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My question is 2 fold, how to compute the bit rate in MCUSW example and how to do it for CSL example. How are these parameters related?
In MCUSW - the MCAL CAN driver (psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_02_00_21/mcusw/mcal_drv/mcal/Can/src/) underneath uses the CAN CSL-FL (psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_02_00_21/pdk/packages/ti/csl/src/ip/mcan/V1/mcan.c).
Also, I see the CSL example at psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_02_00_21/pdk/packages/ti/csl/example/mcan/mcanEvmLoopback/mcan_evm_loopback_app_main.c and see a different structure to set bit rate.
bit rate(bits per second) = (CAN clock in Hz) / BRP / (1 + TSEG1 + TSEG2)
CAN clock is functional clock of CAN module (80MHz by default in TDA4)
BRP: Bit rate pre-scalar value
TSEG1, TSEG2: Time segments used to define sampling point for the bit.
TSEG1: Time before the sampling point = Prop_Seg + Phase_Seg1
TSEG2: Time after the sampling point = Phase_Seg2
1: added for the Sync_Seg
Sampling point is the point of time at which the bus level is read and interpreted as the value at that respective time. Typical value of sampling point is between 75-90%.
Sampling Point(%) = (1 + TSEG1) / (1 + TSEG1 + TSEG2)
NOTE: +1 needs to be added in this formula to the BRP, TSEG1 and TSEG2 values while computing the sampling point due to implementation details.
Example1 (psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_02_00_21/pdk/packages/ti/csl/example/mcan/mcanEvmLoopback/mcan_evm_loopback_app_main_k3.c)
784 /* Initialize bit timings 785 * Configuring 1Mbps and 5Mbps as nominal and data bit-rate respectively */ 786 bitTimes.nomRatePrescalar = 0x7U; 787 bitTimes.nomTimeSeg1 = 0x5U; 788 bitTimes.nomTimeSeg2 = 0x2U; 789 bitTimes.nomSynchJumpWidth = 0x0U; 790 bitTimes.dataRatePrescalar = 0x1U; 791 bitTimes.dataTimeSeg1 = 0x3U; 792 bitTimes.dataTimeSeg2 = 0x2U; 793 bitTimes.dataSynchJumpWidth = 0x0U;
In this configuration calculating the Bit rate: Nominal
TSEG1 = 0x5U +1 = 6
TSEG2 = 0x2U + 1 = 3
BRP = 0x7U + 1 = 8
Nominal Bit rate = 80MHz / 8 / (1 + 6 + 3) = 1Mbps
In this configuration calculating the Bit rate: Data
TSEG1 = 0x3U +1 = 4
TSEG2 = 0x2U + 1 = 3
BRP = 0x1U + 1 = 2
Nominal Bit rate = 80MHz / 2 / (1 + 4 + 3) = 5Mbps
MCAN_BitTimingParams gMcanBitTimingDefaultParams =
.nomRatePrescalar = 0x7U,
.nomTimeSeg1 = 0x5U,
.nomTimeSeg2 = 0x2U,
.nomSynchJumpWidth = 0x0U,
.dataRatePrescalar = 0x3U,
.dataTimeSeg1 = 0x1U,
.dataTimeSeg2 = 0x0U,
.dataSynchJumpWidth = 0x0U,
In this configuration calculating the Bit rate: Nominal
TSEG1 = 0x5U + 1 = 6
TSEG2 = 0x2U + 1 = 3
BRP = 0x7U + 1 = 8
Nominal Bit rate = 80MHz / 8 / (1 + 6 + 3) = 1Mbps
In this configuration calculating the Bit rate: Data
TSEG1 = 0x1U +1 = 2
TSEG2 = 0x0U + 1 = 1
BRP = 0x3U + 1 = 4
Nominal Bit rate = 80MHz / 4 / (1 + 2 + 1) = 5Mbps
I see the generated configuration in MCUSW at psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_02_00_21/mcusw/mcuss_demos/mcal_config/Can_Demo_Cfg/output/generated/soc/j721e/mcu2_1/src/Can_Cfg.c, how do I compute the nominal and data bit rate for MCAN from this?
As mentioned the MCAL CAN driver too uses the CAN CSL-FL so it follows the same above formulas but there is an implementation difference.
Configuration in MCAL:
92 /* Baud Rate Structure for all configsets */ 93 CAN_CONFIG_DATA_SECTION_NON_CONST static Can_BaudConfigType 94 CanConfigSet_CanController_0_CanControllerBaudrateConfig_0 = 95 { 96 1000U, /* in Kbps */ 97 8U, /* Prop Segement value */ 98 6U, /* Phase Segment 1 */ 99 5U, /* Phase Segment 2 */ 100 1U, /* Sync jump width */ 101 19U, /* Sum of all timing parameters */ 102 4U, /* Controller BRP value for Baud */ 103 /* Data phase Baudrate */ 104 { 105 5000U, /* in Kbps */ 106 1U, /* Prop Segement value */ 107 1U, /* Phase Segment 1 */ 108 1U, /* Phase Segment 2 */ 109 2U, /* Sync jump width */ 110 2U, /* Sum of all timing parameters */ 111 4U, /* Controller BRP value for Baud */ 112 180U, /* Specifies the Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset in ns */ 113 (boolean)TRUE, /* Specifies if the bit rate switching shall be used */ 114 } 115 };
In this configuration we see Prop Segment value, Phase Segment 1 & 2. These are the same as we see in the diagram above.
In this configuration calculating the Bit rate: Nominal
TSEG1 = Prop Segment value + Phase Segment 1 = 8 + 6 = 14
TSEG2 = Phase Segment 2 = 5
BRP = 4
Nominal Bit rate = 80MHz / ( (4) * (1 + 14 + 5) ) = 1Mbps
NOTE: Here we do not need to add +1.
In this configuration calculating the Bit rate: Data
TSEG1 = Prop Segment value + Phase Segment 1 = 2
TSEG2 = Phase Segment 2 = 1
BRP = 4
Data Bit rate = 80MHz / ( (4) * (1 + 2 + 1) ) = 5Mbps
Great Work Karan !
I can modify the CAN nominal bit rate to 500kb/s from 1Mb/s by using your method, this guide is very helpful for CAN setting, thanks a lot~
Best regard,