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Hi experts,
How to enable MCU R5F lock step mode?
I found in TRM that the LOCKSTEP of the CTRLMMR_MCUSEC_CLSTR0_CFG register needs to be set, but the API for setting this register was not found in the SDK. And need to call CSL_armR5CCMSetOperationModeKey () to set the operation mode.
Please provide the steps to enable MCU R5F lock step mode and where to call these APIs.
Apologies on the delay in response on this one.
The R5F can be configured to lockstep from software using the System Firmware APIs.
You can see an example for this in pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/soc/k3/sbl_slave_core_boot.c
Function: SBL_ConfigMcuLockStep
Description of the API is as given here:
Thanks and Regards
Hi Piyali,
Thanks for your reply.
I checked SBL_ConfigMcuLockStep (). Do we have to set core_id to MCU1_SMP_ID to enable lock step mode of MCU1_CPU0_ID?
How to confirm that MCU1_CPU0 has successfully turned on the lock step mode?
Hi ChunChu
If you are using /pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/tools/scripts/, yes you would need to set MCU1_SMP_ID for the application image.
You should be able to see the CTRLMMR_MCUSEC_CLSTR0_CFG bit 0 set to 1 when the R5Fs are in lock step.
Thanks and Regards
Hi Piyali,
1. I have turned on MCU1_CPU0 lockstep mode and read the CTRLMMR_MCUSEC_CLSTR0_CFG->LOCKSTEP to 1 in the adc_app example of MCU1_CPU0. But CCMSR1->CMPE1 is always 0x1: CPU signal compare mismatch, why is it? (Lockstep operation mode is 0x0: active compare lockstep mode)
2. Can I only check CCMSR1 status by polling? Is there a way to trigger the compare error in CCMSR1 via an interrupt?
Hi ChunChu
Are you rebooting the R5F subsystem after writing to the lockstep bit? If not, you would need to do that to enter into lockstep mode. Please have a look at the sequence in pdk/packages/ti/boot/sbl/soc/k3/sbl_slave_core_boot.c
Function: SBL_ConfigMcuLockStep
Thanks and Regards
Hi Piyali,
I boot the adc_app example of MCU1_CPU0 with SD card in pdk / packages / ti / boot / sbl / board / k3 / sbl_main.c.
Function: SBL_ImageCopy
As you said, before calling SBL_ConfigMcuLockStep (), need to call SBL_SetupCoreMem (), and enable MCU1_CPU0_ID lockstep mode by entering core_id = MCU1_SMP_ID, but I do n’t know how to make the input parameter of SBL_SetupCoreMem () to MCU1_SMP_ID
At present, my method is to set the runLockStep function in SBL_SetupCoreMem () to 1 to start the MCU1_CPU0_ID lockstep mode. If the above method is wrong, how can I correctly start the MCU1_CPU0_ID lockstep mode?
Hi Piyali,
I have made new progress,
As mentioned above, in the adc_app example, CCMSR1-> CMPE1 is always 0x1.
-->The issue is that I did not clear the comparison error signal (CCMSR1-> CMPE1) in the adc_app example. After starting the APP, clear CCMSR1-> CMPE1 once, I will no longer see CCMSR1-> CMPE1 as 0x1.
But I have another question, I hope you can answer it:
Is there a way to trigger the compare error(CMPE1) in CCMSR1 via an interrupt? (I am polling in the adc_app example to check the status of CCMSR1, but this is too slow, which will prevent me from getting the status of the "Error Forcing Mode" and "Self Test Error Forcing Mode".)
Hi Chun Chu
The compare error signal which corresponds to this bit is routed to the ESM. You can use the MCU_MCU0_CCM_STAT_ERR_INT signal to the ESM and then generate the interrupt from the ESM.
A generic ESM example is given in pdk\packages\ti\csl\example\esm\esm_clk_loss_test_app
Thanks and Regards