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My Configuration is
AM5728 on BeagleBoard-X15
My TCP/IP receiver crashes after a couple of requests (errno 54 - Connection reset by peer). The timing seems to be random. I have modified the TI demo project NIMU_BasicExample_evmAM572x_armExample to work as a TCP/IP packet receiver (its a simple NDK_recv endless loop, see attached TcpTest\TcpReceiverMPU CSS project). This application runs on the CortexA15_0 core. BeagleBoard-X15 is directly connected with my PC (i.e. no switch or other network device in between). I use modified version of TcpPacketSender from this forum (its a simple send() endless loop, see attached TcpTest\TcpSenderWIN project) to send TCP/IP packets of specified size to my BeagleBoard-X15. Everything works fine for a while but later the socket connection terminates (function NDK_recv fails with error 54 - Connection reset by peer).
An another thing I have observed is the speed. BeagleBord-X15 console says I have FullDuplex 1000Mbs but Ethernet performance on my PC is sending 200Kbs and the Wireshark log is full of "TCP-Retransmission" and "TCP-Out-of-Order" messages.
Also the NDK_recv flags have some impact. Connection terminates much faster with MSG_DONTWAIT. Option MSG_WAITALL works better but still not stable. Changing to NDK_recvnc didn't help.
I can run my TCP/IP receiver code on an another PC (see attached TcpTest\TcpReceiverWIN project) with no problems.
Could you please help me to understand what is wrong in my project? What should I change to get better stability and speed?
Here is the source code
BeagleBoard-X15 console
PC console
Wireshark capture
Ethernet performance
Thank you,
Hi. It seems to be a hardware issue with my BeagelBoard-X15. I was not able to find anything in SW and therefore I tried to change my Ethernet cable, tried other Ethernet port, etc... I think the upper Ethernet port on my BeagleBoard-X15 is broken. The other one works fine with my test project. Connection is stable and the speed is feasible also. As a last test we found an another BeagleBoard-X15 in our office and tested the upper Ethernet port there. No problem so far.
Can you confirm if can successfully run through the quick start guide for the Beagle-X15? I understand that you are asking for the RTOS NDK example and the default package on Beagle is Linux. But this will confirm that the platform is working as expected and should be quick to run through.
We'll look in to your attachment in the meantime and update.
Best regards,