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Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1 Tool/software: Why is my LBIST status read by invoking the function 'SDL_LBIST_getPOSTStatus(&postResult)' - SDL_LBIST_POST_NOT_RUN?
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J722S Tool/software: There is a memory mapping issue in the uboot, which can potentially cause random crash when running vision apps demos on J7AEN device. This FAQ provides fixes for this issue.
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J784S4 Tool/software: If an error stating PROCMGR_AID_KEYDATA undeclared when building the 10.1 PSDK QNX release, then please follow the steps after the example error to remediate the build errors.
Example of error:
Part Number: AM69
There is a large amount of data being streamed to the CSI2RX, and the stream FIFOs are overflowing. How can I fix this issue?
Part Number: AM623
The following E2E FAQ includes very useful information,
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J721S2 Tool/software: J721S2 devices support two DSI outputs from Display subsystem. The first DSI output ie DSI0 is already supported in the processor SDK RTOS and this is available via DSI to DP convertor on the EVM. The second…