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Tool/software: TI-RTOS
How to build existing IPC examples in CCS? How to create CCS IPC project through which arm and dsp can communicate?
I am beginner, and want to create IPC CCS project, with this project I just want to build write simple arm - dsp communication code like arm should send "Hello" string and dsp should print this on UART.
All of our IPC examples are makefile based and unfortunately we currently don't have a guide on porting them to CCS. However, we do have a guide that shows how to add IPC to an existing CCS project that should be of help:
Refer to for descriptions of the examples and steps to build them.
I've also attached my own CCS projects for the ex02_messageq example that you may use to get started. You may have to fix the include path locations to get it to build.
I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.