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Hi Rahul,
I got files. Thank a lot.
I read that DFU requires target USB port configuration.
So the question now "Will DFU work with Industrial IDK?!"
The DFU/FW download requirement that we are discussing is for automating system testing during development or for production environment. We need any simple way to download test firmware to a EVB and then to the target board. It is OK to modify hardware and change boot options if required.
I'd like to go the same way as your system team, JTAG, UART or USB. Everything that can workout, even if it not optimal.
I split the thread from the DFU related thread to discuss test automation as we discussed offline.
We have a couple of methods that our system test team deploys to automate SDK test:
Automate loading code over JTAG: The CCS package supports debug server scripting that allows you to load binaries and test the code in an automated way. The CCS installation comes with some examples but we can check with system test team if they can provide some reference scripts. Details and examples of debug scripting is provided in the article Debug Server scripting
// factory_defaults dss script // Import the DSS packages into our namespace to save on typing importPackage(; importPackage(; importPackage(; importPackage(; importPackage(; // Create our scripting environment object - which is the main entry point into // any script and the factory for creating other Scriptable ervers and Sessions var script = ScriptingEnvironment.instance() var debugScriptEnv = ScriptingEnvironment.instance(); // program_evm environment. testEnv = {}; // Get the Debug Server and start a Debug Session var debugServer = script.getServer("DebugServer.1"); //***************Functions define*************************** function isFile(path) { try { file = new; } catch (ex) { return false; } return true; } //****************Get New Time Stamp*********************** function localTime() { // get time stamp var currentTime = new Date(); var year = currentTime.getFullYear(); var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1; month = month + ""; if (month.length == 1) { month = "0" + month; } var day = currentTime.getDate(); var hour = currentTime.getHours(); var minute = currentTime.getMinutes(); minute = minute + ""; if (minute.length == 1) { minute = "0" + minute; } var second = currentTime.getSeconds(); second = second + ""; if (second.length == 1) { second = "0" + second; } return (year+"_"+month+"_"+day+"_"+hour+minute+second); } /** * Get error code from the given exception. * @param {exception} The exception from which to get the error code. */ function getErrorCode(exception) { var ex2 = exception.javaException; if (ex2 instanceof { return ex2.getErrorID(); } return 0; } function fileCopy(source,destination) { inputFile = new File(source); outputFile = new File(destination); infile = new; out = new; var c; while ((c = != -1) out.write(c); infile.close(); out.close(); } function pausecomp(millis) { var date = new Date(); var curDate = null; do { curDate = new Date(); } while(curDate-date < millis) { //print("Waiting "+millis+"ms...\r\n") } } //******************************************* // Declarations and Inititalizations var nandwriter_dir = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.dir"); var dss_script_dir = java.lang.System.getenv("DSS_SCRIPT_DIR"); var host_os = ""; var script_logs = nandwriter_dir+"/logs/"; var script_configs = nandwriter_dir+"/configs/"; var script_binaries = "../prebuilt-images/"; var targetConfig = ""; var writeAll = false; var writerImages = ""; var big_endian = false; var targetFlag = "unknown"; var targetConfig = "unknown"; var emul560 = false; var xds200 = false; var emulation_spec = "onboard XDS100"; testEnv.cioFile = null; if (java.lang.System.getProperty("").match(/Linux/i)) { host_os = "-linuxhost"; } // Parse the arguments if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments.length < 3) { // parse the board spec var board_spec = arguments[0].toLowerCase(); board_spec = board_spec.replace(/^tmd(x|s)/, ""); board_spec = board_spec.replace(/^evmc/, "evm"); // find endian, user wants if (board_spec.match(/-be$/)) { big_endian = true; board_spec = board_spec.replace(/-be$/, ""); } else board_spec = board_spec.replace(/-le$/, ""); // find onboard emulation option for this board if (board_spec.match(/lx?e$/)) { emul560 = true; emulation_spec = "XDS560 mezzanine"; board_spec = board_spec.replace(/e$/, ""); } if (board_spec.match(/ls$/)) { xds200 = true; emulation_spec = "XDS200 emulator"; board_spec = board_spec.replace(/ls$/, "l"); } if (board_spec.match(/k2h$/) || board_spec.match(/k2e$/) || board_spec.match(/k2l$/) || board_spec.match(/k2g$/)) { emulation_spec = "XDS2xx emulator"; } // for now, use the same software for lx and l variants board_spec = board_spec.replace(/lx$/, "l"); // for now, treat evm6618l as an alias for evm6670l board_spec = board_spec.replace(/evm6618/, "evm6670"); targetFlag = board_spec; endian_spec = (big_endian ? "-be" : ""); board_binaries = script_binaries; targetConfig = java.lang.System.getenv("PROGRAM_EVM_TARGET_CONFIG_FILE"); if (!targetConfig) targetConfig = script_configs + targetFlag + "/" + targetFlag + (emul560 ? "e" : "") + (xds200 ? "s" : "") + host_os + ".ccxml"; print("board: " + targetFlag); print("endian: " + (big_endian ? "Big" : "Little")); print("emulation: " + emulation_spec); print("binaries: " + board_binaries); print("ccxml: " + targetConfig); var dir = new File(board_binaries); if (!dir.exists()) { print("board binaries directory not found"); java.lang.System.exit(2); } if(arguments[1]) writerImages = arguments[1]; else writeAll = true; } else { print("Syntax error in command line"); print("Syntax: program_evm.js [tmdx|tmds]evm[c](<device>)l[x][e][-le|-be] [images_to_write]") print(" tmdx: TMDX type EVM") print(" tmds: TMDS type EVM") print(" c: Not used, for backward compatibility") print(" <device> is the board name e.g 6472,6678 etc") print(" l: Low cost EVM") print(" x: EVM supports encryption") print(" e: EVM uses 560 Mezzanine Emulator daughter card") print(" le: Little Endian") print(" be: Big Endian") print(" example: TMDXEVM6678L-le") print(" [images_to_write] OPTIONAL is a list of the images to be written") print(" example: eeprom50,nor") print(" If not specified all (eeprom50,eeprom51,nand,nor) will be written") java.lang.System.exit(0); } var i2cwriterbinary = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out"; var nandwriterbinary = board_binaries + "nandwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out"; var norwriterbinary = board_binaries + "norwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out"; var eepromwriter_input51 = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input51.txt"; var eepromwriter_input50 = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input50.txt"; var eepromwriter_input = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input.txt"; var eeprom50 = board_binaries + "eeprom50.bin"; var eeprom51 = board_binaries + "eeprom51.bin"; var nand = board_binaries + "nand.bin"; var nor = board_binaries + "nor.bin"; var custom_config = script_configs+targetFlag+"/program_evm_config"; if (isFile(custom_config)) { file = new while((line = file.readLine()) != null) { params = line.split("\\s+"); if (params[1] == undefined) continue; if ("board_binaries" == params[0]) board_binaries = params[1]; else if ("norwriterbinary" == params[0]) norwriterbinary = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("nandwriterbinary" == params[0]) nandwriterbinary = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("i2cwriterbinary" == params[0]) i2cwriterbinary = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("nand" == params[0]) nand = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("nor" == params[0]) nor = board_binaries + params[1]; } file.close(); } // Note: nAddress is the load address for using eepromwriter. // nandNorAddress is the address used for nandwriter and norwriter. switch (targetFlag) { case "evm6457l": cpu_id = "C64XP_1"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6474l": cpu_id = "C64XP_0"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6455": cpu_id = "C64XP_0"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6474": cpu_id = "C64XP_1A"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6472l": cpu_id = "C64XP_A"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6670l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6678l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6657l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2h": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2e": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2g": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; default: script.traceWrite("Could not file cpu id for target " + targetFlag + "\n"); } start = localTime(); testEnv.cioFile = script_logs+targetFlag+"_"+start+"-cio"+".txt"; // Create a log file in the current directory to log script execution script.traceBegin(script_logs+targetFlag+"_"+start+"-trace"+".txt") // Configure target debugServer.setConfig(targetConfig); pausecomp(1000); debugSession = debugServer.openSession("*",cpu_id); if (testEnv.cioFile != null) debugSession.beginCIOLogging(testEnv.cioFile); pausecomp(1000);; pausecomp(1000);; pausecomp(1000); //POST if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/eeprom50/)) { //Write EEPROM start = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Start writing eeprom50"); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + i2cwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("Image:" + eeprom50 + "\r\n"); if (isFile(i2cwriterbinary) && isFile(eeprom50)) { fileCopy(eepromwriter_input50,eepromwriter_input); debugSession.memory.loadProgram(i2cwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = eeprom50 ; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = false; try { debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } end = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required EEPROM50 files do not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } //IBL if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/eeprom51/)) { start = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Start writing eeprom51"); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + i2cwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("Image:" + eeprom51 + "\r\n"); if (isFile(i2cwriterbinary) && isFile(eeprom51)) { fileCopy(eepromwriter_input51,eepromwriter_input); debugSession.memory.loadProgram(i2cwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = eeprom51; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = iblByteSwap; try { debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } end = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required EEPROM51 files do not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } //NAND if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/nand/)) { if (writerImages.match(/format/)) { /* No action is taken for NAND since it is format*/ } else { start_nand = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + nandwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("NAND:" + nand + "\r\n"); if (isFile(nand) && isFile(nandwriterbinary)) { debugSession.memory.loadProgram(nandwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = nand; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = false; try { script.traceWrite("Start loading nand.bin"); debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nandNorAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } script.traceWrite("Start programming NAND"); script.traceWrite("End programming NAND"); end_nand = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required NAND files does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } } //FORMAT the flash if (writerImages.match(/format/)) { //NAND Erase all if (writerImages.match(/nand/)) { start_nand = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + nandwriterbinary + "\r\n"); if (isFile(nandwriterbinary)) { debugSession.memory.loadProgram(nandwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; var nValue = 0x12345678; try { script.traceWrite("Formatting NAND device ... Initiated"); // Get the address of that symbol var flag_address = debugSession.symbol.getAddress("nand_erase_flag") debugSession.memory.writeWord(nPage, flag_address, nValue); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not set the nandwriter for erasing all nand blocks! "); } script.traceWrite("Formatting NAND device ...Completed"); end_nand = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required NAND binary does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } else { /* No action is taken */ script.traceWrite("FLASH FORMAT - No Action is taken, please provide the supported format command string, e.g., format-nand"); } if (testEnv.cioFile != null) { // Stop CIO logging. debugSession.endCIOLogging(); } debugSession.terminate(); debugServer.stop() // Stop logging and exit. script.traceEnd(); java.lang.System.exit(0); } //NOR if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/nor/)) { start_nor = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + norwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("NOR:" + nor + "\r\n"); if (isFile(nor) && isFile(norwriterbinary)) { debugSession.memory.loadProgram(norwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = nor ; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = false; try { script.traceWrite("Start loading nor.bin"); debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nandNorAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } script.traceWrite("Start programming NOR"); script.traceWrite(localTime()); script.traceWrite("End programming NOR"); end_nor = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required NOR files does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } if (testEnv.cioFile != null) { // Stop CIO logging. debugSession.endCIOLogging(); } debugSession.terminate(); debugServer.stop() // Stop logging and exit. script.traceEnd(); java.lang.System.exit(0);
Serial loader or SD card loading: Serial loader loads application over UART on boards that support UART booting. On Sitara boards which support SD card booting, the system test team has a custom muxed SD HW that allows them to load built application binaries from host into SD card and then switch the mux so that target access the files.
Location in Processor SDK RTOS 5.0:
This has been described here:
1. Copy PRSDK MLO and uart apploader app to sdcard
2. Insert sdcard into sd slot of idkAM572x board
3. Power cycle the board
4. Transfer application image to be tested over UART using xmodem protocol.
Example output:
HW used in test automation:
Here is a link to the network-enabled power switch we use:
Here are API links:,
I split the thread from the DFU related thread to discuss test automation as we discussed offline.
