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Part Number: TDA2EVM5777
Tool/software: TI-RTOS
I using Caffe-Jacinto-Models Pre-trained model and testing SDK03_06 TIDL import tools.
1. Did i use the import tool correct ?
2. The Import config param can be modify ? Which Docs maybe describe about these param ?
3. After import the bin files size look difference with TIDL_files in SDK apps/tools, caffemodel src is not same ?
4. Only JDetNet for OD support currently?
Caffe-Jacinto-Models: version 0.17 and Copy deploy.prototxt from 0.16
Import Config: /cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/791/
Deploy File: /cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/791/
Input video:
Bin file i generate
Bin file found in SDK
After Generate *.bin, put file to SD card and use TIDL usecase (step F / 3):
1. keep_top_k: 200 / confidence_threshold: 0.01 - Video section all black and not show
2. keep_top_k: 20 / confidence_threshold: 0.15 - Video show but have many false boxes
(Use *.bin in SDK TIDL_files only miss boxes but no false boxes)
Hi Praveen,
Where can i get the latest release config ?
I use download link from reference e2e post.
Thanks for reply.
Hi Praveen,
i tried tidl_import_JDetNet to generate bin files, but the sizes also 3047KB.
but i consider these two inputs:
inputNetFile = "..\..\test\testvecs\config\caffe_jacinto_models\trained\image_detection\jdetNet_768x320\deploy.prototxt
inputParamsFile = "..\..\test\testvecs\config\caffe_jacinto_models\trained\image_detection\jdetNet_768x320\ti-jdetNet_768x320.caffemodel"
Is that means these files in Caffe-Jacinto-Models 0.16 / object detection / 768x320 / sparse? because i make change input files from Caffe-Jacinto-Models.
Hi Praveen,
Caffemodel using Github repo 0.16 sparse.
Zip file provide:
1. two import config (both get 3047KB bin file)
2. output bin files
3. import tools bat file
Thanks for help.
Hi Praveen,
Change the values still output bin files with 3047KB.
I try two case:
1. Use Default Values ( keep_top_k:200 / confidence_threshold: 0.01 ): TIDL OD Usecase show screen but no video seems fps too low
2. Change Suggest Value ( keep_top_k:20 / confidence_threshold: 0.15 ): TIDL OD Usecase show screen and video but got many false boxes and not same with VSDK apps/tools provided bin files.
So i suppose the caffe model source or config maybe not same?
The OD accurate and Category for these two model ?
Hi Praveen,
I have notice that classes increase to 21 and check the code in objectDrawLink_algPlugin.c.
The code is set to ((label - 1)%3) not the comment as below in the reference said (label - 1).
Anyway, i change ((label - 1)%3) to (label - 1)%3 and try build image again. then see what will be difference.
Hi Praveen,
it's look better a lit bit (eg. big false boxes not stuck in video for long time), but using trained model at github still display false boxes more than the version from VSDK provided.
Github 0.16&0.17 trained model seems worse than VSDK Version (PROCESSOR_SDK_VISION_03_06_00_00\vision_sdk\apps\tools\TIDL_files\*.Bin) .
For Import Tools tutorials maybe ok, but result look not fine (accuracy and weird boxes).
So the Src caffemodel and deploy.prototxt not the same i guess, because i tried difference config file (default / reference / etc.) and the output param_Bin file size not match.
If you have suggest config, maybe can share and i double check the trained model.
By the way, Files and Path from github place in, need to do some modify by user that using the latest SDK. But the Problem can be trace with Import Tools Log Files.
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, it is expected that bin size in VSDK will not match with github generated bin files (as both are trained with different classes) and also user to need to update import config file to use git hub models.