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Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
In my audio application i have a main DSP task (the system's highest priority task), which is McAsp interrupt driven every 16 audio frames @ 48khz. I specify that i don't use any OS.
I need to provide a lower priority task Y to compute the fft of a block of samples. This task must be at lower priority with respect to the main audio task but at higher priority than the background tasks.
In the DSPLIB i see that the function DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP is not interruptible and does not have an optimized C source. So my question is: how can i perform fft in the task Y in a safe way and with a decently optimized code base?
Best regards.
Part Number: TMS320C6745
I am using TMS320C6745, DSPLIB_3_4_0_0
i need to perform fft in a background task, but the DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP function is not interruptible and can not be safely used in background in my application.
DSPLIB wiki says that for each function there is an optimized C version which in this case should be DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP.c or DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_opt.c but i can't find those files.
Where can i find an optimized C version of DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP?
Best regards.
We only provide natural C and assembly implementation of the DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP in the DSPLIB. We do provide a optimized C version of the function in the C66x DSPLIB that you can use as reference and port it over to C674x:
/* ======================================================================= */ /* DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_opt.c -- Forward FFT with Mixed Radix */ /* Intrinsic C Implementation */ /* */ /* Rev 0.0.1 */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - */ /* */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ /* are met: */ /* */ /* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* */ /* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the */ /* distribution. */ /* */ /* Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of */ /* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived */ /* from this software without specific prior written permission. */ /* */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS */ /* "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR */ /* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT */ /* OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, */ /* SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, */ /* DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY */ /* THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT */ /* (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE */ /* OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* */ /* ======================================================================= */ #pragma CODE_SECTION(DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_opt, ".text:Intrinsic"); #include "DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_opt.h" #ifdef __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ #include "c6x.h" #endif #ifdef _LITTLE_ENDIAN void DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_opt (int N, float *ptr_x, float *ptr_w, float *ptr_y, unsigned char *brev, int n_min, int offset, int n_max) { int i, j, k, l1, l2, h2, predj, tw_offset, stride, fft_jmp, radix; float yt2, yt3, yt6, yt7; float xt1_0, yt2_0, xt1_1, yt2_1, xt2_0, yt1_0, xt2_1, yt1_1; float * restrict x, * restrict x2, * restrict w; float * restrict y0, * restrict