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I plan to use the NOR flash boot mode of the TMS320C6748. I need to know whether or not the latest version of the ROM boot loader code in this processor enables the Extended Wait Mode of the EMIFA bus. That is, does it set bit 30 (EW field) of the CE2CFG register to a “one” or a “zero”?
By default the EMIF settings are such that the interface timings are maximum and the extended wait is disabled (AnCR=0x3FFFFFFC for 8-bit or AnCR=0x3FFFFFFD for 16-bit). You could potentially change the EMIF configuration register to alter the timings and possibly change the extended wait usage during the boot by using the AIS function execute command or AIS SET (also called AIS BOOT TABLE).
Regards, Daniel
Jeff, Daniel:
Thank you for your help.
I have another question on the same subject (I know this is going to sound unorthodox, but bear with me):
Then I will accomplish what I need to do.
I realize that in order for this to work:
So, finally, here is the question for you: Will TI be willing to provide an assembly language listing, with hard addresses, for the ROM boot loader code? And continue to make this information available when it changes?
Please let me know.
I don't possibly see how this would work. The NOR config word would sit at 0x60000000 and these "few instructions" you mention would need to sit at 0x60000004 and the following locations. Then if you jumped back into the ROM bootloader and tried to get AIS data from the NOR flash, it would expect to see an AIS magic word at 0x60000004 and valid AIS commands at the following addresses. This doesn't seem possible.
Can you back up and explain why you think you need this convoluted procedure? Is there some bit of code that you want to run very early in the boot process?
Regards, Daniel
P.S. The ROM boot loader was not designed to be jumped back into in the manner you describe and therefore there are no plans to expose the addresses of symbols associated with the ROM boot loader program and maintain such a list over time and ROM revisions.
Thank you for respondig. I did not hold much hope for getting the ROM boot loader info.
To answer your question: Yes. There is a small amount of code I need to run first, before proceeding with the boot loading process.
In my previous posting I wrote:
"I realize that in order for this to work:
This is indeed possible, which gives me an excuse to use the following quote:
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" Hamlet, Act I, Scene V.
I will give you two clues: I had the words "NOR Flash" in quotes in my last post, and the reason that I need to execute a small amount of code is to enable the "Extended Wait" mode of the EMIFA.
Do you need every word of the NOR flash to be read in extended wait state mode? Because you can use several methods (all in the form of certain AIS commands) to turn on this feature as the first thing you do immediately following the NOR config word and the AIS magic number. The easiest ones would be using the AIS FUNCTION EXECUTE command for executing the EMIF configuration function or using the AIS SET (or BOOT_TABLE) command to place a new value in the EMIF configuration register for CS2. You can craft the AIS file so that one of these operations is the very first AIS command executed. Would that be sufficient for your needs?
Regards, Daniel