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AWR1642BOOST-ODS: Error building xwr16xx mmWave demo from mmWave SDK (v2.0.0.4)

Part Number: AWR1642BOOST-ODS
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1642, AWR1642BOOST, , UNIFLASH

I am currently evaluating the AWR1642 using the AWR1642BOOST ODS evaluation board.  I have already experimented with the obstacle detection and short-range radar labs from the mmWave automotive toolbox, and reverted the board firmware back to the original demo binary found in the mmWave SDK.  Now I want to start editing the code in the demo to improve performance for my automotive anti-collision application.

I created a CSS project from the demo makefile project found in:


When I go to build, I get the following errors - I have included the entire build output, refer to highlighted portion at the end:

**** Build of configuration Default for project xwr16xx_mmw_demo ****

"C:\\ti\\ccs1110\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all

Configuring RTSC packages...
C:/ti/xdctools_3_50_04_43_core/xs --xdcpath="C:/ti/bios_6_53_02_00/packages;C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages" -t ti.targets.arm.elf.R4Ft -p ti.platforms.cortexR:IWR16XX:false:200 -r release -c C:/ti/ti-cgt-arm_16.9.6.LTS -DMMWAVE_SDK_DEVICE_TYPE=xwr16xx --compileOptions "--enum_type=int" -o mss/mmw_configPkg_xwr16xx mss/mss_mmw.cfg
Finished configuring packages

C:/ti/ti-cgt-arm_16.9.6.LTS/bin/armcl -mv7R4 --code_state=16 --float_support=VFPv3D16 --abi=eabi -me -g --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off -z --reread_libs --warn_sections --rom_model --unused_section_elimination -iC:/ti/ti-cgt-arm_16.9.6.LTS/lib --reread_libs --emit_warnings_as_errors --define=MMWAVE_L3RAM_SIZE=0xC0000 -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/osal/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/esm/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/soc/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/pinmux/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/uart/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/dma/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/crc/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/gpio/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/drivers/mailbox/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/control/mmwavelink/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/control/mmwave/lib -iC:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/utils/cli/lib -llibosal_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibesm_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibsoc_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibpinmux_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibdma_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibcrc_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibuart_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibgpio_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibmailbox_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibmmwavelink_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibmmwave_xwr16xx.aer4f -llibcli_xwr16xx.aer4f \
-lmss/mmw_configPkg_xwr16xx/linker.cmd obj_xwr16xx/mss_main.oer4f obj_xwr16xx/cli.oer4f \
C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages/ti/platform/xwr16xx/r4f_linker.cmd mss/mss_mmw_linker.cmd -l"rtsv7R4_T_le_v3D16_eabi.lib" -o xwr16xx_mmw_demo_mss.xer4f
C:/ti/xdctools_3_50_04_43_core/bin/cp -f mss/mmw_configPkg_xwr16xx/package/cfg/mss_mmw_per4ft.rov.xs mss_mmw_per4ft.rov.xs
Built the MSS Millimeter Wave Demo [Preparing the BIN Format]
Parsing the input object file, xwr16xx_mmw_demo_mss.xer4f.
Appending zeros 0
Appending zeros 256
File conversion complete!
Built the MSS Millimeter Wave OUT and BIN Formats
Configuring RTSC packages...
C:/ti/xdctools_3_50_04_43_core/xs --xdcpath="C:/ti/bios_6_53_02_00/packages;C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages" -t ti.targets.elf.C674 -p ti.platforms.c6x:IWR16XX:false:600 -DMMWAVE_SDK_DEVICE=iwr16xx -DMMWAVE_SDK_DEVICE_TYPE=xwr16xx -r release -c C:/ti/ti-cgt-c6000_8.1.3 -o dss/mmw_configPkg_xwr16xx dss/dss_mmw.cfg
Finished configuring packages

gmake: *** No rule to make target 'obj_xwr16xx/rx_ch_bias_measure.oe674', needed by 'dssDemo'.
gmake: *** No rule to make target 'obj_xwr16xx/mmwDemo_monitor.oe674', needed by 'dssDemo'.
gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.

**** Build Finished ****

I would appreciate help in resolving these errors so I can get this project building as a baseline for my future development.  I am using:

Code Composer Studio


These are my installed build tool directories:

  • I found and fixed my issue, my project was unable to locate the two source files being called for, so I relocated them.  For reference, I have attached an archive of my mmWave SDK demo project for the AWR1642BOOST-ODS module, which simply relocates a few files and adds a few user environment variables.  No source files were modified, but the following changes were implemented to various project files:

    1. Edited dss_mmw.mak to change VPATH to point to the new location of the utils folder in the project, which contains rx_ch_bias_measure.c and .mmwDemo_monitor.c.
    2. Added the following environment variables to the project C/C++ Build properties:
      2. MMWAVE_SDK_DEVICE awr16xx
      3. MMWAVE_SDK_INSTALL_PATH c:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages
      4. OS Windows_NT

    The environment variables may change based on your system, and note that there are only four options for MMWAVE_SDK_DEVICE:

    • awr14xx
    • iwr14xx
    • awr16xx (used for AWR1642BOOST ODS)
    • iwr16xx

    I loaded the binary to the board with Uniflash and tested it on the online visualizer, and it works.