We have a couple of methods that our system test team deploys to automate SDK test:
Automate loading code over JTAG: The CCS package supports debug server scripting that allows you to load binaries and test the code in an automated way. The CCS installation comes with some examples but we can check with system test team if they can provide some reference scripts. Details and examples of debug scripting is provided in the article Debug Server scripting
Examples of debug Server scripting are provided here:
Load TI utility:
Program EVM script :
// factory_defaults dss script // Import the DSS packages into our namespace to save on typing importPackage(; importPackage(; importPackage(; importPackage(; importPackage(; // Create our scripting environment object - which is the main entry point into // any script and the factory for creating other Scriptable ervers and Sessions var script = ScriptingEnvironment.instance() var debugScriptEnv = ScriptingEnvironment.instance(); // program_evm environment. testEnv = {}; // Get the Debug Server and start a Debug Session var debugServer = script.getServer("DebugServer.1"); //***************Functions define*************************** function isFile(path) { try { file = new; } catch (ex) { return false; } return true; } //****************Get New Time Stamp*********************** function localTime() { // get time stamp var currentTime = new Date(); var year = currentTime.getFullYear(); var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1; month = month + ""; if (month.length == 1) { month = "0" + month; } var day = currentTime.getDate(); var hour = currentTime.getHours(); var minute = currentTime.getMinutes(); minute = minute + ""; if (minute.length == 1) { minute = "0" + minute; } var second = currentTime.getSeconds(); second = second + ""; if (second.length == 1) { second = "0" + second; } return (year+"_"+month+"_"+day+"_"+hour+minute+second); } /** * Get error code from the given exception. * @param {exception} The exception from which to get the error code. */ function getErrorCode(exception) { var ex2 = exception.javaException; if (ex2 instanceof { return ex2.getErrorID(); } return 0; } function fileCopy(source,destination) { inputFile = new File(source); outputFile = new File(destination); infile = new; out = new; var c; while ((c = != -1) out.write(c); infile.close(); out.close(); } function pausecomp(millis) { var date = new Date(); var curDate = null; do { curDate = new Date(); } while(curDate-date < millis) { //print("Waiting "+millis+"ms...\r\n") } } //******************************************* // Declarations and Inititalizations var nandwriter_dir = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.dir"); var dss_script_dir = java.lang.System.getenv("DSS_SCRIPT_DIR"); var host_os = ""; var script_logs = nandwriter_dir+"/logs/"; var script_configs = nandwriter_dir+"/configs/"; var script_binaries = "../prebuilt-images/"; var targetConfig = ""; var writeAll = false; var writerImages = ""; var big_endian = false; var targetFlag = "unknown"; var targetConfig = "unknown"; var emul560 = false; var xds200 = false; var emulation_spec = "onboard XDS100"; testEnv.cioFile = null; if (java.lang.System.getProperty("").match(/Linux/i)) { host_os = "-linuxhost"; } // Parse the arguments if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments.length < 3) { // parse the board spec var board_spec = arguments[0].toLowerCase(); board_spec = board_spec.replace(/^tmd(x|s)/, ""); board_spec = board_spec.replace(/^evmc/, "evm"); // find endian, user wants if (board_spec.match(/-be$/)) { big_endian = true; board_spec = board_spec.replace(/-be$/, ""); } else board_spec = board_spec.replace(/-le$/, ""); // find onboard emulation option for this board if (board_spec.match(/lx?e$/)) { emul560 = true; emulation_spec = "XDS560 mezzanine"; board_spec = board_spec.replace(/e$/, ""); } if (board_spec.match(/ls$/)) { xds200 = true; emulation_spec = "XDS200 emulator"; board_spec = board_spec.replace(/ls$/, "l"); } if (board_spec.match(/k2h$/) || board_spec.match(/k2e$/) || board_spec.match(/k2l$/) || board_spec.match(/k2g$/)) { emulation_spec = "XDS2xx emulator"; } // for now, use the same software for lx and l variants board_spec = board_spec.replace(/lx$/, "l"); // for now, treat evm6618l as an alias for evm6670l board_spec = board_spec.replace(/evm6618/, "evm6670"); targetFlag = board_spec; endian_spec = (big_endian ? "-be" : ""); board_binaries = script_binaries; targetConfig = java.lang.System.getenv("PROGRAM_EVM_TARGET_CONFIG_FILE"); if (!targetConfig) targetConfig = script_configs + targetFlag + "/" + targetFlag + (emul560 ? "e" : "") + (xds200 ? "s" : "") + host_os + ".ccxml"; print("board: " + targetFlag); print("endian: " + (big_endian ? "Big" : "Little")); print("emulation: " + emulation_spec); print("binaries: " + board_binaries); print("ccxml: " + targetConfig); var dir = new File(board_binaries); if (!dir.exists()) { print("board binaries directory not found"); java.lang.System.exit(2); } if(arguments[1]) writerImages = arguments[1]; else writeAll = true; } else { print("Syntax error in command line"); print("Syntax: program_evm.js [tmdx|tmds]evm[c](<device>)l[x][e][-le|-be] [images_to_write]") print(" tmdx: TMDX type EVM") print(" tmds: TMDS type EVM") print(" c: Not used, for backward compatibility") print(" <device> is the board name e.g 6472,6678 etc") print(" l: Low cost EVM") print(" x: EVM supports encryption") print(" e: EVM uses 560 Mezzanine Emulator daughter card") print(" le: Little Endian") print(" be: Big Endian") print(" example: TMDXEVM6678L-le") print(" [images_to_write] OPTIONAL is a list of the images to be written") print(" example: eeprom50,nor") print(" If not specified all (eeprom50,eeprom51,nand,nor) will be written") java.lang.System.exit(0); } var i2cwriterbinary = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out"; var nandwriterbinary = board_binaries + "nandwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out"; var norwriterbinary = board_binaries + "norwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out"; var eepromwriter_input51 = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input51.txt"; var eepromwriter_input50 = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input50.txt"; var eepromwriter_input = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input.txt"; var eeprom50 = board_binaries + "eeprom50.bin"; var eeprom51 = board_binaries + "eeprom51.bin"; var nand = board_binaries + "nand.bin"; var nor = board_binaries + "nor.bin"; var custom_config = script_configs+targetFlag+"/program_evm_config"; if (isFile(custom_config)) { file = new while((line = file.readLine()) != null) { params = line.split("\\s+"); if (params[1] == undefined) continue; if ("board_binaries" == params[0]) board_binaries = params[1]; else if ("norwriterbinary" == params[0]) norwriterbinary = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("nandwriterbinary" == params[0]) nandwriterbinary = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("i2cwriterbinary" == params[0]) i2cwriterbinary = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("nand" == params[0]) nand = board_binaries + params[1]; else if ("nor" == params[0]) nor = board_binaries + params[1]; } file.close(); } // Note: nAddress is the load address for using eepromwriter. // nandNorAddress is the address used for nandwriter and norwriter. switch (targetFlag) { case "evm6457l": cpu_id = "C64XP_1"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6474l": cpu_id = "C64XP_0"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6455": cpu_id = "C64XP_0"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6474": cpu_id = "C64XP_1A"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6472l": cpu_id = "C64XP_A"; var nAddress = 0x800000; var nandNorAddress = nAddress; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6670l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6678l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evm6657l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2h": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2e": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2l": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; case "evmk2g": cpu_id = "C66xx_0"; var nAddress = 0x0C000000; var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000; var iblByteSwap = false; break; default: script.traceWrite("Could not file cpu id for target " + targetFlag + "\n"); } start = localTime(); testEnv.cioFile = script_logs+targetFlag+"_"+start+"-cio"+".txt"; // Create a log file in the current directory to log script execution script.traceBegin(script_logs+targetFlag+"_"+start+"-trace"+".txt") // Configure target debugServer.setConfig(targetConfig); pausecomp(1000); debugSession = debugServer.openSession("*",cpu_id); if (testEnv.cioFile != null) debugSession.beginCIOLogging(testEnv.cioFile); pausecomp(1000);; pausecomp(1000);; pausecomp(1000); //POST if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/eeprom50/)) { //Write EEPROM start = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Start writing eeprom50"); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + i2cwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("Image:" + eeprom50 + "\r\n"); if (isFile(i2cwriterbinary) && isFile(eeprom50)) { fileCopy(eepromwriter_input50,eepromwriter_input); debugSession.memory.loadProgram(i2cwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = eeprom50 ; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = false; try { debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } end = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required EEPROM50 files do not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } //IBL if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/eeprom51/)) { start = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Start writing eeprom51"); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + i2cwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("Image:" + eeprom51 + "\r\n"); if (isFile(i2cwriterbinary) && isFile(eeprom51)) { fileCopy(eepromwriter_input51,eepromwriter_input); debugSession.memory.loadProgram(i2cwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = eeprom51; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = iblByteSwap; try { debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } end = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required EEPROM51 files do not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } //NAND if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/nand/)) { if (writerImages.match(/format/)) { /* No action is taken for NAND since it is format*/ } else { start_nand = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + nandwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("NAND:" + nand + "\r\n"); if (isFile(nand) && isFile(nandwriterbinary)) { debugSession.memory.loadProgram(nandwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = nand; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = false; try { script.traceWrite("Start loading nand.bin"); debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nandNorAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } script.traceWrite("Start programming NAND"); script.traceWrite("End programming NAND"); end_nand = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required NAND files does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } } //FORMAT the flash if (writerImages.match(/format/)) { //NAND Erase all if (writerImages.match(/nand/)) { start_nand = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + nandwriterbinary + "\r\n"); if (isFile(nandwriterbinary)) { debugSession.memory.loadProgram(nandwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; var nValue = 0x12345678; try { script.traceWrite("Formatting NAND device ... Initiated"); // Get the address of that symbol var flag_address = debugSession.symbol.getAddress("nand_erase_flag") debugSession.memory.writeWord(nPage, flag_address, nValue); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not set the nandwriter for erasing all nand blocks! "); } script.traceWrite("Formatting NAND device ...Completed"); end_nand = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required NAND binary does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } else { /* No action is taken */ script.traceWrite("FLASH FORMAT - No Action is taken, please provide the supported format command string, e.g., format-nand"); } if (testEnv.cioFile != null) { // Stop CIO logging. debugSession.endCIOLogging(); } debugSession.terminate(); debugServer.stop() // Stop logging and exit. script.traceEnd(); java.lang.System.exit(0); } //NOR if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/nor/)) { start_nor = localTime(); script.traceWrite("Writer:" + norwriterbinary + "\r\n"); script.traceWrite("NOR:" + nor + "\r\n"); if (isFile(nor) && isFile(norwriterbinary)) { debugSession.memory.loadProgram(norwriterbinary); var nPage = 0x0; // var nAddress = 0x80000000; var sFilename = nor ; var nTypeSize = 32; var bByteSwap = false; try { script.traceWrite("Start loading nor.bin"); debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nandNorAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap); } catch (ex) { errCode = getErrorCode(ex); script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename + " to target memory!"); } script.traceWrite("Start programming NOR"); script.traceWrite(localTime()); script.traceWrite("End programming NOR"); end_nor = localTime(); } else { script.traceWrite("Required NOR files does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n"); } } if (testEnv.cioFile != null) { // Stop CIO logging. debugSession.endCIOLogging(); } debugSession.terminate(); debugServer.stop() // Stop logging and exit. script.traceEnd(); java.lang.System.exit(0);
Serial loader or SD card loading: Serial loader loads application over UART on boards that support UART booting.
Location in Processor SDK RTOS 5.0:
This has been described here:
1. Copy PRSDK MLO and uart apploader app to sdcard
2. Insert sdcard into sd slot of idkAM572x board
3. Power cycle the board
4. Transfer application image to be tested over UART using xmodem protocol.
Example output:
HW used in test automation:
Here is a link to the network-enabled power switch we use:
Here are API links:,