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AMIC110: IEC-61850 with HSR-PRP

Part Number: AMIC110


Does IEC-61850 with HSR-PRP is possible on AMIC110?

Do i need to purchase MAC address for AMIC110? or is it free with AMIC110?

Does AMIC110 requires Linux?

Do i need to use another Microcontroller in addition to AMIC110 for aplication(few kbs approx 150kb)? 



  • VR,

    We have some ICE-61850 related reference design on Sitara -

    but didn't really evaluate the feasibility of IEC-61850 with HSR-PRP on AMIC110.

    AMIC110 has EFUSE registers mac_id0_lo and mac_id0_hi in the control module for Ethernet MAC address of the device, if extra MAC address is needed, yes you need purchase.

    AMIC110 currently supports RTOS only. You should not need another MCU for 150kbps data transfer.



  • Hi,

    So Does TI have any solution(controller, processor) which provide all the Industrial protocol(EthernetIP (DLR), EtherCAT, Profinet(MRP), and IEC-61850 (HSR-PRP))

    and Which does not required Linux(i.e. possible with RTOS only)?

  • VR,

    It seemed that I mis-understood your previous question on IEC-61850 with HSR-PRP. IEC-61850 framework contains more than just HSR/PRP, if your question is specific to HSR-PRP within IEC-61850, yes, it's support on AMIC110 with TI-RTOS today.

    You can find the processors of each protocol supported in the link -

    then click 'Get Software' which links to the page with 'Supported Platforms'.



  • Hi,

    After developing EIP application using AMIC110,

    How do i test that?

    I mean does TI has Checked EIP adapter application with any Master(PC-tool)? Which is this tool? let me know so that i can purchase?

    How TI has checked DLR functionality with EIP? let me know so that i can also check at my end for prototyping.

    Do i need to purchase EIP stack(source code) or EIP stack binary provided by TI will do the job? 

    If i need to purchase from where can i purchase?

    Below are the objects that are not supported by TI solution provided.( : 


    Objects not supported are:

    0x64 - 0x96 Communication Variables

    0x29 Control Supervisor Object

    0x2C Overload Object

    0xC5 Periodically Kept Acyclic Words (PKW) Object 

    0xC6 EtherNet/IP Monitoring Object

    0x350 EtherNet/IP Interface Diagnostic Object

    0x352 I/O Connection Diagnostic Object

    0x353 Explicit Connection Diagnostic Object

    0x354 Explicit Connection Diagnostic List Object

    how to get this objects what should i do?



  • Hi VR,

    Please review the wiki

    for the answers to test and DLR questions.

    You need purchase EIP stack from Molex, 'The stack contained in the Industrial SDK is provided as a demo and comes with a 1 hour time limit. To use the application beyond the 1 hour time limit user must restart the application'.

    Btw, please open a new thread if you any questions on EIP.
