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AWR6843AOPEVM: Uniflash stops operation

Part Number: AWR6843AOPEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, AWR6843AOP, AWR6843, IWR6843


My customer tries to evaluate below demo on AWR6843AOPEVM.
But Uniflash stops operation during flashing. Please see below screenshot.

What is potential problem and what should be checked?

Thanks and regards,
Koichiro Tashiro

  • My problem same as your.

  • Hi, 

    Can you please provide the setup details used for flashing? 


    Sudharshan K N 

  • Dear Sudharshan K N,

    My name is Shumpei Matsumoto at TRANSTRON Inc.
    Thank you for your help in advance.

    The details of UniFlash(Ver: are as follows:

    ①Selected Device:
    ②Setting & Utilities:
    COM Port:COM6
    Meta Image1:9_gesture_6443_AOP.bin

    The other settings are the default settings.
    Please let me know if you need any other information.
    I look forward to your reply.

    Best regards,
    Shumpei Matsumoto

  • Hi, 

    Let me check and get back to you. Are you using MMWAVE ICBOOST or just AWR6843AOP EVM in stand alone mode? 

    Also can you please let me know the revision number of the EVM? 


    Sudharshan K N 

  • Hi, 

    Please verify that the board is configured the flash mode settings before attempting to flash the device. The failure could be because of the following reasons 

    1. Switch setting not set to flashing mode. 

    On the AWR6843AOP EVM make sure that the device is configured with right switch settings on the EVM. The details can be found in 60GHz mmWave Sensor EVMs user guide section 4.6. 

    Switch positions can be located as shown below 

    The switch settings for flashing mode are given here. The below settings assume that the board is used in standalone/modular mode and is not connected to MMWAVE ICBOOST  

    2. Connect the USB to the board. The USB should be connected to the "Mission AOP Board" side USB connector. 

    3. Reset the device with the push switch on the board 

    4. Get the enumerated COM port list from device manager. 

    5. In Uniflash tool for COM port settings use "Enhanced COM port" as shown below 

    6. select the image and flash it. Once the flashing is complete you will see the below message 

    Note; If the AWR6843AOP device selection doesn't work then try with AWR6843 device or IWR6843 as selection. 


    Sudharshan K N 

  • Dear Sudharshan K N,

    I'm so sorry for taking so long to get back to you.
    I'm grateful for your response.

    EVM is in standalone mode.
    Is the EVM revision as shown in the image below?

    Also, I checked the setting method of "flash mode" you sent me and tried to write again, but the operation stopped with "Connected to COM port." displayed.

    Note; Changing the device setting to "AWR 6843" or "IWR 6843" produced similar results.

    Also, I will attach the image of EVM in "flash mode" just in case.

    Best regards,
    Shumpei Matsumoto

  • Hi, 

    The switch settings are incorrect. 

    S2 Switch settings must be Off, On, Off, Off

    S3 should be ON 

    USB cable should be connected to J1


    Sudharshan K N 

  • Dear Sudharshan K N,

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I changed the switch on S2 and updated Uniflash to version: 8.1.1 and I was able to write successfully.

    Thank you very much for your response.

    Best regards,
    Shumpei Matsumoto