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I'm part of a C6748, OMAP-L138, design. It will make use of multiple data in and out pins with a McASP. The question is how is data structured in the McASP AFIFO, when there is data on multiple pins at the same time. For example, on the read side, two 32 bits words could arrive on 8 data pins at the same time. What would the contents of the RFIFO look like in that case? For example, one scenario would be both words placed from each line, beginning on line 1, then through line 8.
AXR0, word 1
AXR0, word 2
AXR1, word 1
AXR1, word 2
AXR7, word 1
AXR7, word 2
Also, can you tell me what the wait state/delay is reading and writing from the AFIFO's? Is it the same as read/write from internal memory?
Robert Wolfe said:1) RBUF0 sample 1, RBUF0 sample 2, RBUF1 sample 1, RBUF1 sample 2, RBUF2 sample 1, RBUF2 sample 2
Keep in mind that all serializers are required to use the same basic format, i.e. same number of bits per sample, etc. Therefore all serializers will receive sample 1 simultaneously and transfer sample 1 to the FIFO. Sample 2 will occur later in time, e.g. 32 bit clocks later. At that time you will get a new set of samples which will be transferred to the FIFO.
Robert Wolfe said:2) RBUF0 sample 1, RBUF1 sample 1, RBUF2 sample 1, RBUF0 sample 2, RBUF1 sample 2, RBUF2 sample 2
If serializers 0, 1, 2 are active, then the FIFO contents would look like you have shown here.
Awesome Brad, thanks for that info. Would you have any idea about the second question - what is the associated speed of reading from the McASP FIFO (per the DMA RBUF)? Is it on the order of the quick reads from internal memory, or there are any delays/associated wait states?
I would estimate somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-200 DSP CPU cycles. Accordingly I recommend using EDMA to transfer from the AFIFO to DSP L2 memory. The CPU will stall as it waits for each access to the AFIFO to be returned, but the EDMA can burst the entire read. As a result the EDMA will be able to perform the transfer much faster than the CPU can.