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AWR6843: AWR6843 RF monitor

Part Number: AWR6843
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1642

Hi Team,

Recently, I had some queries while debugging the AWR6843 RF monitoring function.

I set some monitoring functions and found that they cannot be set. But I could configure them normally when I was running them on AWR1642.

When I ran the two monitoring configuration functions on AWR6843, the following errors occurred. The configuration functions are listed at the end of the Description of my issue.

Error: rlRfDigMonEnableConfig retVal=250

Error: rlRfAnaMonConfig retVal=281

The error's code in the driver is as follows.

/*! Monitoring config APIs */

#define RL_RET_CODE_DEVICE_NOT_ASILB_TYPE             (250U)

/* Device type is not ASILB */


According to the error code, the device type of AWR6843 is not ASILB and does not support rlRfAnaMonConfig monitoring. Is my understanding correct? Why is AWR1642 workable? Does AWR6843 remove these monitoring functions?

The AWR6843 manual suggests that the device type is ASILB, which seems sort of contradictory.

The configuarion functions that I ran are listed as follows.

1、int32_t Mmw_digMonEnableConfig(void)
int32_t retVal;
rlMonDigEnables_t data = { 0 };
/* Each bit(0-31) represents different digital monitor enable configuration */
data.enMask = (0 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (0 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (0 << 4)
| (0 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10)
| (1 << 11) | (0 << 12) | (0 << 13) | (0 << 14) | (0 << 15)
| (1 << 16) | (1 << 17) | (0 << 18) | (1 << 19) | (1 << 20)
| (0 << 21) | (0 << 22) | (0 << 23) | (1 << 24) | (1 << 25)
| (1 << 26) | (0 << 27) | (0 << 28) | (0 << 29) | (0 << 30)
| (0 << 31);
data.testMode = 0;
/* Digital monitoring configuration */
retVal = rlRfDigMonEnableConfig(RL_DEVICE_MAP_INTERNAL_BSS, &data);
/* Check for mmWaveLink API call status */
if (retVal != 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Error: Link reported an issue. */
printf("Error: rlRfDigMonEnableConfig retVal=%d\n", retVal);
return -1;

2、int32_t Mmw_setRfAnaMonConfig(void)
int32_t retVal;
/* Each bit(0-31) represents different analog monitor enable configuration */
rlMonAnaEnables_t data = { (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5)
| (0 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (0 << 9) | (1 << 10)
| (0 << 11) | (0 << 12) | (0 << 13) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 15)
| (1 << 16) | (1 << 17) | (0 << 18) | (1 << 19) | (1 << 20)
| (0 << 21) | (1 << 22) | (1 << 23) | (0 << 24) | (0 << 25)
| (1 << 26) | (0 << 27) | (0 << 28) | (0 << 29) | (0 << 30)
| (0 << 31),
0x00 };
/* rlMonAnaEnables_t data = { (1 << 0) | (0 << 1) | (0 << 2) | (0 << 3)
| (0 << 4) | (0 << 5) | (0 << 6)
| (0 << 7) | (0 << 8) | (0 << 9)
| (0 << 10) | (0 << 11) | (0 << 12)
| (0 << 13) | (0 << 14) | (0 << 15)
| (0 << 16) | (0 << 17) | (0 << 18)
| (0 << 19) | (0 << 20) | (0 << 21)
| (0 << 22) | (0 << 23) | (1 << 24)
| (1 << 25) | (0 << 26) | (0 << 27)
| (0 << 28) | (0 << 29) | (0 << 30)
| (0 << 31),
0x00 };*/
/* Set channel configuration */
retVal = rlRfAnaMonConfig(RL_DEVICE_MAP_INTERNAL_BSS, &data);
/* Check for mmWaveLink API call status */
if (retVal != 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Error: Link reported an issue. */
printf("Error: rlRfAnaMonConfig retVal=%d\n", retVal);
return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Debug: Finished rlRfAnaMonConfig configurations to BSS\n");
return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Debug: Finished rlRfDigMonEnableConfig configurations to BSS\n");
return 0;

Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    The issue has been tackled with the change of the SDK version. I used SDK3.4 before in which the DFP version was The Radarss in the sdk3.4 doesnt't support rlRfDigMonEnableConfig and such as it only supports Rx saturation and Signal Image monitor.

    Kind regards,
