeout.pp" "ata_usb.pp" "atacreate.pp" "atacreate_findcluster.pp" "atacreatedir.pp" "atadir.pp" "atadir_.pp" "atadir__getdir.pp" "atadirentry.pp" "ataformat.pp" "atalong.pp" "atalong_create.pp" "atalong_create_rename.pp" "atalong_createentry.pp" "atalong_setname.pp" "ataread.pp" "ataread_.pp" "ataread__nextbroken.pp" "ataread_calc.pp" "ataread_fat.pp" "ataread_fatphy.pp" "ataseek.pp" "ataseek_relative.pp" "atatell.pp" "atawrite.pp" "atawrite_close.pp" "atawrite_fat.pp" "atawrite_fatphy.pp" "atawrite_write.pp" "version.pp" 

    Could Not Find C:\c55_lp\c55_csl_3.04\c55_csl_3.04\c55xx_csl\ccs_v5.0_examples\drv\atafs\atafs_bios_drv_lib\Debug\Atadisk.pp

    DEL /F "Atadisk.obj" "Atadiskfree.obj" "ata.obj" "ata_.obj" "ata_bytes.obj" "ata_bytes_seek.obj" "ata_bytes_write.obj" "ata_chdir.obj" "ata_fileinit.obj" "ata_flush.obj" "ata_labels.obj" "ata_labels_label.obj" "ata_labels_vol.obj" "ata_names.obj" "ata_readword.obj" "ata_sector.obj" "ata_timeout.obj" "ata_usb.obj" "atacreate.obj" "atacreate_findcluster.obj" "atacreatedir.obj" "atadir.obj" "atadir_.obj" "atadir__getdir.obj" "atadirentry.obj" "ataformat.obj" "atalong.obj" "atalong_create.obj" "atalong_create_rename.obj" "atalong_createentry.obj" "atalong_setname.obj" "ataread.obj" "ataread_.obj" "ataread__nextbroken.obj" "ataread_calc.obj" "ataread_fat.obj" "ataread_fatphy.obj" "ataseek.obj" "ataseek_relative.obj" "atatell.obj" "atawrite.obj" "atawrite_close.obj" "atawrite_fat.obj" "atawrite_fatphy.obj" "atawrite_write.obj" "version.obj" 

    Could Not Find C:\c55_lp\c55_csl_3.04\c55_csl_3.04\c55xx_csl\ccs_v5.0_examples\drv\atafs\atafs_bios_drv_lib\Debug\Atadisk.obj

    'Finished clean'

    ' '

    **** Build Finished ****

    Buildfile generation error occurred..

    This project was created using a version of DSP/BIOS tools that is not currently installed: Please install the DSP/BIOS tools of this version, or migrate the project to one of the supported versions.

    Build stopped..


    What have I done wrong?



  • The Ata_ errors are because the dependent atafs library project is not included in the Project Explorer. Just import the c55_csl_3.04\c55xx_csl\ccs_v5.0_examples\drv\atafs\atafs_bios_drv_lib project into the explorer along with the C55xCSL_LP project and these errors should be eliminated.

    The DSP/BIOS version 5.41 not being present might be because of the right CCS version having not been installed. CSLv3.04 is best suited to be run with the latest CCS tool v5.5. Installing the tool automatically installs the DSP/BIOS as well.

    Actually, if you import the C55xxCSL_LP project from a freshly downloaded CSLv3.04 without any modifications, into CCSv5.5, it doesn't even require the atafs_drv_lib project to be included in the Project Explorer window for the build to go through.

    Could you please try the same?

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Ravi,

    did include the atafs_bios_drv_lib in the Project Explorer. How else would I be reporting errors for the build of the atafs_bios_drv_lib project if I had not imported it? I imported all of the projects in the c55xx_csl folder as I specified on page 11 of the C55XCSL-LOWPOWER-3.04.00_Installation_Guide. (Actually, the text on that page says to browse for the c55xx_csl \ccs_v5.0_examples folder, but the picture illustrated shows the c55xx_csl folder being specified. Specifying either folder doesn't make a difference.).

    I am using version of the CCS because the installation guide stated (on page 5) that the CSL has been tested with version 5.5 of the CCS, and I'm assuming that version and 5.5 are virtually the same (please let me know if they are not).

