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The DM816x EVM uses 1GByte of DDR3 memory.
I am trying to get the DM816x OpenMAX SDK running
in a 512MByte memory footprint, using the Linux A8 host
to run my decode from file application, which is working
well with 1GByte of DDR3 memory.
So far I have done these steps.
1) Change platformMem to 512M in packages/ti/omx/build/config.bld
and packages/ti/omx/build/config_ca8.bld.
2) Hard-coded disableTiler to TRUE in
to get around a build issue.
3) Modifying omx/build/ducatiplatform_512MB.xs and omx/demos/vc3/src/app_cfg.h
for 512MB memory map. The resulting memory map:
name origin length
---------------------- -------- ---------
VECS_CORE_0 00000000 00000400
VECS_CORE_1 00000400 00000c00
L2_SRAM 00001000 0003f000
OCMC_RAM0 40300000 00040000
OCMC_RAM1 40400000 00040000
CONFIG_REGISTER_SPACE 41000000 1f000000
TILER_SYSTEM_SPACE 60000000 20000000
LINUX_PHYSICAL_ADDRES 80000000 04000000
SHARED_CTRL 84000000 01000000
EXTMEM_CORE0 85000000 00200000
EXTMEM_CORE1 85200000 00200000
EVENT_LIST_CORE0 85400000 00a00000
EVENT_LIST_CORE1 85e00000 00a00000
PRIVATE_CORE0_DATA 86800000 07800000
PRIVATE_CORE1_DATA 8e000000 07000000
SHARED_CTRL_DUCATI_ON 95000000 00b00000
SHARED_DATA 95b00000 00100000
HDVPSS_DESCRIPTOR_NON b5c00000 00200000
FBDEV_V4L2_Mem b5e00000 00200000
FQMEM_BUFFERS_NON_CAC b6000000 0a000000
Note that the uncached mappings are still set up in the 0xBxxx.xxxx space,
because the Ducati AMMU memory space uses large pages (512MB) to
map 0x8000.0000-0x9fff.ffff cached, and 0xa000.0000-0xbfff.ffff uncached.
The DDR3 controller will alias these addresses down to 0x9xxx.xxxx, so it will work OK.
4) Now I can build my decode from file application (known to work with the 1GByte configuration) and run it.
However, the decode process fills 5 buffers, then hangs.
I get a similar result if I run the 1Gbyte configuration with g_DisableTiler = TRUE.
What am I missing -- is there some other change needed to disable the tiler
in syslink, or the HDVPSS, or the OpenMAX stack?
I dont think this issue has anything to do with memory allocation with tiler as any wrong config there would have manifested as an alloc failure. You memory map looks fine except for the fact that you are allocating lesser memory for Linux than that is recommended (128MB). But looking at the app you are trying to run, that should not impact much.
As you are setting the mem_plaftorm variable to 512MB, the variable disableTiler would get automatically disabled i the script TilerCfg.cfg. Also, please make sure that you are setting the memtype for all involved OMX ports to Default memory. Please look at the file ti\omx\demos\vs2\src\omx_prop_tunnel_test.c on how to use the Index ‘OMX_TI_IndexParamBuffMemType’ for doing this.
As you are seeing this in runtime, let me ask you the following questions:
1. Are you enabling 'APP_TYPE = vs' in the for your app?
2. If so, How many buffers are available to the decoder at the input port or the output port?
An indicator for this would be the value of nBufferCountActual for the output port connected to the decoder input port or the nBufferCountActual for the decoder Output port.
If it’s greater than 4 for either of them, then I can see that there would be a problem. The input/output OMX Buf Headers are derived from global arrays whose lengths are 4.
If say the number of the Headers is set to 5 (from the App), then there would be case of memory corruption.
Can you try with reducing these to 4 to confirm if this is the issue?
In addition to Archit's points can you confirm that you have set mem=64M in the kernel bootargs since you have reduced the linux physical memory.Also please share changes if any you have done related to DMM interleaving
The changes you have done are correct. To help resolve the issue, is it possible to share the modified files related to memory map change .We can then recreate the problem locally and debug the issue.
> 1. Are you enabling 'APP_TYPE = vs' in the for your app?
