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Hi engineers,
I want to rebuild the lib in the C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\ti\datapath\dpu\rangeprocDDMA, the first step mmWave Build Environment Configured is ok,but Encounter an error when I use gmake to rebuild the lib ,such as the following lines:
C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\scripts\windows>set C66x_DSPLIB_INSTALL_PATH=C:/ti/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01/dsplib_c66x_3_4_0_0
C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\scripts\windows>set C66x_MATHLIB_INSTALL_PATH=C:/ti/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01/mathlib_c66x_3_1_2_1
C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\scripts\windows>call checkenv.bat
mmWave Build Environment Configured
C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\scripts\windows> cd /d C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\ti\datapath\dpu\rangeprocDDMA
C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\ti\datapath\dpu\rangeprocDDMA>gmake clean
'Cleaning the rangeproc HWA Library Objects'
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, C:/ti/ccs1200/ccs/utils/cygwin/rm -rf obj_awr2944/rangeprochwaDDMA.oer5f lib/librangeproc_hwa_ddma_awr2944.aer5f, ...) failed.
make (e=2): 系统找不到指定的文件。
rangeproclib.mak:52: recipe for target 'rangeprocHWADDMALibClean' failed
gmake: *** [rangeprocHWADDMALibClean] Error 2
C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\ti\datapath\dpu\rangeprocDDMA>gmake all
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, C:/ti/ccs1200/ccs/utils/cygwin/mkdir -p -p obj_awr2944, ...) failed.
make (e=2): 系统找不到指定的文件。
C:/ti/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01/ti/common/mmwave_sdk.mak:251: recipe for target 'buildDirectories' failed
gmake: *** [buildDirectories] Error 2
Can you tell me how to rebuild de lib ,such as in the C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\ti\datapath\dpu in the right way?
We will need to check the build commands and the issue you are facing on the bench. Kindly allow us some time and we will revert back on this.
I need some more info here:
Hi Kaushik Gowda,
The tool I used is gmake in the C:\ti\ccs1210\ccs\utils\bin,I can‘t using the command "gmake libClean lib" before, and i didn't made any changes to the rangprocDDMA DPU's source files. And now I seem to have found the problem, I modified the 40th line of the file setenv.bat in the path C:\ti\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_03_00_01\scripts\windows to set CCS_INSTALL_PATH=C:/ti/ccs1210 corresponding to my ccs version 1210, and then I can compile, I want to ask you to help confirm, this is correct, right? Do I need to modify anything else?
Hi Kaushik Gowda,
I compiled according to the modification method I mentioned above. The file size after compiling is smaller than the lib file that comes with High end corner radar. The program can run normally, but I don’t know if there are any other problems.
best Regards,
Hi Wenhong,
Yes. This change was required for the build to fetch the dsp compiler tools from the right CCS install dir. There should be no issue in the libs that have been built by you or the ones provided in the example. They have been generated by the same source code. Please be assured that there should be no issue. Let me know if you face any other issues with regards to this or the functionality of the HECR example.
Hi Kaushik,
Currently, I flash the files compiled by myself to EVM, and EVM can run normally. Thank you.
Wenhong liu