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AM5706: Schematic Queries

Part Number: AM5706

Posting on behalf of the field team

1, What the purpose of below circuit from EVM? Does this can been removed?

2, What the purpose of below circuit from EVM? Does this can been removed?

3, Customer has pullup RESETN and RSTOUTn. Should customer change their design to follow below EVM?


  • Q1:  The circuit is a clamp that prevents the 3.3V I/O rail from ever being more than 2.0V greater than the 1.8V I/O rail during power-up and power-down ramping.  See Figure 5-6 in the Data Manual on page 155.  It is required.

    Q2:  The load switch is controlled by PMIC_REGEN_3V3.  It is used to enable the SW_VSYS_3V3 rail at the proper timing in the power-up sequence.  The 2 FETs are an active discharge circuit to pull the SW_VSYS_3V3 rail down quickly during power-down sequencing.  Both are required.

    Q3:  I see no reason to pull-up rstoutn.  The pull-down resistor in the schematic keeps this net low and all peripherals in reset until the AM5706 is ready to drive it high.
