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CCS/PROCESSOR-SDK-AM65X: If possible to build a bare-metal program for R5F without CSL libraries


Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


Here explains how to build bare-metal program for R5F with CSL libraries. I am wondering if there is a chance that we can build bare-metal program for R5F without CSL libraries?



  • Can you please indicate why you don`t wish to use CSL libraries ? The CSL library for R5F performs the following initialization for the R5F core :
    1. Sets up reset and exception vectors needed for normal operation
    2. Performs Cache and MPU configurations
    3. Initializes FPU, VIM and VIC for the core

    This done such that R5F core configuration will be performed prior to entry into main. Please refer to the detail initialization of R5F that CSL performs in the source provided in the folder: pdk_am65xx_1_0_3\packages\ti\csl\arch\r5\src\startup

    If you have any issues with using CSL, then you can modify and rebuild the code with your own compiler settings but if you want to rewrite your own initialization routine from scratch then this is beyond the scope of support that we offer.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for the detailed reply again. It is quite interesting for us to write bare-mental code with CSL libraries, because we used to develop M4 and C66 bare-metal code without CSL support. 

    >If you have any issues with using CSL, then you can modify and rebuild the code with your own compiler settings but if you want to rewrite your own initialization routine from scratch then this is beyond the scope of support that we offer.

    So you mean we MUST use the CSL libraries to build our R5 bare-metal programs; otherwise, we have to solve any problems ourselves.
