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I'm looking at the DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP function description in the TMS320C67x DSP Library Programmer's Reference Guide (spru657c). This appears to be a copy of the comments in the DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP.h file from the TMS320C67x DSP Library. There is a section in both that reads:
DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(512, &x[0],&w[0],y,brev,2, 0,512);
is equivalent to:
DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(512, &x[2*0], &w[0] , y,brev,128,0,512)
DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(128, &x[2*0], &w[2*384],y,brev,4,0,512)
DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(128, &x[2*128],&w[2*384],y,brev,4,128,512)
DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(128, &x[2*256],&w[2*384],y,brev,4,256,512)
DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(128, &x[2*384],&w[2*384],y,brev,4,384,512)
The four 128 point sub FFTs in the "equivalent to" section are called with a radix of 4. I'm wondering if this is a typo in the documentation and should be calling these with a radix of 2 or does the DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP function allow a non "power of 4" point FFT to called with a radix of 4.
Yes, this is a typo; radix 2 should be used in this case. Radix 4 should only be used when the FFT size is a power of 4.
can you tell me if DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP replace the real_fft function in the follow code ?
#define SIZE 128
#define SIZE_BY_TWO 64
#define NUM_STAGE 6
void real_fft (float *farray_ptr, int isign)
_double_ ftmp1_real, ftmp1_imag, ftmp2_real, ftmp2_imag;
int i, j;
static int first = TRUE;
void cmplx_fft (float *, int);
void fill_tbl ();
/* If this is the first call to the function, fill up the
phase table */
if (first == TRUE) {
fill_tbl ();
first = FALSE;
/* The FFT part */
if (isign == 1) {
/* Perform the complex FFT */
cmplx_fft (farray_ptr, isign);
/* First, handle the DC and foldover frequencies */
ftmp1_real = *farray_ptr;
ftmp2_real = *(farray_ptr + 1);
*farray_ptr = (float)(ftmp1_real + ftmp2_real);
*(farray_ptr + 1) = (float)(ftmp1_real - ftmp2_real);
/* Now, handle the remaining positive frequencies */
for (i = 2, j = SIZE - i; i <= SIZE_BY_TWO; i = i + 2, j = SIZE - i) {
ftmp1_real = *(farray_ptr + i) + *(farray_ptr + j);
ftmp1_imag = *(farray_ptr + i + 1) - *(farray_ptr + j + 1);
ftmp2_real = *(farray_ptr + i + 1) + *(farray_ptr + j + 1);
ftmp2_imag = *(farray_ptr + j) - *(farray_ptr + i);
*(farray_ptr + i) = (ftmp1_real + phs_tbl [i] * ftmp2_real -
phs_tbl [i + 1] * ftmp2_imag) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + i + 1) = (ftmp1_imag + phs_tbl [i] * ftmp2_imag +
phs_tbl [i + 1] * ftmp2_real) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + j) = (ftmp1_real + phs_tbl [j] * ftmp2_real +
phs_tbl [j + 1] * ftmp2_imag) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + j + 1) = (-ftmp1_imag - phs_tbl [j] * ftmp2_imag +
phs_tbl [j + 1] * ftmp2_real) / 2.0;
/* The IFFT part */
else {
/* First, handle the DC and foldover frequencies */
ftmp1_real = *farray_ptr;
ftmp2_real = *(farray_ptr + 1);
*farray_ptr = (ftmp1_real + ftmp2_real) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + 1) = (ftmp1_real - ftmp2_real) / 2.0;
