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Software CPU reset on a C6455

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6455

Hi All,

is it possible to do a software CPU reset on a 6455 DSP? I would like to reset the CPU without changing the peripherals configuration (in particular the DDR controller).

I can do this with an emulator. 

Is there a way to acheive the same in software?



  • Alessandro,

    In the datasheet for the TMS320C6455, there is a section on the Reset Controller. It lists and describes all of the different available resets.

    There is no CPU-controlled local reset, but it can be done by an external host. If you are not using HPI, then you may be able to rig something up where the PCI port can be commanded from the PCI port, basically writing to itself. This might not be possible, I have not tested it, but I have seen similar things done with PCI ports on our DSPs so it seemed worth mentioning.

    Depending on why you want to do this, you could just do a branch to _c_int00 which is the start of most DSP programs.

  • Hi Randy,
    Thanks for your answer.

    Basically what I need to do is upload a firmware in DDR2 using SRIO. For now the only way I found to make is work is at follows:

    1. Upload a small firmware that configures the DDR2 controller.
    2. Reset the CPU with the emulator (I can't use the reset from SRIO, because that is a Max Reset that also resets the controller).
    3. Upload the real firmware in DDR2.

    I'm searching for a way to make the same in software.

    Unfortunately the board is already finished and I can't change anything on it.

    Do you think this is possible?


  • Hi,
    Can we do something like bootloader concept here.
    We can use bootloader which is going to do same small firmware stuff and it will be executed on internal RAM and then it would initiate the DDR.
    Then bootloader gives control to actual app ie real firmware.
    Is this okay ?
  • Hi Titusrathinaraj,
    That would work.

    I did try with the bootloader approach, but without success.
    I tried following the guidelines in TMS320C645x/C647x Bootloader, but the example there is for I2C / EEPROM.

    Is it possible to do something similar only using SRIO?