y1, * restrict y2, * restrict y3; __float2_t xh21_0_xh20_0, xh21_1_xh20_1, xh1_0_xh0_0, xh1_1_xh0_1; __float2_t xl21_0_xl20_0, xl21_1_xl20_1, xl1_0_xl0_0, xl1_1_xl0_1; __float2_t yt0_0_xt0_0, yt0_1_xt0_1, yt1_0_xt1_0; __float2_t yt1_1_xt1_1, yt2_0_xt2_0, yt2_1_xt2_1; __float2_t x_1o_x_0o, xl1_1o_xl1_0o, x_3o_x_2o, xl1_3o_xl1_2o; __float2_t xh2_1o_xh2_0o, xl2_1o_xl2_0o, xh2_3o_xh2_2o, xl2_3o_xl2_2o; __float2_t x_l1_10, x_l1_32, x_l2_10, x_l2_32, x_h2_10, x_h2_32; __float2_t co10_si10, co20_si20, co30_si30, co11_si11, co21_si21, co31_si31; __float2_t x_10, x_32, x_54, x_76, yt_10, yt_32, yt_54, yt_76; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The stride is quartered with every iteration of the outer loop. It */ /* denotes the seperation between any two adjacent inputs to the butter */ /* -fly. This should start out at N/4, hence stride is initially set to */ /* N. For every stride, 6*stride twiddle factors are accessed. The */ /* "tw_offset" is the offset within the current twiddle factor sub- */ /* table. This is set to zero, at the start of the code and is used to */ /* obtain the appropriate sub-table twiddle pointer by offseting it */ /* with the base pointer "ptr_w". */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ radix = n_min; stride = N; tw_offset = 0; fft_jmp = 6 * stride; _nassert(stride > 4); while (stride > radix) { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* At the start of every iteration of the outer loop, "j" is set */ /* to zero, as "w" is pointing to the correct location within the */ /* twiddle factor array. For every iteration of the inner loop */ /* 6 * stride twiddle factors are accessed. For eg, */ /* */ /* #Iteration of outer loop # twiddle factors #times cycled */ /* 1 6 N/4 1 */ /* 2 6 N/16 4 */ /* ... */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ j = 0; fft_jmp >>= 2; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set up offsets to access "N/4", "N/2", "3N/4" complex point or */ /* "N/2", "N", "3N/2" half word */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ h2 = stride >> 1; l1 = stride; l2 = stride + (stride >> 1); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset "x" to point to the start of the input data array. */ /* "tw_offset" starts off at 0, and increments by "6 * stride" */ /* The stride quarters with every iteration of the outer loop */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ x = ptr_x; w = ptr_w + tw_offset; tw_offset += fft_jmp; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The following loop iterates through the different butterflies, */ /* within a given stage. Recall that there are logN to base 4 */ /* stages. Certain butterflies share the twiddle factors. These */ /* are grouped together. On the very first stage there are no */ /* butterflies that share the twiddle factor, all N/4 butter- */ /* flies have different factors. On the next stage two sets of */ /* N/8 butterflies share the same twiddle factor. Hence after */ /* half the butterflies are performed, j the index into the */ /* factor array resets to 0, and the twiddle factors are reused. */ /* When this happens, the data pointer 'x' is incremented by the */ /* fft_jmp amount. