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Hi TI members:
I study the thread
there are two things I have questions form Karan Saxena's reply
1. >> There is no driver for CAN on TDA4VM/J721EX as of now.
I grep the mcu_mcan related word in Linux / Uboot dts table in 06_02_sdk, but still no-thing find.
so it mean we still only can control can bus through R5F in main domain/mcu domain not A72, right?
2. >> Both the mcu1_0 and mcu2_1 can control all CAN instances - the SDK has example running on mcu1_0 where you can control the MCU_MCAN0 and MCU_MCAN1.
Can you give more information abou "the SDK has example", like path in SDK...
right now, I only find below adaptor in Processor SDK Linux Automotive
but it use mcan4 & mcan9 in main-domain. not mcu_mcan0 & mcu_mcan1.
Is it the same thing of "the SDK has example"?
3. >> mcan_evm_loopback_app_main_k3.c
does ti have related documents to explain how to use this loopback tool?
Can it use to test MCU_MCAN0 & MCU_MCAN1?
Sentinen Chen
Hi Sentinen Chen,
On 1. Yes, that is correct. Linux doesn't have a CAN driver and you need to use the R5F to control that.
On 2. The example I'm referring to is an MCUSW demo, name of the application is can_profile_app (a sysbios application)
Path to the application - <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/mcusw/mcuss_demos/profiling/can/.
You can look for the documentation in <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/mcusw/mcal_drv/docs/drv_docs/demo_can_profile_top.html
You can run the application from MCU1_0 which would control the MCU domain CAN instances MCU_MCAN0 & MCU_MCAN1 and you can also run the application from MCU2_1 which would control the MCAN in MAIN domain.
Hi Karan:
Thanks your reply.
I will study demo_can_profile_top.html first.
If I get any question, I will open new thread to ask.
Thanks a lot
Sentinen Chen
Hi Sentinen Chen,
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