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TMAG5173-Q1: Reserved fields in register configuration

Part Number: TMAG5173-Q1


In our application we are making periodic readout of sensor configuration to check if everything is ok. In datasheet of tmag5173 (7.6 TMAG5173 Registers) some fields are marked as RESERVED with listed values after reset.  Does values inside reserved fields will be always same for all registers? (will do not change during run of device and will be as listed in Reset field) For example screen with reserved fields in DEVICE_ID register:

  • Michal,

    It's difficult to confirm whether these registers will change or not under all conditions.  They can be used for internal test and verification functions or may even just be unused.  It's generally safest to not assume these bits will always be the same from device to device.  If you are reading them back and do not see changes over time, it may likely well be that the register setting is fixed, but I cannot guarantee this as a general statement.

