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I am working on OMAP3530 EVM.I am using REV G board and 2.6.29-rc3-omap1-g938d1cf-dirty kernel.
Here composti video (CVBS)output is not working.In kenel menuconfig there is no selection for composit video output.S video is working fine with kernel default configeration.
can anyone help me to work out CVBS out.
Hello Arindam,
When you select the Menuconfig please try the following:
System Type => TI OMAP Implementations => (scroll down) OMAP2_VENC_OUT_TYPE => Select your interface
Thanks punay,CVBS worked fine.but i thik there is a little problem.actually I am using dmai version 2_00_01_04 in my application code.Now for display in Svideo as well as composite,I have to select svideo as videoOutput.If I select composite as videoOutput,then Display_create function failed.I checked dmai code also,it doesn’t seems that this version of dmai have composite support.
But if I select svideo as videoOutput and connect video cable on CVBS connector,it gives output on CVBS.
Is that ok?Or what version of dmai have both the support(CVBS and Svideo)?