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ _nassert((int)(w) % 8 == 0); _nassert((int)(x) % 8 == 0); _nassert(h2 % 8 == 0); _nassert(l1 % 8 == 0); _nassert(l2 % 8 == 0); _nassert(N >= 8); for (i = 0; i < (N >> 3); i++) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read the first six twiddle factor values. This loop */ /* computes two radix 4 butterflies at a time. */ /* si10 = w[0] co10 = w[1] si20 = w[2] co20 = w[3] */ /* si30 = w[4] co30 = w[5] si11 = w[6] co11 = w[7] */ /* si21 = w[8] co21 = w[9] si31 = w[a] co31 = w[b] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ co10_si10 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j]); co20_si20 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+2]); co30_si30 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+4]); co11_si11 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+6]); co21_si21 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+8]); co31_si31 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+10]); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read in the data elements for the eight inputs of two */ /* radix4 butterflies. */ /* x[0] x[1] x[2] x[3] */ /* x[h2+0] x[h2+1] x[h2+2] x[h2+3] */ /* x[l1+0] x[l1+1] x[l1+2] x[l1+3] */ /* x[l2+0] x[l2+1] x[l2+2] x[l2+3] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_10 = _amem8_f2(&x[0]); x_32 = _amem8_f2(&x[2]); x_l1_10 = _amem8_f2(&x[l1]); x_l1_32 = _amem8_f2(&x[l1 + 2]); x_l2_10 = _amem8_f2(&x[l2]); x_l2_32 = _amem8_f2(&x[l2 + 2]); x_h2_10 = _amem8_f2(&x[h2]); x_h2_32 = _amem8_f2(&x[h2 + 2]); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* xh0_0 = x[0] + x[l1]; xh1_0 = x[1] + x[l1+1] */ /* xh0_1 = x[2] + x[l1+2]; xh1_1 = x[3] + x[l1+3] */ /* xl0_0 = x[0] - x[l1]; xl1_0 = x[1] - x[l1+1] */ /* xl0_1 = x[2] - x[l1+2]; xl1_1 = x[3] - x[l1+3] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh1_0_xh0_0 = _daddsp(x_10, x_l1_10); xl1_0_xl0_0 = _dsubsp(x_10, x_l1_10); xh1_1_xh0_1 = _daddsp(x_32, x_l1_32); xl1_1_xl0_1 = _dsubsp(x_32, x_l1_32); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* xh20_0 = x[h2 ] + x[l2 ]; xh21_0 = x[h2+1] + x[l2+1] */ /* xh20_1 = x[h2+2] + x[l2+2]; xh21_1 = x[h2+3] + x[l2+3] */ /* xl20_0 = x[h2 ] - x[l2 ]; xl21_0 = x[h2+1] - x[l2+1] */ /* xl20_1 = x[h2+2] - x[l2+2]; xl21_1 = x[h2+3] - x[l2+3] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh21_0_xh20_0 = _daddsp(x_h2_10, x_l2_10); xl21_0_xl20_0 = _dsubsp(x_h2_10, x_l2_10); xh21_1_xh20_1 = _daddsp(x_h2_32, x_l2_32); xl21_1_xl20_1 = _dsubsp(x_h2_32, x_l2_32); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x_0o = xh0_0 + xh20_0; x_1o = xh1_0 + xh21_0; */ /* x_2o = xh0_1 + xh20_1; x_3o = xh1_1 + xh21_1; */ /* xt0_0 = xh0_0 - xh20_0; yt0_0 = xh1_0 - xh21_0; */ /* xt0_1 = xh0_1 - xh20_1; yt0_1 = xh1_1 - xh21_1; */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_1o_x_0o = _daddsp(xh1_0_xh0_0, xh21_0_xh20_0); x_3o_x_2o = _daddsp(xh1_1_xh0_1, xh21_1_xh20_1); yt0_0_xt0_0 = _dsubsp(xh1_0_xh0_0, xh21_0_xh20_0); yt0_1_xt0_1 = _dsubsp(xh1_1_xh0_1, xh21_1_xh20_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* xt1_0 = xl0_0 + xl21_0; yt2_0 = xl1_0 + xl20_0; */ /* xt1_1 = xl0_1 + xl21_1; yt2_1 = xl1_1 + xl20_1; */ /* xt2_0 = xl0_0 - xl21_0; yt1_0 = xl1_0 - xl20_0; */ /* xt2_1 = xl0_1 - xl21_1; yt1_1 = xl1_1 - xl20_1; */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xt1_0 = _lof2(xl1_0_xl0_0) + _hif2(xl21_0_xl20_0); yt2_0 = _hif2(xl1_0_xl0_0) + _lof2(xl21_0_xl20_0); xt1_1 = _lof2(xl1_1_xl0_1) + _hif2(xl21_1_xl20_1); yt2_1 = _hif2(xl1_1_xl0_1) + _lof2(xl21_1_xl20_1); xt2_0 = _lof2(xl1_0_xl0_0) - _hif2(xl21_0_xl20_0); yt1_0 = _hif2(xl1_0_xl0_0) - _lof2(xl21_0_xl20_0); xt2_1 = _lof2(xl1_1_xl0_1) - _hif2(xl21_1_xl20_1); yt1_1 = _hif2(xl1_1_xl0_1) - _lof2(xl21_1_xl20_1); yt1_0_xt1_0 = _ftof2(yt1_0, xt1_0); yt1_1_xt1_1 = _ftof2(yt1_1, xt1_1); yt2_0_xt2_0 = _ftof2(yt2_0, xt2_0); yt2_1_xt2_1 = _ftof2(yt2_1, xt2_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x2[h2 ] = (si10 * yt1_0 + co10 * xt1_0) */ /* x2[h2+1] = (co10 * yt1_0 - si10 * xt1_0) */ /* x2[h2+2] = (si11 * yt1_1 + co11 * xt1_1) */ /* x2[h2+3] = (co11 * yt1_1 - si11 * xt1_1) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xl1_1o_xl1_0o = _complex_mpysp(co10_si10, yt1_0_xt1_0); xl1_3o_xl1_2o = _complex_mpysp(co11_si11, yt1_1_xt1_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x2[l1 ] = (si20 * yt0_0 + co20 * xt0_0) */ /* x2[l1+1] = (co20 * yt0_0 - si20 * xt0_0) */ /* x2[l1+2] = (si21 * yt0_1 + co21 * xt0_1) */ /* x2[l1+3] = (co21 * yt0_1 - si21 * xt0_1) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh2_1o_xh2_0o = _complex_mpysp(co20_si20, yt0_0_xt0_0); xh2_3o_xh2_2o = _complex_mpysp(co21_si21, yt0_1_xt0_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x2[l2 ] = (si30 * yt2_0 + co30 * xt2_0) */ /* x2[l2+1] = (co30 * yt2_0 - si30 * xt2_0) */ /* x2[l2+2] = (si31 * yt2_1 + co31 * xt2_1) */ /* x2[l2+3] = (co31 * yt2_1 - si31 * xt2_1) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xl2_1o_xl2_0o = _complex_mpysp(co30_si30, yt2_0_xt2_0); xl2_3o_xl2_2o = _complex_mpysp(co31_si31, yt2_1_xt2_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Derive output pointers using the input pointer "x" */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x2 = (float*)_mvd((int)x); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Store eight outputs - four legs of each butterfly */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ _amem8_f2(&x2[0]) = x_1o_x_0o; _amem8_f2(&x2[2]) = x_3o_x_2o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l1]) = xl1_1o_xl1_0o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l1+2]) = xl1_3o_xl1_2o; _amem8_f2(&x2[h2]) = xh2_1o_xh2_0o; _amem8_f2(&x2[h2+2]) = xh2_3o_xh2_2o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l2]) = xl2_1o_xl2_0o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l2+2]) = xl2_3o_xl2_2o; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* When the twiddle factors are not to be re-used, j is */ /* incremented by 12, to reflect the fact that 6 words are */ /* consumed in every iteration. The input data pointer */ /* increments by 4. Note that within a stage, the stride does */ /* not change and hence the offsets for the other three legs, */ /* 0, h2, l1, l2. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ j += 12; x += 4; predj = (j - fft_jmp); if (!predj) x += fft_jmp; if (!predj) j = 0; } stride >>= 2; } j = offset >> 2; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The following code performs either a standard radix4 pass or a */ /* radix2 pass. Two pointers are used to access the input data. */ /* The input data is read "N/4" complex samples apart or "N/2" */ /* words apart using pointers "x0" and "x2". This produces out- */ /* puts that are 0, N/8, N/2, 3N/8 for radix 2. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ y0 = ptr_y; y2 = ptr_y + n_max; x2 = ptr_x; y1 = y0 + (n_max >> 1); y3 = y2 + (n_max >> 1); l1 = _norm(n_max) + 4; if (radix == 4) { for (i = 0; i < N; i += 4) { /* reversal computation */ k = _bitr(j) >> l1; j++; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read in the input data. These are transformed as a radix 4. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_10 = _amem8_f2(&x2[0]); x_32 = _amem8_f2(&x2[2]); x_54 = _amem8_f2(&x2[4]); x_76 = _amem8_f2(&x2[6]); x2 += 8; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Perform radix4 style decomposition. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh1_0_xh0_0 = _daddsp(x_10, x_54); xh1_1_xh0_1 = _daddsp(x_32, x_76); xl1_0_xl0_0 = _dsubsp(x_10, x_54); xl1_1_xl0_1 = _dsubsp(x_32, x_76); yt_10 = _daddsp(xh1_0_xh0_0, xh1_1_xh0_1); yt_54 = _dsubsp(xh1_0_xh0_0, xh1_1_xh0_1); yt3 = _hif2(xl1_0_xl0_0) - _lof2(xl1_1_xl0_1); yt2 = _lof2(xl1_0_xl0_0) + _hif2(xl1_1_xl0_1); yt7 = _hif2(xl1_0_xl0_0) + _lof2(xl1_1_xl0_1); yt6 = _lof2(xl1_0_xl0_0) - _hif2(xl1_1_xl0_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Points that are read from succesive locations map to y */ /* y[N/8], y[N/2], y[5N/8] in a radix2 scheme. