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SMV320C6727B-SP: Max Continuous Power?

Part Number: SMV320C6727B-SP

HI TI team,

Regarding power calculations for your SMV320C6727B-SP part, I notice for CVDD typical power is listed at 800 mA.  I inputted your conditions as it states in note 2 of the datasheet into your power calculator spreadsheet for this part and get 568 mA for CVDD.  I think this is because the calculator I have is for your commercial part.  Is there a correlation to this commercial spreadsheet to your space qualified part?

Also what you have listed is a typical power in the datasheet.  I'm interested in what would be the max continuous for operations if that is available for CVDD and DVDD?  As of right now for max continuous I'm adding 30% to typical numbers of the spreadsheet after i scale it to the space parts 800 mA CVDD and 76 mA DVDD and am hoping for a more accurate approach.


Will S.

  • Will,
    The typical number is a little misrepresented in the Military datasheet. The silicon design is the same between the catalog and military version. The power consumption will be the same under the same conditions.
    The power between these two variants will primarily only deviate when operating at the extended temperatures.

    It is difficult to estimate the absolute maximum continuous power.

    I would recommend setting up the spreadsheet with your conditions (voltage, max temp, frequency, activity, ...) and application usage. You could then add some additional margin if desired.

    If this answers your question, please click "Verify it as the answer"
  • Thanks for the quick reply Wade.

    So from what you said does this mean there is a typo in the space datasheet and it should reflect the ~555 mA of the commercial datasheet? The 800 mA current stated is under the typical condition range of case temp 25C etc same as the commercial part.

  • Will,
    I don't think it is a typo. I tried finding some history on this, and was not successful.
    Since this is a typical (and not a tested parameter), I suspect that a more conservative value was chosen. This could have been due to selecting higher switching rates and/or higher activities.
