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TMAG5170: Active Trigger mode conversion times

Part Number: TMAG5170


I am looking to use the TMAG5170 sensor in Active Trigger mode in order to to synchronise measurements from this sensor with other sensors in the system. I am using the ALERT line to initiate the conversion start and have the sensor pull ALERT low to indicate conversion is complete. I have this working quite nicely, however the conversion times I am seeing are much slower than those suggested by the datasheet. I instrumented my running system and produced the following table using data from logic analyser traces. The device operating mode is set to: 3h = Active trigger mode (TRIGGER_MODE active). As far as I can tell I do not have any sleep/low power modes enabled. It is also interesting to note the variation in duration for each configuration of ~64us. I presume this relates to where the alert signal falls relative to an internal clock?

I would appreciate your feedback about the below timings, are they what you would expect in this operating mode, or have I misconfigured something?


  • Jonathan,

    Thanks for reaching out.  Could you provide some details about the duration of the pulse you are using to trigger on ALERT?  I assume you are measuring Falling edge to Falling edge? Is this being measured using an oscilloscope?



  • Hi,

    The pulse width on the trigger is about 10us. The timings are measured off a logic analyser. I can share a trace tomorrow if it helps.


  • Screenshot of the logic analyser trace from a single axis 32x oversampling conversion. In this case the alert signal goes low for 9.5us to start the conversion.

    To add a bit more info that may help. I used your example C driver as a basis for this project and have ported it to another vendors micro. To initialise things I am calling:


    Hope this clarifies things.


  • Jonathan,

    Thank you for these details.  Best I can tell, you haven't configured ALERT to signal conversion completion.  This is done using the function alertIndicatesConversionEnable().  I'm not entirely sure where that second ALERT pulse is coming from.  Is it possible you are sending a second trigger?

    To be sure you have all the register settings you intend, could you read back registers 0x00 through 0x03?

    If by chance you are not actually getting out of CONFIG mode, the higher speed clock is not yet active and so the device does take longer prior to initiating conversions.



  • Hi Scott,

    Thanks. The hint about not getting out of config mode pointed me in the right direction. enterActiveTriggerMode() wasn't applying its changes due to an issue in your example C library I think. There is protection in most of the configuration functions (e.g. enterActiveMeasureMode())  to prevent them from operating if the DATA_TYPE field in the SYSTEM_CONFIG register is set to any of the 12bit data types. This test in these functions looks like this:

        // To prevent undefined behavior, this function does not perform its operation
        // when the DATA_TYPE field (address: 0x028-6) is not set to Normal Read Mode (000b)
        if ( DATA_TYPE_RESULTS != DATA_TYPE_RESULTS_NormalMode ) return;

    DATA_TYPE_RESULTS is set by a macro which I think is incorrectly inverting the DATA_TYPEmask:

    #define SYSTEM_CONFIG_DATA_TYPE_MASK                                    ((uint16_t) 0x01C0)

    This helpfully sets DATA_TYPE_RESULTS to anything in the top 7 bits of the system config register which includes the TRIGGER_MODE field rather than doing what I assume you wanted which was to extract the Datatype field. I presume the intent was actually:


    This bug meant that after calling alertTriggersConversion(), enterActiveTriggerMode() wasn't actually doing anything useful. After applying the fix I now have:


    After this the key registers are:

    Device Config (0x0): 0x4030
    Sensor Config (0x1): 0x55
    System Config (0x2): 0x400
    Alert Config (0x3): 0x100
    Sys status (0xE): 0x300

    Which I think are correct. This has improved the performance considerably vs my original table, but there is still a discrepancy vs the datasheet:


    Thanks for your assistance


  • Jonathan,

    This looks like we've just about got it sorted out.  I think there are two last sources of delay that aren't being considered now.  First, there is typically about a 10 us delay for initialization time after the trigger is received:

    This will account for the majority of the delay you see on the 1x conversions.

    The remainder of the error appears to be about 25 us per averaging sample.  I believe this is caused through the T_RATE setting in the DEVICE_CONFIG register.  If set to 0 (default), then a temperature conversion will be run the same number of times as the number of averages.

    Due to how the pipeline conversion process is structured, this can change how the events normally stack:

    You are observing what is shown in the figure above.  Typically on the first event, the temperature conversion is hidden during the X axis integration, but this cannot take place simultaneous to the ADC conversion for the Z axis.  If T_RATE is set 1, I believe this make your results much more consistent to your expectation.



  • Hi Scott,

    Changing T_RATE to 1 has brought all the timings to within about 12-13us so I think we are there. I may have missed it in the datasheet, but I assumed that the temperature conversion was only happening if T_CH_EN was set in device config.