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ _amem8_f2(&y0[k*2]) = yt_10; _amem8_f2(&y1[k*2]) = _ftof2(yt3, yt2); _amem8_f2(&y2[k*2]) = yt_54; _amem8_f2(&y3[k*2]) = _ftof2(yt7, yt6); } } if (radix == 2) { for (i = 0; i < N; i += 4) { /* reversal computation */ k = _bitr(j) >> l1; j++; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read in the input data. These are transformed as a radix 2. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_10 = _amem8_f2(&x2[0]); x_32 = _amem8_f2(&x2[2]); x_54 = _amem8_f2(&x2[4]); x_76 = _amem8_f2(&x2[6]); x2 += 8; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Perform radix2 style decomposition. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ yt_10 = _daddsp(x_10, x_32); yt_32 = _daddsp(x_54, x_76); yt_54 = _dsubsp(x_10, x_32); yt_76 = _dsubsp(x_54, x_76); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Points that are read from succesive locations map to y */ /* y[N/8], y[N/2], y[5N/8] in a radix2 scheme. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ _amem8_f2(&y0[k*2]) = yt_10; _amem8_f2(&y1[k*2]) = yt_32; _amem8_f2(&y2[k*2]) = yt_54; _amem8_f2(&y3[k*2]) = yt_76; } } } #else void DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_opt (int N, float *ptr_x, float *ptr_w, float *ptr_y, unsigned char *brev, int n_min, int offset, int n_max) { int i, j, k, l1, l2, h2, predj, tw_offset, stride, fft_jmp, radix; float yt2, yt3, yt6, yt7; float xt1_0, yt2_0, xt1_1, yt2_1, xt2_0, yt1_0, xt2_1, yt1_1; float * restrict x, * restrict x2, * restrict w; float * restrict y0, * restrict y1, * restrict y2, * restrict y3; __float2_t xh20_0_xh21_0, xh20_1_xh21_1, xh0_0_xh1_0, xh0_1_xh1_1; __float2_t xl20_0_xl21_0, xl20_1_xl21_1, xl0_0_xl1_0, xl0_1_xl1_1; __float2_t xt0_0_yt0_0, xt0_1_yt0_1, xt1_0_yt1_0; __float2_t xt1_1_yt1_1, xt2_0_yt2_0, xt2_1_yt2_1; __float2_t x_0o_x_1o, xl1_0o_xl1_1o, x_2o_x_3o, xl1_2o_xl1_3o; __float2_t xh2_0o_xh2_1o, xl2_0o_xl2_1o, xh2_2o_xh2_3o, xl2_2o_xl2_3o; __float2_t x_l1_01, x_l1_23, x_l2_01, x_l2_23, x_h2_01, x_h2_23; __float2_t co10_si10, co20_si20, co30_si30, co11_si11, co21_si21, co31_si31; __float2_t x_01, x_23, x_45, x_67, yt_01, yt_23, yt_45, yt_67; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The stride is quartered with every iteration of the outer loop. It */ /* denotes the seperation between any two adjacent inputs to the butter */ /* -fly. This should start out at N/4, hence stride is initially set to */ /* N. For every stride, 6*stride twiddle factors are accessed. The */ /* "tw_offset" is the offset within the current twiddle factor sub- */ /* table. This is set to zero, at the start of the code and is used to */ /* obtain the appropriate sub-table twiddle pointer by offseting it */ /* with the base pointer "ptr_w". */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ radix = n_min; stride = N; tw_offset = 0; fft_jmp = 6 * stride; _nassert(stride > 4); while (stride > radix) { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* At the start of every iteration of the outer loop, "j" is set */ /* to zero, as "w" is pointing to the correct location within the */ /* twiddle factor array. For every iteration of the inner loop */ /* 6 * stride twiddle factors are accessed. For eg, */ /* */ /* #Iteration of outer loop # twiddle factors #times cycled */ /* 1 6 N/4 1 */ /* 2 6 N/16 4 */ /* ... */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ j = 0; fft_jmp >>= 2; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set up offsets to access "N/4", "N/2", "3N/4" complex point or */ /* "N/2", "N", "3N/2" half