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Forking Kazem's thread on this topic. I encountered this error on a fresh install of CCS Version: using DSP BIOS bios_5_42_01_09 while building the C5535 Audio Framework (c55_caf_02.00.02.04).
The Error message reads as following and is related to a missing Java something or other.
C:\ti\bios_5_42_01_09\xdctools\C:/ti/bios_5_42_01_09/xdctools/tconf: can't create session manager: create of JVM failed
My verbose build logs can be found on Kazem's thread.
Per the set up instruction the following System Variable was created.
BIOS_INSTALL_DIR --> C:\ti\bios_5_42_01_09
And the xdctool directory (C:\ti\bios_5_42_01_09\xdctools) was appended to the System PATH variable.
Additional behavior of this bug is the following.
Code Composer is unable to open the .TCF configuration file.
And Windows 7 64bit is unable to run the tconf.exe in the xdctools directory.
I believe this to be the root of the problem and will update this thread once it is resolved.
Tconf.exe was unable locate the MSVCR71.dll.
This dll provided in all Java JRE installs in the bin folder as well as inside the bios_5_42_01_09 install directory.
So appending
C:\ti\bios_5_42_01_09\xdctools\jre\bin to your System PATH variable resolved the issue.
Your Path should look like the following
C:\ti\bios_5_42_01_09\xdctools\jre\bin;C:\ti\bios_5_42_01_09\xdctools;<Rest of your PATH variable>
You will need to restart CCS for this to take effect.
You will now be able to open the TCF file in codecomposer and run tconf.exe in place.
thanks for finding the real cause of that problem. This is a known bug -, but the version of xdctools in DSP/BIOS predates the fix. All XDCtools releases after contain the fix and the path to msvcr71.dll does not have to be added to the system's PATH.