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DM365 resizer setting from yuv422 to yuv420 semi in NTSC/PAL (D1) resolution

Dear All:

I tried to encode H.264 in NTSC/PAL resolution (D1).

The input video is coming from TVP-5146 or other TV decoder in YUV422 format (BT656).

SInce H.264 is using YUV420, I need to convert the YUV422 to YUV420.

I realize that there is a 32 byte alignment constraint in the resizer.

Therefore, I set the input and output width of the resizer to 736.

But only the Y layer is OK, the UV layer does not look right.


I also use other resolutions, such as 1280x720 from camera and 640x480

from tv input. These results are ok. Only 720x480 (or 736x480) is not working well.


The following are two parts of my code:


////// config ///////

    rsz_ss_config.input.image_width  = 736;
    rsz_ss_config.input.image_height = 480;
    rsz_ss_config.input.ppln         = rsz_ss_config.input.image_width  + 8;
    rsz_ss_config.input.lpfr         = rsz_ss_config.input.image_height + 10;
    rsz_ss_config.input.pix_fmt      = IPIPE_UYVY;
    rsz_ss_config.output1.width      = 736;
    rsz_ss_config.output1.height     = 480;   
    rsz_ss_config.output1.pix_fmt    = IPIPE_YUV420SP;   
    rsz_ss_config.output1.enable     = 1;
    rsz_ss_config.output2.enable     = 0;
    rsz_chan_config.oper_mode        = IMP_MODE_SINGLE_SHOT;
    rsz_chan_config.chain            = 0;
    rsz_chan_config.len              = sizeof(struct rsz_single_shot_config);
    rsz_chan_config.config           = &rsz_ss_config;

    if (ioctl(rsz_fd, RSZ_S_CONFIG, &rsz_chan_config) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error in setting configuration in resizer\n");
        return -1;

    ////// resize //////

    bzero(&convert, sizeof(convert));
    convert.in_buff.buf_type   = IMP_BUF_IN;
    convert.in_buff.index      = -1;
    convert.in_buff.offset     = (unsigned int)src;
    convert.in_buff.size       = 736 * 480 * 2;
    convert.out_buff1.buf_type = IMP_BUF_OUT1;
    convert.out_buff1.index    = -1;
    convert.out_buff1.offset   = (unsigned int)dst;
    convert.out_buff1.size     = 736 * 480 * 3 / 2;
    if (ioctl(rsz_fd, RSZ_RESIZE, &convert) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error in doing resize\n");
        return -1;


The following picture is a snapshot of the video.

The added OSD is OK, because I added it in my program.

It is not coming from the original video.

As you can see, although the video looks like B/W,

but there are some very light blue and red strips crossing the video.



Is there anything I need to change for the resizer or anything else?

Any comment will be appreciated.

