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Linux/AM5728: Ducati encoder issue with Python

Part Number: AM5728

Tool/software: Linux

I'm trying to use ducatih264enc in a GStreamer pipeline, constructed using Python 3.  I can construct pipelines that work correctly, but only if I don't use ducatih264enc.  But when I add ducatih264enc in, the pipeline fails to launch.  Same pipeline works correctly when launched using gst-launch-1.0.

My suspicion is that Python doesn't know how to create the TI proprietary GStreamer elements, but I stress this is only a suspicion at the moment.

Any help on sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Bob,

    That is true. TI proprietary  GStreamer elements are not tested to work with Python scripts. 



  • Hi Manisha,

    Thanks for confirming that.  Does anyone know why they don't work, and how we'd go about fixing this?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Bob,

    Thanks for your patience - noticed this was never properly concluded.

    We do not have plans today for ducatih264enc gstreamer pipeline + Python testing.

    Are you using gst-python bindings or making raw os.system calls?


  • Hi Mike,

    I've moved on to calling gst-launch-1.0 through subprocess.Popen().  Not surprisingly, this works, and allows some level of control of gstreamer from Python.  Using Gst directly from Python, e.g. launching a pipeline using Gst.parse_launch() seems not to work for me for pipelines containing ducati elements.  I'd prefer to use the python Gst bindings, as I think it would be easier to control the pipeline, and update parameters while the pipeline is running.  However I'm not blocked at the moment, and I have work-arounds for all the issues.

    Best regards,