    I also have version of the CCS on my system. I had previously tried that and run into similar problems, so I deleted the workspace (as I know I should never mix workspaces when switching to different CCS versions). I went back to version because the CSL had been tested with it and so that I could follow the directions in the installation guide precisely (as the screens / interfaces have changed).

    I do have version 3.04 of the CSL. The DSP/BIOS was not installed automatically with either the CCS nor the CSL. Should it have been installed automatically with the CCS or the CSL?

    In the 3.04 version of the CSL which I downloaded, it does list atafs_bios_drv_lib as a dependency.

    I'm a little frustrated, as I've tried to follow the directions as precisely as possible. I can try to re-install CCS version 5.5; perhaps there's an installation option to include the DSP/BIOS which I missed. On the other hand, I've already stated that we do not want to use the DSP/BIOS, so why would I have to install it?



  • Thank You Bob. Please be patient, we should have a solution soon.

    "I did include the atafs_bios_drv_lib in the Project Explorer. How else would I be reporting errors for the build of the atafs_bios_drv_lib project if I had not imported it?"

    >> Thought these "Could Not Find C:\c55_lp\c55_csl_3.04\c55_csl_3.04\c55xx_csl\ccs_v5.0_examples\drv\ atafs\atafs_bios_drv_lib\Debug\Atadisk.pp" and "Could Not Find C:\c55_lp\c55_csl_3.04\c55_csl_3.04\c55xx_csl\ ccs_v5.0_examples\drv\atafs\atafs_bios_drv_lib\Debug\Atadisk.obj" to be errors. I do realize them now to be messages from the clean section of a rebuild. And not the errors causing a crash.

    The actual problem it seems is with the DSP/BIOS-related Buildfile generation error and I hope it gets resolved by having DSP/BIOS components installed.

     "The DSP/BIOS was not installed automatically with either the CCS nor the CSL. Should it have been installed automatically with the CCS or the CSL"

    >>  While installing CCS, in the "Processor Support" step, choosing the C55 architecture should ensure the installation of DSP/BIOS automatically. If not, do check the next step.

    In the next installation step, "Select Components", do ensure that DSP/BIOS is selected.

    This should ensure that DSP/BIOS is installed. After the installation, check your CCSv5 installation folder. You must have a folder named "bios_5_42_01_09".

    Would like to repeat that in-line with your requirement of not wanting DSP-BIOS, your CSL example project would not be burdened by any DSP/BIOS-related artifact getting generated, as it doesn't have a 'tconf' file. Your build-payload that you might want to upload on a target will be completely free of any such encumbrance.

    Coming to your question of why the C55xCSL_LP and other example projects have DSP/BIOS support inducted in them as depicted by the "CCS General" tab- would like to mention that it's a sample guiding project made public for everybody's benefit depicting all features that the latest CSL can possibly support. Hence the inclusion. The DSP/BIOS-linkage was established at the time of creating the sample project itself. And the same can't be de-referenced dynamically. But as mentioned, it would stay in the background as a passive component and won't have any bearing on the output of your build.

    If you'd still wish to do away with it, you could replicate the project, creating a new C55xxCSL_LP project, and while creating, in the "CCS New Project" window, ensure that you select the "Empty project" option rather than a DSP/BIOS v5.xx Example, and start replicating the content files and project settings. Otherwise, yes, the current sample projects do require the DSP/BIOS to have been installed along with CCS.

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Ravi,

    I tried re-installing CCS (as I already had the setup file for it), and then time I made it sure it did install DSP/BIOS with it. I was able to successfully build atafs_bios_drv_lib.

    When I try building C55XXCSL_LP, I get a null pointer exception:

    Errors occurred during the build.
    Errors running builder 'CDT Builder' on project 'C55XXCSL_LP'.

    I will try two things, to see if they make a difference:

    1. building with CCS 6, as this is what we'd prefer to use.
    2. building with CCS 5.5, as opposed to

    I'll let you know the results.

    Thanks for your help,



  • Hi Ravi,

    I installed CCS, and am now able to build the CSL (C55XXCSL_LP version 3.04).  Thanks for your help.

