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RTOS/AM5728: AM57xx-EVM CCS project importing

Part Number: AM5728

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

My query is regarding script under PDK of processor_sdk_rtos_am57xx_5_01_00_11 .

As per  pdkProjectScript can be use to create example project for Code Composer Studio.

That script able to create what its say, but my query is regarding csl examples. Same scripts not able to create project for ADC, PWM e.t.c under CSL . 

Is there any way to create project for PWM,ADC that can be import into Code composer studio just like it create for GPIO,UART etc.

  • Akash,

    Not all examples in the PDK are designed to build out of the box using CCS as it is mandatory for us to use make based approach for nightly regression of our software and to automate the build. CSL examples, diagnostics and SBL are one such component that is designed only to be built using makefile.

    If you need the same to be converted into CCS project, you can use the source files in a CCS project and use the compiler flags and linker command file options and reproduce the same result in CCS. One such example is what we have provided for building SBL using CCS:

    Please review the example and let us know if this helps.

  • Hi Rahul,

    With Makefile approach i tried to build epwm_duty_cycle_test_app available in examples but i got only object file, there is no .out file. Also that application is written as baremetal program. 

    Is there way to create RTOS application just like other application are created using .

    Am trying to create Code composer project as you mention in above link but not getting success yet.

    Got some error while build as below:

    ../csl_a15_init.asm:152: undefined reference to `_bss_start'
    ../csl_a15_init.asm:153: undefined reference to `_bss_end'

    is there any example how to create RTOS application for CSL 

  • Hi Rahul, i read somewhere that CSL examples can be use only for A15. Is there any way to run those applications for DSP (C667x)/M4 cores.
    and what will be the make command to build adc/pwm application from CSL using makefile approach
  • Akash,

    That is not necessarily true for all the examples. For example since you were interested in ADC . If you look at the ADC test example in CSL in the folder pdk_am65xx_1_0_3\packages\ti\csl\example\adc\adc_singleshot_test_app\adc_app.c, you will find that the code has conditional statements to build for A15, DSP and M4 on AM572x.  

    The test contains #if defined (_TMS320C6X) reference in the code which is the code that will only compile when using C66x compiler as that macro is defined by the C6000 compiler.  Similarly code that is found under #if defined (__TI_ARM_V7M4__) will only be compiled when using TI ARM compiler for the M4 core.



  • Hi Rahul,
    which makefile is used to build CSL example application. I tried below mention command but not get .out file for desired application.
    pdk_am57xx_1_0_12/packages/ti/build$ make -s BOARD=evmAM572x OS=linux examples csl_epwm_duty_cycle_test_app .

    Also tried with CCS but not succeed til now
  • Hi Rahul, 

    Can i know which makefile used to build pwm & adc csl application examples. As am trying to create CCS project with the help of makefile as suggested in casse of SBL. But getting errors in code composer studio.

    In case of SBL makefile is well written having all required information to create Code composer project same will not true in case of other projects. Can i know how to get to know what are the path i need to add in directories & what source file need to be include to build project in Code composer.

  • Hi Rahul,
    Project is created successfully in Code composer studio but getting error while building at padConfig_prcmEnable() in main function of
    " epwm_app.c ".

    Getting below error:
    makefile:144: recipe for target 'pwm.out' failed
    ./epwm_app.o: In function `main':
    epwm_app.c:(.text.startup+0x44): undefined reference to `CSL_xbarIrqConfigure'
    epwm_app.c:(.text.startup+0x48): undefined reference to `Intc_Init'
    epwm_app.c:(.text.startup+0x50): undefined reference to `Intc_IntEnable'
    epwm_app.c:(.text.startup+0x60): undefined reference to `Intc_IntRegister'
    epwm_app.c:(.text.startup+0x70): undefined reference to `Intc_IntPrioritySet'
    epwm_app.c:(.text.startup+0x78): undefined reference to `Intc_SystemEnable'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    gmake[1]: *** [pwm.out] Error 1
    gmake: *** [all] Error 2
    makefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failed

    Is that any problem related to symbol , currently added symbols under Build -> GNUCompiler->Symbols:

    if i comment padConfig_prcmEnable() in epwm_app.c , am able to build application in code composer studio for pwm_test application in csl
  • Hi,

    You need to add CSL libraries to resolve those functions. They are under pdk_am57xx_1_0_xx\packages\ti\csl\lib\am572x\a15\release. The libraries are: ti.csl.aa15fg and ti.csl.init.aa15fg.

    Regards, Eric
  • Hi lding,

    I added library you suggest but after adding csl and board related library am getting other undefined symbol error for UART_stdioInit , Then i added ti.drv.uart.ae66 as am building my application for C667x DSP. But these undefined symbol error are coming continuously 

    Library i added:





    Is there any documentation which suggest what library are needed for particular application. Or everybody have to play-around across all libraries mention in SDK 

    As once i added one library another undefined symbol error is generated

  • Infact with provided makefile its really impossible to build csl example specially which are not listed by TI on its forum but they are part of examples folder.
    Their makefile required lots of update to build those examples successfully. Am able to build after done certain updated in make file. But struggling with Code composer studio while building them
  • Hi,

    The test examples for each driver are extensively tested. The may be some coverage gaps for those CSL examples under \pdk_am57xx_1_0_xx\packages\ti\csl\example.

    For the "undefined symbol error for UART_stdioInit" for C66x in your project, I have several driver CCS examples, I looked the *.map file where UART_stdioInit() came from. Please make sure ./lib/am572x/c66/release/ti.drv.uart.ae66 is linked.

    Regards, Eric
  • Hi Eric,
    Am able to create project in code composer studio, take help from makefile logs. Now problem occurs at xds200 debugger end. As i create project for c66x core so try to debug that application using xds200 jtag emulator. But getting error--->

    C66xx_0: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1180 @ 0x0) Device is held in reset. Take the device out of reset, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 8.0.903.6)

    Only first time when i launch my target configuration am able to debug that application using xds200. But from second time onwards am getting above errror.
    Tried various option already mention in forum but not able to debug.
    Thanks & Regards
  • For debugger issue, please open a new thread. Also clarify if you run the Linux on A15 or not, if you use GEL file on DSP/ARM or not.

    Regards, Eric