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DM8127 can not adjust JPEG encode quality and resolution dynamically

Hi, all
I met 2 problems when using JPEG encoder on DM8127, the codec I use is 500.V.MJPEG.E.IVAHD.01.00
1. can not adjust JPEG encode quality dynamically. For example when I change parameter "dynamicParams->qualityFactor" from 90 to 10, the quality of output pictures seems not change,and the size of pictures did not change also.
2. can not adjust JPEG encode resolution dynamically. For example, the first frame's resolution is 2560*2048,if I want to change the second frame's resolution to 640*480,the encode output picture of second frame is wrong。
could anyone help on this? I have attached my code, thank you very much :)
  • Aaron,

    Please give the full version number in the form of 01.00.xx.yy. This can be found in the Release Notes.


    Mohammed Harris

  • Hi, Harris

    Thanks for your reply, the version number is :

    thank you very much again :)

  • Hi, Harris

    Thanks for your reply, the version number is :

    thank you very much again :)

    Mohd. Harris said:


    Please give the full version number in the form of 01.00.xx.yy. This can be found in the Release Notes.


    Mohammed Harris

  • Hi,

    We are able to change dynamically quality factor and resolution from release version 500.V.MJPEG.E.IVAHD. and encoded images are also proper.

    dynamicParams.videnc2DynamicParams.inputHeight = 640;
    dynamicParams.videnc2DynamicParams.inputWidth = 480;
    dynamicParams.qualityFactor = 75;
    retValue = JPEGVENC_control(handle, XDM_SETPARAMS,
    (JPEGVENC_DynamicParams *)&dynamicParams,
    (JPEGVENC_Status *)&status );

    Can you try to initialize dynamic params and then call Control Call with XDM_SETPARAMS for dyanmic change of params.

  • The values that you get by calling XDM_SETPARAMS are the actual values used by the encoder. Could you check if these values match with those that you set through dynamic params.