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Tool/software: Linux
I'm a part of a development team currently investigating the possibilities of running a modern web-based UI on a Sitara AM5728 device. The specific hardware we are using for evaluation is Compulab's CL-SOM-AM57x with the SB-SOM-AM57x carrier board. On the software side, we are currently using a Linux distribution built with Yocto/Arago, using the following meta layer setup:
The setup is based around the "Morty" branch of Yocto, the TI 2017.00 release of meta-arago and TI's 4.4.41 Linux kernel (with Compulab patches and board-specific device tree).
We have modified the PowerVR kernel driver recipe ( to use the proper 4.4 kernel branch from like so:
BRANCH = "ti-img-sgx/${PV}/k4.4"
For building Chromium for Wayland 53.0.2785.143, we are using recipes from the meta-browser layer (master branch, commit hash 880a7bd1d3b9a1b2003f5b0620350f03158bbd43).
The packages in our Yocto image are:
packagegroup-arago-base \
packagegroup-arago-console \
omapdrm-pvr \
libexif \
wayland \
weston \
chromium-wayland \
With this setup we are currently attemping to get a working Chromium browser and have been unsuccessful so far. The chromium-wayland recipe builds successfully and Weston runs fine with EGL support, however Chromium crashes with the following error:
root@dev-am57x:~# google-chrome
[1027:1027:0425/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[1027:1027:0425/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual void views::DesktopWindowTreeHostOzone::SetWindowIcons(const gfx::ImageSkia&, const gfx::ImageSkia&)
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual void views::OzoneWebUI::GetDefaultFontDescription(std::__cxx11::string*, int*, int*, gfx::Font::Weight*, gfx::FontRenderParams*) const
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual gfx::FontRenderParams views::OzoneWebUI::GetDefaultFontRenderParams() const
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual gfx::FontRenderParams views::OzoneWebUI::GetDefaultFontRenderParams() const
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual gfx::FontRenderParams views::OzoneWebUI::GetDefaultFontRenderParams() const
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual void views::DesktopWindowTreeHostOzone::SetWindowIcons(const gfx::ImageSkia&, const gfx::ImageSkia&)
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual gfx::FontRenderParams views::OzoneWebUI::GetDefaultFontRenderParams() const
[1002:1002:0425/] Not implemented reached in virtual gfx::FontRenderParams views::OzoneWebUI::GetDefaultFontRenderParams() const
/usr/bin/google-chrome: line 11: 1002 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /usr/bin/chromium/chrome ${CHROME_EXTRA_ARGS} $@
I've searched around these boards a bit and found this thread with a similar issue (with Chromium 48, however) from last year. There a TI rep explained that GPU graphics libraries were the cause and it was being worked on by the GPU vendor.
Can you confirm that our issue is also caused by PowerVR graphics libraries and has there been any fix to that since then?
With regards,
Alo L.
For completeness, our July release will use the Yocto Morty branch which incorporates Qt 5.7.1. The QtWebEngine from that release corresponds to Chromium 49.