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PGA450-Q1: PGA450 - LIN firmware ver 2.9 problems

Part Number: PGA450-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-00151

Dear Support,

I have two questions regarding using PGA450 with LIN firmware:

1. Its not obvious for me what is the difference between pre compiled firmware OTP LIN version in output folder (PGA450-Q1_TIDA-00151_OTP-LIN.hex) and version compiled with defining linEnabled  and deactivating uartEnabled in PGA450-Q1_TIDA-00151_OTP project. Precompiled project is working ok. When we use our compilation of fresh project we dont get response from device. What is the difference and what could be the problem? We are using Keil uVision 5.2 and Toolchain:  K51 Prof. Develpers Kit  Version:

2. Is there need to change anything other than switch cases in linPID_ISR and linSciRxData_ISR to provide addressing of device?

Thanks in advance for response.