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AWR6843AOP: Calibration

Part Number: AWR6843AOP

Hi, this is Chris Park from TI Korea.

I and the customer have a question regarding the calibration with AWR6843AOP.

The picture below is a graph of Rx gain Vs Time(Temperature).


Changing the temperature from 20 degrees to 110 degrees increasing by 10 degrees. 

The customer set the runtime calibration of TX, RX ,LO as disabled, but the graph shows as if calibration is still ON. 

Could you please check if that graph is possible even with every calibration disabled? If yes, could you please explain the reason?

Thank you.

  • Hello Chris park,

       You could refer to the below calibration appnote.

    Most probably this behavior is due to gain LUT table is stored during the boot-time calibration.

    There could be minor variation in the gain due to temperature changes.  Over all this should not affect link budget of the system as it may not impact significantly NF of the system.  

    What is y axis, could you please confirm how many dB gain variations are seen?

    Do you see this behavior even with the boot time calibration disabled? 

    Thanks and regards,