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Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM57X Utilizing the correct version of IPC will help your IPC applications function correctly.
One key point is that one cannot mix and match SDK RTOS versions with different Linux SDK versions.
The Linux kernel remoteproc/…
Part Number: AM6442
We are opting to not use the ADC module for ADC conversion. Per the TRM document SPRUIM2G section we want to set GPI_MODE_EN = 1.
Can these 1.8V logic level inputs we used either as interrupts to the A53 or R5 cores --
Part Number: SK-AM69 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM69 I followed the steps on Processor SDK Linux for AM69 to boot from OSPI on SK-AM69 and I see the following message upon boot:
U-Boot SPL 2023.04-g756ba776d4 (Jul 13 2023 - 05:36:12 +0000) EEPROM…
Part Number: AM62A7 I’ve just brought up a sensor for AM62A. Now I’m going to start image quality tuning. According to the AM6xA ISP Tuning Guide , the first thing is to set the minimum and maximum exposure time and analog gain for the 2A algorithm…
In customer's current AM6232 design they have to use a heat sink on top of MPU.
A “ThermoPad” is then used between the heat sink and AM6232.
In order for this to work correctly, a certain amount of contact pressure is required.
I don't…