/* Now, handle the remaining positive frequencies */
for (i = 2, j = SIZE - i; i <= SIZE_BY_TWO; i = i + 2, j = SIZE - i) {
ftmp1_real = *(farray_ptr + i) + *(farray_ptr + j);
ftmp1_imag = *(farray_ptr + i + 1) - *(farray_ptr + j + 1);
ftmp2_real = -(*(farray_ptr + i + 1) + *(farray_ptr + j + 1));
ftmp2_imag = -(*(farray_ptr + j) - *(farray_ptr + i));
*(farray_ptr + i) = (ftmp1_real + phs_tbl [i] * ftmp2_real +
phs_tbl [i + 1] * ftmp2_imag) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + i + 1) = (ftmp1_imag + phs_tbl [i] * ftmp2_imag -
phs_tbl [i + 1] * ftmp2_real) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + j) = (ftmp1_real + phs_tbl [j] * ftmp2_real -
phs_tbl [j + 1] * ftmp2_imag) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + j + 1) = (-ftmp1_imag - phs_tbl [j] * ftmp2_imag -
phs_tbl [j + 1] * ftmp2_real) / 2.0;
/* Perform the complex IFFT */
cmplx_fft (farray_ptr, isign);
} /* end real_fft () */
void cmplx_fft (float *farray_ptr, int isign)
int i, j, k, ii, jj, kk, ji, kj;
_double_ ftmp, ftmp_real, ftmp_imag;
/* Rearrange the input array in bit reversed order */
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < SIZE-2; i = i + 2) {
if (j > i) {
ftmp = (_double_)*(farray_ptr+i);
*(farray_ptr+i) = *(farray_ptr+j);
*(farray_ptr+j) = ftmp;
ftmp = (_double_)*(farray_ptr+i+1);
*(farray_ptr+i+1) = *(farray_ptr+j+1);
*(farray_ptr+j+1) = ftmp;
while (j >= k) {
j -= k;
k >>= 1;
j += k;
/* The FFT part */
if (isign == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STAGE; i++) { /* i is stage counter */
jj = (2 << i); /* FFT size */
kk = (jj << 1); /* 2 * FFT size */
ii = SIZE / jj; /* 2 * number of FFT's */
for (j = 0; j < jj; j = j + 2) { /* j is sample counter */
ji = j * ii; /* ji is phase table index */
for (k = j; k < SIZE; k = k + kk) { /* k is butterfly top */
kj = k + jj; /* kj is butterfly bottom */
/* Butterfly computations */
ftmp_real = *(farray_ptr + kj) * phs_tbl [ji] -
*(farray_ptr + kj + 1) * phs_tbl [ji + 1];
ftmp_imag = *(farray_ptr + kj + 1) * phs_tbl [ji] +
*(farray_ptr + kj) * phs_tbl [ji + 1];
*(farray_ptr + kj) = ( *(farray_ptr + k) - ftmp_real) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + kj + 1) = (*(farray_ptr + k + 1) - ftmp_imag) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + k) = (*(farray_ptr + k) + ftmp_real) / 2.0;
*(farray_ptr + k + 1) = (*(farray_ptr + k + 1) + ftmp_imag) / 2.0;
/* The IFFT part */
else {
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STAGE; i++) { /* i is stage counter */
jj = (2 << i); /* FFT size */
kk = (jj << 1); /* 2 * FFT size */
ii = SIZE / jj; /* 2 * number of FFT's */
for (j = 0; j < jj; j = j + 2) { /* j is sample counter */
ji = j * ii; /* ji is phase table index */
for (k = j; k < SIZE; k = k + kk) { /* k is butterfly top */
kj = k + jj; /* kj is butterfly bottom */
/* Butterfly computations */
ftmp_real = *(farray_ptr + kj) * phs_tbl [ji] +
*(farray_ptr + kj + 1) * phs_tbl [ji + 1];
ftmp_imag = *(farray_ptr + kj + 1) * phs_tbl [ji] -
*(farray_ptr + kj) * phs_tbl [ji + 1];
*(farray_ptr + kj) = *(farray_ptr + k) - ftmp_real;
*(farray_ptr + kj + 1) = *(farray_ptr + k + 1) - ftmp_imag;
*(farray_ptr + k) = *(farray_ptr + k) + ftmp_real;
*(farray_ptr + k + 1) = *(farray_ptr + k + 1) + ftmp_imag;
} /* end of cmplx_fft () */