word */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ h2 = stride >> 1; l1 = stride; l2 = stride + (stride >> 1); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset "x" to point to the start of the input data array. */ /* "tw_offset" starts off at 0, and increments by "6 * stride" */ /* The stride quarters with every iteration of the outer loop */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ x = ptr_x; w = ptr_w + tw_offset; tw_offset += fft_jmp; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The following loop iterates through the different butterflies, */ /* within a given stage. Recall that there are logN to base 4 */ /* stages. Certain butterflies share the twiddle factors. These */ /* are grouped together. On the very first stage there are no */ /* butterflies that share the twiddle factor, all N/4 butter- */ /* flies have different factors. On the next stage two sets of */ /* N/8 butterflies share the same twiddle factor. Hence after */ /* half the butterflies are performed, j the index into the */ /* factor array resets to 0, and the twiddle factors are reused. */ /* When this happens, the data pointer 'x' is incremented by the */ /* fft_jmp amount. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ _nassert((int)(w) % 8 == 0); _nassert((int)(x) % 8 == 0); _nassert(h2 % 8 == 0); _nassert(l1 % 8 == 0); _nassert(l2 % 8 == 0); _nassert(N >= 8); for (i = 0; i < (N >> 3); i++) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read the first six twiddle factor values. This loop */ /* computes two radix 4 butterflies at a time. */ /* si10 = -w[0] co10 = w[1] si20 = -w[2] co20 = w[3] */ /* si30 = -w[4] co30 = w[5] si11 = -w[6] co11 = w[7] */ /* si21 = -w[8] co21 = w[9] si31 = -w[a] co31 = w[b] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ co10_si10 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j]); co20_si20 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+2]); co30_si30 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+4]); co11_si11 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+6]); co21_si21 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+8]); co31_si31 = _amem8_f2_const(&w[j+10]); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read in the data elements for the eight inputs of two */ /* radix4 butterflies. */ /* x[0] x[1] x[2] x[3] */ /* x[h2+0] x[h2+1] x[h2+2] x[h2+3] */ /* x[l1+0] x[l1+1] x[l1+2] x[l1+3] */ /* x[l2+0] x[l2+1] x[l2+2] x[l2+3] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_01 = _amem8_f2(&x[0]); x_23 = _amem8_f2(&x[2]); x_l1_01 = _amem8_f2(&x[l1]); x_l1_23 = _amem8_f2(&x[l1 + 2]); x_l2_01 = _amem8_f2(&x[l2]); x_l2_23 = _amem8_f2(&x[l2 + 2]); x_h2_01 = _amem8_f2(&x[h2]); x_h2_23 = _amem8_f2(&x[h2 + 2]); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* xh0_0 = x[0] + x[l1]; xh1_0 = x[1] + x[l1+1] */ /* xh0_1 = x[2] + x[l1+2]; xh1_1 = x[3] + x[l1+3] */ /* xl0_0 = x[0] - x[l1]; xl1_0 = x[1] - x[l1+1] */ /* xl0_1 = x[2] - x[l1+2]; xl1_1 = x[3] - x[l1+3] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh0_0_xh1_0 = _daddsp(x_01, x_l1_01); xl0_0_xl1_0 = _dsubsp(x_01, x_l1_01); xh0_1_xh1_1 = _daddsp(x_23, x_l1_23); xl0_1_xl1_1 = _dsubsp(x_23, x_l1_23); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* xh20_0 = x[h2 ] + x[l2 ]; xh21_0 = x[h2+1] + x[l2+1] */ /* xh20_1 = x[h2+2] + x[l2+2]; xh21_1 = x[h2+3] + x[l2+3] */ /* xl20_0 = x[h2 ] - x[l2 ]; xl21_0 = x[h2+1] - x[l2+1] */ /* xl20_1 = x[h2+2] - x[l2+2]; xl21_1 = x[h2+3] - x[l2+3] */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh20_0_xh21_0 = _daddsp(x_h2_01, x_l2_01); xl20_0_xl21_0 = _dsubsp(x_h2_01, x_l2_01); xh20_1_xh21_1 = _daddsp(x_h2_23, x_l2_23); xl20_1_xl21_1 = _dsubsp(x_h2_23, x_l2_23); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x_0o = xh0_0 + xh20_0; x_1o = xh1_0 + xh21_0; */ /* x_2o = xh0_1 + xh20_1; x_3o = xh1_1 + xh21_1; */ /* xt0_0 = xh0_0 - xh20_0; yt0_0 = xh1_0 - xh21_0; */ /* xt0_1 = xh0_1 - xh20_1; yt0_1 = xh1_1 - xh21_1; */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_0o_x_1o = _daddsp(xh0_0_xh1_0, xh20_0_xh21_0); x_2o_x_3o = _daddsp(xh0_1_xh1_1, xh20_1_xh21_1); xt0_0_yt0_0 = _dsubsp(xh0_0_xh1_0, xh20_0_xh21_0); xt0_1_yt0_1 = _dsubsp(xh0_1_xh1_1, xh20_1_xh21_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* xt1_0 = xl0_0 + xl21_0; yt2_0 = xl1_0 + xl20_0; */ /* xt1_1 = xl0_1 + xl21_1; yt2_1 = xl1_1 + xl20_1; */ /* xt2_0 = xl0_0 - xl21_0; yt1_0 = xl1_0 - xl20_0; */ /* xt2_1 = xl0_1 - xl21_1; yt1_1 = xl1_1 - xl20_1; */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ yt1_0 = _lof2(xl0_0_xl1_0) - _hif2(xl20_0_xl21_0); xt2_0 = _hif2(xl0_0_xl1_0) - _lof2(xl20_0_xl21_0); yt1_1 = _lof2(xl0_1_xl1_1) - _hif2(xl20_1_xl21_1); xt2_1 = _hif2(xl0_1_xl1_1) - _lof2(xl20_1_xl21_1); yt2_0 = _lof2(xl0_0_xl1_0) + _hif2(xl20_0_xl21_0); xt1_0 = _hif2(xl0_0_xl1_0) + _lof2(xl20_0_xl21_0); yt2_1 = _lof2(xl0_1_xl1_1) + _hif2(xl20_1_xl21_1); xt1_1 = _hif2(xl0_1_xl1_1) + _lof2(xl20_1_xl21_1); xt1_0_yt1_0 = _ftof2(xt1_0, yt1_0); xt1_1_yt1_1 = _ftof2(xt1_1, yt1_1); xt2_0_yt2_0 = _ftof2(xt2_0, yt2_0); xt2_1_yt2_1 = _ftof2(xt2_1, yt2_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x2[h2 ] = (si10 * yt1_0 + co10 * xt1_0) */ /* x2[h2+1] = (co10 * yt1_0 - si10 * xt1_0) */ /* x2[h2+2] = (si11 * yt1_1 + co11 * xt1_1) */ /* x2[h2+3] = (co11 * yt1_1 - si11 * xt1_1) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xl1_0o_xl1_1o = _complex_mpysp(co10_si10, xt1_0_yt1_0); xl1_2o_xl1_3o = _complex_mpysp(co11_si11, xt1_1_yt1_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x2[l1 ] = (si20 * yt0_0 + co20 * xt0_0) */ /* x2[l1+1] = (co20 * yt0_0 - si20 * xt0_0) */ /* x2[l1+2] = (si21 * yt0_1 + co21 * xt0_1) */ /* x2[l1+3] = (co21 * yt0_1 - si21 * xt0_1) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh2_0o_xh2_1o = _complex_mpysp(co20_si20, xt0_0_yt0_0); xh2_2o_xh2_3o = _complex_mpysp(co21_si21, xt0_1_yt0_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* x2[l2 ] = (si30 * yt2_0 + co30 * xt2_0) */ /* x2[l2+1] = (co30 * yt2_0 - si30 * xt2_0) */ /* x2[l2+2] = (si31 * yt2_1 + co31 * xt2_1) */ /* x2[l2+3] = (co31 * yt2_1 - si31 * xt2_1) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xl2_0o_xl2_1o = _complex_mpysp(co30_si30, xt2_0_yt2_0); xl2_2o_xl2_3o = _complex_mpysp(co31_si31, xt2_1_yt2_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Derive output pointers using the input pointer "x" */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x2 = (float*)_mvd((int)x); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Store eight outputs - four legs of each butterfly */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ _amem8_f2(&x2[0]) = x_0o_x_1o; _amem8_f2(&x2[2]) = x_2o_x_3o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l1]) = xl1_0o_xl1_1o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l1+2]) = xl1_2o_xl1_3o; _amem8_f2(&x2[h2]) = xh2_0o_xh2_1o; _amem8_f2(&x2[h2+2]) = xh2_2o_xh2_3o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l2]) = xl2_0o_xl2_1o; _amem8_f2(&x2[l2+2]) = xl2_2o_xl2_3o; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* When the twiddle factors are not to be re-used, j is */ /* incremented by 12, to reflect the fact that 6 words are */ /* consumed in every iteration. The input data pointer */ /* increments by 4. Note that within a stage, the stride does */ /* not change and hence the offsets for the other three legs, */ /* 0, h2, l1, l2. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ j += 12; x += 4; predj = (j - fft_jmp); if (!predj) x += fft_jmp; if (!predj) j = 0; } stride >>= 2; } j = offset >> 2; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The following code performs either a standard radix4 pass or a */ /* radix2 pass. Two pointers are used to access the input data. */ /* The input data is read "N/4" complex samples apart or "N/2" */ /* words apart using pointers "x0" and "x2". This produces out- */ /* puts that are 0, N/8, N/2, 3N/8 for radix 2. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ y0 = ptr_y; y2 = ptr_y + n_max; x2 = ptr_x; y1 = y0 + (n_max >> 1); y3 = y2 + (n_max >> 1); l1 = _norm(n_max) + 4; if (radix == 4) { for (i = 0; i < N; i += 4) { /* reversal computation */ k = _bitr(j) >> l1; j++; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read in the input data. These are transformed as a radix 4. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_01 = _amem8_f2(&x2[0]); x_23 = _amem8_f2(&x2[2]); x_45 = _amem8_f2(&x2[4]); x_67 = _amem8_f2(&x2[6]); x2 += 8; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Perform radix4 style decomposition. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ xh0_0_xh1_0 = _daddsp(x_01, x_45); xh0_1_xh1_1 = _daddsp(x_23, x_67); xl0_0_xl1_0 = _dsubsp(x_01, x_45); xl0_1_xl1_1 = _dsubsp(x_23, x_67); yt_01 = _daddsp(xh0_0_xh1_0, xh0_1_xh1_1); yt_45 = _dsubsp(xh0_0_xh1_0, xh0_1_xh1_1); yt3 = _lof2(xl0_0_xl1_0) - _hif2(xl0_1_xl1_1); yt2 = _hif2(xl0_0_xl1_0) + _lof2(xl0_1_xl1_1); yt7 = _lof2(xl0_0_xl1_0) + _hif2(xl0_1_xl1_1); yt6 = _hif2(xl0_0_xl1_0) - _lof2(xl0_1_xl1_1); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Points that are read from succesive locations map to y */ /* y[N/8], y[N/2], y[5N/8] in a radix2 scheme. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ _amem8_f2(&y0[k*2]) = yt_01; _amem8_f2(&y1[k*2]) = _ftof2(yt2, yt3); _amem8_f2(&y2[k*2]) = yt_45; _amem8_f2(&y3[k*2]) = _ftof2(yt6, yt7); } } if (radix == 2) { for (i = 0; i < N; i += 4) { /* reversal computation */ k = _bitr(j) >> l1; j++; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read in the input data. These are transformed as a radix 2. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ x_01 = _amem8_f2(&x2[0]); x_23 = _amem8_f2(&x2[2]); x_45 = _amem8_f2(&x2[4]); x_67 = _amem8_f2(&x2[6]); x2 += 8; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Perform radix2 style decomposition. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ yt_01 = _daddsp(x_01, x_23); yt_23 = _daddsp(x_45, x_67); yt_45 = _dsubsp(x_01, x_23); yt_67 = _dsubsp(x_45, x_67); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Points that are read from succesive locations map to y */ /* y[N/8], y[N/2], y[5N/8] in a radix2 scheme. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ _amem8_f2(&y0[k*2]) = yt_01; _amem8_f2(&y1[k*2]) = yt_23; _amem8_f2(&y2[k*2]) = yt_45; _amem8_f2(&y3[k*2]) = yt_67; } } } #endif /* ======================================================================= */ /* End of file: DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_opt.c */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright (c) 2011 Texas Instruments, Incorporated. */ /* All Rights Reserved. */ /* ======================================================================= */
Thank you, clear answer.
Just one clarification: if i well understood, if i use the assembly dspf_sp_fft (not interruptible) on a background task, it will take to unpredictable delays on incoming hardware isrs. Is this true or there is a hope that i can still use the assembly version? If this is true, is it possible to have a worst case estimate of the delay cycles?
Best regards