No, I used the vc3 demo as my starting point, I am used its unchanged:
# Max resolution supported in this app
# IPC Modes:
# local: only this core
# remote: only intra-ducati (between two M3 cores)
# remoteWithHOST: ducati cores and host (A8)
IPC_MODE = remoteWithHOST
2. If so, How many buffers are available to the decoder at the input port or the output port?
An indicator for this would be the value of nBufferCountActual for the output port connected to the decoder input port or the nBufferCountActual for the decoder Output port.
If it’s greater than 4 for either of them, then I can see that there would be a problem. The input/output OMX Buf Headers are derived from global arrays whose lengths are 4.
If say the number of the Headers is set to 5 (from the App), then there would be case of memory corruption.
Can you try with reducing these to 4 to confirm if this is the
I was already setting the number of VIDDEC input buffers to 4:
eError = omx_ilclient_utl_test_set_port_params_numbufs (pContext->pnDecHandle[0],
If I take this out, the default number of buffers seems to be 3,
but it still hangs.
By attaching Code Composer to the VPSS M3, I was able to get some more
interesting debug on the problem.
The VPSS M3 is hitting an assert in packages/ti/omx/comp/vfpc/src/omx_vfpc_DEI_if.c, line 192:
format = &drvState->deiConfig.chParams[chNum].inFmt;
pitch = pOmxBufHdr->nFramePitch;
height = pOmxBufHdr->nFrameHeight;
width = pOmxBufHdr->nFrameWidth;
Assert_isTrue ( ( pitch == format->pitch[FVID2_YUV_INT_ADDR_IDX] ),
Assert_E_assertFailed );
At this moment, pitch (taken from pOmxBufHdr->nFramePitch) is 2048,
and format->pitch[FVID2_YUV_INT_ADDR_IDX] is 1920.
I think the padding is different for tiled vs. raw, maybe it is not taken into account somewhere?
You are right when using Tiled memory is always 16384 for the 8bit container. The decoder pads the output buffer and due to this 1920 becomes 2048. This is not a problem when using tiler because pitch is always fixed. To confirm if this is the issue, can you try the following change in the IL Client (omx_prop_tunnel_test.c in vc3/src folder:
vfpcCfg.nFramePitchInput = (((FRAME_WIDTH + 128) + 127)/ 128) * 128;
This should be done before the call to omx_ilclient_utl_vfpc_create_config for the DEI connected to decoder output.For example if DEI 0 is connected to decoder output,
code should be as below:.
if (0 == i) {
vfpcCfg.nFrameWidthInput = FRAME_WIDTH;
vfpcCfg.nFrameHeightInput = FRAME_HEIGHT;
vfpcCfg.nFrmStartX = 36;
vfpcCfg.nFrmStartY = 24;
vfpcCfg.nFrmCropWidth = vfpcCfg.nFrameWidthInput - vfpcCfg.nFrmStartX;
vfpcCfg.nFrmCropHeight = vfpcCfg.nFrameHeightInput - vfpcCfg.nFrmStartY;
vfpcCfg.nFrameWidthOutput0 = g_DisplayWindowWidth;
vfpcCfg.nFrameHeightOutput0 = g_DisplayWindowHeight;
vfpcCfg.nFramePitchOutput1 = (FRAME_WIDTH * 2);
vfpcCfg.bAlgBypass = OMX_TRUE;
vfpcCfg.nFramePitchInput = (((FRAME_WIDTH + 128) + 127)/ 128) * 128;
} else {
vfpcCfg.nFrameWidthInput = g_CaptureWidth;
vfpcCfg.nFrameHeightInput = g_CaptureHeight;
vfpcCfg.nFrmStartX = 0;
vfpcCfg.nFrmStartY = 0;
vfpcCfg.nFrmCropWidth = vfpcCfg.nFrameWidthInput - vfpcCfg.nFrmStartX;
vfpcCfg.nFrmCropHeight = vfpcCfg.nFrameHeightInput - vfpcCfg.nFrmStartY;
vfpcCfg.nFrameWidthOutput0 = g_DisplayWindowWidth1;
vfpcCfg.nFrameHeightOutput0 = g_DisplayWindowHeight1;
vfpcCfg.nFramePitchOutput1 = FRAME_WIDTH;
vfpcCfg.bAlgBypass = OMX_TRUE;
vfpcCfg.bAlgBypass = OMX_FALSE;
vfpcCfg.nFramePitchInput = FRAME_WIDTH;
vfpcCfg.nFramePitchOutput0 = g_DisplayWindowPitch;
vfpcCfg.nFrameWidthOutput1 = FRAME_WIDTH;
vfpcCfg.nFrameHeightOutput1 = FRAME_HEIGHT;
eError = omx_ilclient_utl_vfpc_create_config (&(pContext->hVFPCDE[i]),
Yes, I have mem=64M in the kernel bootargs.
I kept the default DIMM interleaving in U-Boot, even though the sizes are set for 1Gigabyte of DDR3.
/* Program the DMM to for interleaved configuration */
__raw_writel(0x80640300, DMM_LISA_MAP__0);
__raw_writel(0xC0640320, DMM_LISA_MAP__1);
__raw_writel(0x80640300, DMM_LISA_MAP__2);
__raw_writel(0xC0640320, DMM_LISA_MAP__3);
I figured if we don't access the upper memory, it didn't matter.
It seems that my problem happens when disabling the tiler,
regardless of 1GByte or 512MByte of physical DDR3.
It seems I already had the same code
vfpcCfg.nFramePitchInput = (((FRAME_WIDTH + 128) + 127)/ 128) * 128;
which results in a value of 2048 for the pitch.
Since you indicated that 2048 is the correct buffer pitch, I looked at the
format->pitch[FVID2_YUV_INT_ADDR_IDX], which was being set in _OMX_VFPCDeiDualOutCreate()
which works out to 1920.
I made a patch to use the user-specified pitch to set pitch[FVID2_YUV_INT_ADDR_IDX]
as follows:
--- a/packages/ti/omx/comp/vfpc/src/omx_vfpc_DEI_if.c
+++ b/packages/ti/omx/comp/vfpc/src/omx_vfpc_DEI_if.c
@@ -844,6 +844,7 @@ OMX_ERRORTYPE _OMX_VFPCDeiDualOutCreate ( OMX_PTR pDrvPrivObj,
// deiConfig->inHeight = DEI_IN_HEIGHT;
deiConfig->inWidth = drvState->DeiDynamicCfg[0].nInWidth;
deiConfig->inHeight = drvState->DeiDynamicCfg[0].nInHeight;
+ deiConfig->inPitch = drvState->DeiDynamicCfg[0].nInPitch;^M
deiConfig->FrmStartX = drvState->DeiDynamicCfg[0].nFrmStartX;
deiConfig->FrmStartY = drvState->DeiDynamicCfg[0].nFrmStartY;
deiConfig->FrmCropWidth = drvState->DeiDynamicCfg[0].nFrmCropWidth;
@@ -1299,9 +1300,9 @@ static Void vpsVfpcDeiDualSetDefaultChParams ( omxVfpcDeiDualConfig_t *
else {
chParams->inFmt.pitch[FVID2_YUV_SP_Y_ADDR_IDX] =
+ VpsUtils_align ( deiConfig->inPitch, 16 );^M
chParams->inFmt.pitch[FVID2_YUV_SP_CBCR_ADDR_IDX] =
+ VpsUtils_align ( deiConfig->inPitch, 16 );^M
if ( FVID2_SF_INTERLACED == deiConfig->inScanFmt ) {
chParams->inFmt.fieldMerged[FVID2_YUV_SP_Y_ADDR_IDX] = TRUE;
--- a/packages/ti/omx/comp/vfpc/src/omx_vfpc_DEI_if.h
+++ b/packages/ti/omx/comp/vfpc/src/omx_vfpc_DEI_if.h
@@ -188,6 +188,9 @@ extern "C"
/**< Input height. */
UInt32 inHeight;
+ /**< Input height. */^M
+ UInt32 inPitch;^M
/**< Frame start X offset */
OMX_U32 FrmStartX;
With this change, now the decode is running fine in the 512MByte configuration.
Thanks for the pointers.